Publications by authors named "Overland M"

Functional feeds, as a prophylactic strategy, are a promising alternative to address stressful production-related activities (e.g., seawater transfer, delousing) and infectious diseases in salmon farming.

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Background: There is a significant gap in understanding which strategies effectively enhance vaccination rates for recommended adult vaccines in primary care settings. This review aimed to identify interventions in outpatient clinics that increase vaccination rates for commonly recommended adult vaccines and describe the change in vaccination rate associated with each intervention aimed at increasing vaccination rates in adults.

Methods: Systematic searches identified randomized, controlled trials aiming to increase the rate of vaccination in adults in outpatient clinics.

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Objective: To evaluate the association of race and ethnicity with urine testing for febrile children in the emergency department and to measure trends in urine testing from 2002 to 2021.

Study Design/methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of children aged 2-24 months with a recorded temperature of ≥ 38 °C who presented to an emergency department in the United States from 2002 to 2021 using the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. We assessed trends in urine testing stratified by sex, race, and ethnicity over two decades and performed univariate and multivariate analyses.

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Yeast serves as a functional alternative and sustainable protein source in aquaculture. This protocol outlines feeding strategy and intestinal proteome analysis of zebrafish (Danio rerio), using S-trap for digestion, iTRAQ, and mass spectrometry for protein quantification. Additionally, it details the analysis of chemical components in feed and functional assessments via Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), Eukaryotic Orthologous Group (KOG), and Gene Ontology (GO).

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Introduction: Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Appendicovesicostomy (RALAPV) is increasingly performed as a minimally invasive alternative to the open appendicovesicostomy (OPAV), but questions remain regarding the efficacy of the RALAPV compared to OPAV.

Objective: To assess and compare outcomes for non-augmented RALAPV to the open surgical approach.

Materials And Methods: An IRB approved prospective registry was retrospectively examined to abstract all patients who underwent APV without augment between 2012 and 2023.

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  • - The study investigates non-operative management of pediatric ureteroceles, finding that this approach leads to less frequent and later secondary surgical interventions compared to those who undergo immediate surgery.
  • - Successful non-operative treatment is linked to factors such as smaller ureterocele size, absence of high-grade vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), and fewer comorbidities among patients.
  • - Despite these findings, there is still no standard method for choosing which patients should receive non-operative care, highlighting the need for more consensus in managing ureteroceles.
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In Chile, Piscirickettsia salmonis contains two genetically isolated genogroups, LF-89 and EM-90. However, the impact of a potential co-infection with these two variants on Salmonid Rickettsial Septicemia (SRS) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) remains largely unexplored. In our study, we evaluated the effect of P.

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Background: Although primary care is associated with population health benefits, the supply of primary care physicians continues to decline. Internal medicine (IM) primary care residency programs have produced graduates that pursue primary care; however, it is uncertain what characteristics and training factors most affect primary care career choice.

Objective: To assess factors that influenced IM primary care residents to pursue a career in primary care versus a non-primary care career.

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Diet-mediated host-microbiota interplay is a key factor in optimizing the gut function and overall health of the host. Gaining insight into the biological mechanisms behind this relationship is fundamental to finding sustainable, environment-friendly feed solutions in livestock production systems. Here, we apply a multi-omics integration approach to elucidate sustainable diet-associated host-gut microbiota interactions in pigs and we demonstrate novel and biologically relevant host-microbe associations in the gut, driven by a rapeseed meal-based feed (RSF).

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Introduction: Digital gaming is a popular and often social activity, also among adults. However, we need more knowledge of the social dynamics of gaming and its potential benefits for one's well-being. The current study aimed to examine gaming motivation, time spent gaming, and gaming performed together with friends, family, or romantic partner and how these aspects relate to expanded social network and well-being among men and women with and without disability.

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Paecilomyces variotii (a filamentous fungus), is a promising novel protein source in fish feeds due to its high nutritional value. Also, P. variotii has Microbial-Associated Molecular Patterns (MAMPs) such as glucans and nucleic acids that could modulate the host's immune response.

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Yeasts contain bioactive components that can enhance fish immune robustness and disease resistance. Our study focused on analyzing intestinal immunoregulatory pathways in zebrafish () using iTRAQ and 2D LC-MS/MS to quantify intestinal proteins. Zebrafish were fed either control diet (C) or diet supplemented with autolyzed (ACJ).

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Urethral atresia is a rare but clinically significant cause of congenital lower urinary tract obstruction. Initial management options include urinary diversion until definitive urethral reconstruction or progressive urethral dilation. Given the overall rarity of the condition, there are no evidence-based guidelines for the immediate and long-term management of urethral atresia, and clinical practice varies widely.

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The effect of dietary graded levels of Cyberlindnera jadinii yeast (C. jadinii) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and gut health of broilers was evaluated from 1 to 34 d of age. A total of 360 male broiler chicks were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 dietary treatments (6 replicate pens each) consisting of a wheat-soybean meal-based pelleted diet (Control or CJ0), and 3 diets in which 10% (CJ10), 20% (CJ20), and 30% (CJ30) of the crude protein were supplied by C.

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Context: The current EAU/ESPU and recently retired AAP pediatric UTI guidelines recommend renal bladder ultrasound after first febrile UTI in children to screen for structural abnormalities, regardless of findings on prenatal ultrasound.

Objective: Test the hypothesis that a normal prenatal ultrasound could rule out urinary tract abnormality on post-UTI ultrasound.

Data Sources: Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library.

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  • * Early detection before birth is crucial for helping families prepare and ensuring that specialized medical resources are in place.
  • * The study highlights a specific case of covered cloacal exstrophy and emphasizes the need for more data across institutions to better understand and support these rare conditions over time.
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Atlantic salmon () is one of the worlds most domesticated fish. As production volumes increase, access to high quality and sustainable protein sources for formulated feeds of this carnivorous fish is required. Soybean meal (SBM) and soy-derived proteins are the dominant protein sources in commercial aquafeeds due to their low-cost, availability and favorable amino acid profile.

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Supplementing ruminants' diet with seaweed has shown positive effect on meat quality and micronutrients important for human health. The objective of the present study was to investigate the use of in a lamb diet to improve the eating quality and nutritional value of meat. Six-month-old female Norwegian White lambs ( = 24) were fed, 35 days pre-slaughter, three different diets: a control (CON) and two seaweed diets (SW); supplemented with either 2.

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The interplay between nutrition and the immune system is well recognized, and several studies show that experimental diets elicit local morphological changes and alteration of gene and protein expression in the intestinal mucosa of Atlantic salmon. In this study the pathophysiological effects of experimental diets on mucosal responses in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon were investigated. Atlantic salmon were fed diets with inclusion of soybean meal (SBM) and Cyberlindnera jadinii (CJ) yeast for 7 days.

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Background: Yeasts are gaining attention as alternative ingredients in aquafeeds. However, the impact of yeast inclusion on modulation of intestinal microbiota of fish fed plant-based ingredients is limited. Thus, the present study investigates the effects of yeast and processing on composition, diversity and predicted metabolic capacity of gut microbiota of Atlantic salmon smolt fed soybean meal (SBM)-based diet.

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Paraprobiotics (dead/inactivated probiotics) are promising candidates in functional feeds to promote growth performance, modulate intestinal microbiota and enhance immune response of fish. During industrial production, fish are exposed to several stressful conditions such as handling, sub-optimal nutrition and diseases that can lead to reduced growth, increased mortalities and large economical losses. Such problems can be mitigated by use of functional feeds, leading to more-sustainable aquaculture and improved animal welfare.

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We have much to learn from other living organisms when it comes to engineering strategies to combat bacterial infections. This study describes the fabrication of cicada wing-inspired nanotopography on commercially pure (CP) nitrile sheets and nitrile gloves for medical use using the reactive ion etching (RIE) technique. Antibacterial activity against was tested using two different surface morphologies.

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The porcine gut microbiome is central to animal health and growth as well as it can be structurally or functionally reshaped by dietary interventions. The gut microbiota composition in relation to Cyberlindnera jadinii yeast as a protein source in a weanling diet was studied previously. Also, there is a mounting body of knowledge regarding the porcine gut microbiome composition in response to the use of rapeseed (Brassica napus subsp.

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A definition of normal human fetal and early postnatal ovarian development is critical to the ability to accurately diagnose the presence or absence of functional ovarian tissue in clinical specimens. Through assembling an extensive histologic and immunohistochemical developmental ontogeny of human ovarian specimens from 8 weeks of gestation through 16 years of postnatal, we present a comprehensive immunohistochemical mapping of normal protein expression patterns in the early fetal through post-pubertal human ovary and detail a specific expression-based definition of the early stages of follicular development. Normal fetal and postnatal ovarian tissue is defined by the presence of follicular structures and characteristic immunohistochemical staining patterns, including granulosa cells expressing Forkhead Box Protein L2 (FOXL2).

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