Publications by authors named "Owen Sherwood"

Corals and sponges are considered foundational species and can create biodiversity hotspots in the deep sea, yet little is known of their competitive interactions, particularly with respect to resource partitioning among benthic fauna. Here we report on the feeding ecology of deep-water corals, sponges, ascidians, and anemones from a ~ 450 m deep submarine canyon wall off Nova Scotia, Canada. Analysis of bulk stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen confirms isotopic niche partitioning between species despite their physical proximity.

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Boat Harbour, Nova Scotia was a tidal estuary that was converted into a wastewater treatment facility for pulp mill effluent in 1967. Treated effluent from Boat Harbour was discharged into the coastal Northumberland Strait, contributing significant nutrient and freshwater inputs into the coastal environment, potentially impacting local biogeochemistry and ecosystem structure. This study used stable isotope analysis of carbon (δC) and nitrogen (δN) of representative taxa to assess spatial variability in nutrient sources and trophic dynamics.

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Fluids leaked from oil and gas wells often originate from their surface casing─a steel pipe installed beneath the deepest underlying source of potable groundwater that serves as the final barrier around the well system. In this study, we analyze a regulatory dataset of surface casing geochemical samples collected from 2573 wells in northeastern Colorado─the only known publicly available dataset of its kind. Thermogenic gas was present in the surface casings of 96.

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Oil and gas wells with compromised integrity are a concern because they can potentially leak hydrocarbons or other fluids into groundwater and/or the atmosphere. Most states in the United States require some form of integrity testing, but few jurisdictions mandate widespread testing and open reporting on a scale informative for leakage risk assessment. In this study, we searched 33 US state oil and gas regulatory agency databases and identified records useful for evaluating well integrity in Colorado, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.

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The presence of methane and other hydrocarbons in domestic-use groundwater aquifers poses significant environmental and human health concerns. Isotopic measurements are often relied upon as indicators of groundwater aquifer contamination with methane. While these parameters are used to infer microbial metabolisms, there is growing evidence that isotopes present an incomplete picture of subsurface microbial processes.

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Groundwater methane (CH) in areas of fossil fuel development has been a recent focus of study as high CH concentrations pose water quality concerns and potential explosive hazards. In 2013, a provincial study in Nova Scotia identified areas with elevated groundwater CH. However, due to limited data, the specific sources and local distribution of CH in those areas remain unknown.

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The accelerated increase in global methane (CH) in the atmosphere, accompanied by a decrease in its C/C isotopic ratio (δC) from -47.1‰ to -47.3‰ observed since 2008, has been attributed to increased emissions from wetlands and cattle, as well as from shale gas and shale oil developments.

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The risk of environmental contamination by oil and gas wells depends strongly on the frequency with which they lose integrity. Wells with compromised integrity typically exhibit pressure in their outermost annulus (surface casing pressure, SfCP) due to gas accumulation. SfCP is an easily measured but poorly documented gauge of well integrity.

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Methane has the second-largest global radiative forcing impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gases after carbon dioxide, but our understanding of the global atmospheric methane budget is incomplete. The global fossil fuel industry (production and usage of natural gas, oil and coal) is thought to contribute 15 to 22 per cent of methane emissions to the total atmospheric methane budget. However, questions remain regarding methane emission trends as a result of fossil fuel industrial activity and the contribution to total methane emissions of sources from the fossil fuel industry and from natural geological seepage, which are often co-located.

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Unconventional oil and gas development has generated intense public concerns about potential impacts to groundwater quality. Specific pathways of contamination have been identified; however, overall rates of contamination remain ambiguous. We used an archive of geochemical data collected from 1988 to 2014 to determine the sources and occurrence of groundwater methane in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of northeastern Colorado.

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Climate change is predicted to alter marine phytoplankton communities and affect productivity, biogeochemistry, and the efficacy of the biological pump. We reconstructed high-resolution records of changing plankton community composition in the North Pacific Ocean over the past millennium. Amino acid-specific δ(13)C records preserved in long-lived deep-sea corals revealed three major plankton regimes corresponding to Northern Hemisphere climate periods.

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The North Pacific subtropical gyre (NPSG) plays a major part in the export of carbon and other nutrients to the deep ocean. Primary production in the NPSG has increased in recent decades despite a reduction in nutrient supply to surface waters. It is thought that this apparent paradox can be explained by a shift in plankton community structure from mostly eukaryotes to mostly nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes.

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Despite the importance of the nitrogen (N) cycle on marine productivity, little is known about variability in N sources and cycling in the ocean in relation to natural and anthropogenic climate change. Beyond the last few decades of scientific observation, knowledge depends largely on proxy records derived from nitrogen stable isotopes (δ(15)N) preserved in sediments and other bioarchives. Traditional bulk δ(15)N measurements, however, represent the combined influence of N source and subsequent trophic transfers, often confounding environmental interpretation.

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Stable nitrogen isotope (delta(15)N) analysis has proven an effective "fingerprint" of sewage contamination in coral reef environments; however, short-term variability in nitrogen cycling and isotopic fractionation may obscure long-term trends. Here, we examine delta(15)N signatures in the organic endoskeletons of long-lived (20-40 years) gorgonian corals. Specimens were collected from relatively pristine reefs off Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas, and from reefs off southeast Florida heavily impacted by multiple sources of anthropogenic nitrogen.

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While coral reefs decline, scientists argue, and effective strategies to manage land-based pollution lag behind the extent of the problem. There is need for objective, cost-effective, assessment methods. The measurement of stable nitrogen isotope ratios, delta(15)N, in tissues of reef organisms shows promise as an indicator of sewage stress.

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Bioerosion by Cliona delitrix and Cliona lampa was assessed at 43 sites along the Florida Reef Tract, USA, in the summer of 2001. Sponge abundances were estimated using rapid visual assessment. Tissue samples of sponges were taken for analysis of delta15N.

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