Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) represent a key component of innate host defence against bacterial pathogens. Bacterial resistance mechanisms usually depend on the characteristic positive charge of AMPs. However, several human cell types also produce anionic AMPs, mechanisms of resistance to which are poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLittle is known about factors that mediate the relationship between anxiety and respiratory-related distress and disability. We hypothesized that elevations in anxiety sensitivity would be associated with greater severity of dyspnea, greater dyspnea-related avoidance, and poorer subjective assessment of health in patients with dyspnea referred for pulmonary function testing, regardless of objective evidence of pulmonary dysfunction. A total of 182 consecutive patients receiving pulmonary function tests to evaluate dyspnea were screened with a patient-rated Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders and completed the Anxiety Sensitivity Index and questionnaires assessing symptom severity and avoidance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids
April 2007
In order to study structure-activity relationships among the derivatives and congeners of 5',9-anhydro-3-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)xanthine for anti-hepatitis C virus activity, a series of 5',9-anhydro-purine-isonucleosides with a substituent (s) at 6- or/and 8-position of the purine moiety were synthesized, and their anti-hepatitis C virus activity and cytotoxicity were evaluated and discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains a major problem in hospitals, and it is now spreading in the community. A single toxin, Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), has been linked by epidemiological studies to community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) disease. However, the role that PVL plays in the pathogenesis of CA-MRSA has not been tested directly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBeta-D-2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-2'-C-methylcytidine (PSI-6130) is a potent specific inhibitor of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA synthesis in Huh-7 replicon cells. To inhibit the HCV NS5B RNA polymerase, PSI-6130 must be phosphorylated to the 5'-triphosphate form. The phosphorylation of PSI-6130 and inhibition of HCV NS5B were investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCogn Behav Pract
November 2006
Cambodian refugees represent a severely traumatized population living in the United States. In this paper, we describe the modification of a cognitive-behavior therapy program to facilitate delivery of an exposure-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder while addressing some of the challenges brought by differences in language and culture between providers and patients. Our treatment modifications include the use of metaphors and culturally relevant examples to aid the communication of core concepts by interpreters, an emphasis on teaching the "process" of exposure therapy rather than relying on specific exposure practice in the group setting, a focus on interoceptive exposure to allow more effective group practice and to address culturally specific symptom interpretations, attention to the way in which treatment procedures interacted with culturally specific beliefs, and efforts to integrate treatment services within the community.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmong psychologically distressed Cambodian refugees, somatic complaints are particularly prominent. Cambodians interpret anxiety-related somatic sensations in terms of "Wind" (khyâl), an ethnophysiology that gives rise to multiple catastrophic interpretations; and they have prominent trauma-memory associations to anxiety-related somatic symptoms. In this article, we detail some of the common sensation-related dysphoric networks of Cambodian refugees, focusing on catastrophic cognitions and trauma associations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGiven the ever-increasing sources of trauma both nationally and globally, it is imperative to develop new and better treatments for anxiety disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This review is a collection of presentations that seek to do just that, either by using pharmacotherapy to try to prevent or erase the formation of traumatic fear memories, or to enhance exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy using pharmacological agents that have been effective in enhanced extinction of fear in rodents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFbeta-D-2'-Deoxy-2'-fluoro-2'-C-methylcytidine (PSI-6130) is a cytidine analogue with potent and selective anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) activity in the subgenomic HCV replicon assay, 90% effective concentration (EC90)=4.6 +/- 2.0 microM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExpert Rev Anti Infect Ther
August 2006
Clevudine (CLV) is a nucleoside analog of the unnatural L-configuration that has potent anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV) activity in vitro and in vivo with a favorable toxicity profile in all species tested. In cell culture, CLV is readily phosphorylated to the corresponding 5'-triphosphate form of the compound. The mechanism of action of CLV involves the inhibition of the HBV polymerase by CLV 5'-triphosphate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Randomized trials indicate that psychosocial interventions effective adjuncts to pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorder (1,2). A one-year naturalistic-prospective design was used to examine the association between psychotherapy use and the symptomatic and functional outcomes of patients with bipolar disorder.
Methods: Patients with bipolar disorder in a depressed phase (N=248) were drawn from the first 1,000 enrollees (November 1999 to April 2002) in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program (STEP-BD), a study of patients with bipolar disorder receiving best-practice pharmacotherapy.
Objective: We examined the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following indirect exposure to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in a cohort at high risk for adverse trauma-related sequelae as a result of having bipolar disorder.
Method: Subjects (N = 137) were participants in the ongoing, naturalistic, longitudinal study Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) prior to September 11, 2001. The present study examined prospectively collected pre-event information about bipolar disorder and other potential predictors of PTSD, along with assessment of the level of indirect trauma exposure (i.
Background: Improvements in quality of life (QoL) as well as symptomatic relief are important outcomes for the treatment of panic disorder (PD). The aim of this study is to assess the impact of brief cognitive behavior group therapy (CBGT) for panic disorder on QoL and to identify the clinical features associated with these changes.
Methods: Thirty-six patients with PD refractory to pharmacological treatment took part in a treatment protocol consisting of 12 sessions of CBGT.
Context: Transition to menopause has long been considered a period of increased risk for depressive symptoms. However, it is unclear whether this period is one of increased risk for major depressive disorder, particularly for women who have not had a previous episode of depression.
Objective: To examine the association between the menopausal transition and onset of first lifetime episode of depression among women with no history of mood disturbance.
Missing data is a problem that is ubiquitous to all clinical studies and a source of multiple problems from an analytic point of view (reduced statistical power, increased the type I error, bias) Statistical approaches have been developed to analyze data collected from trials with missing data. Understanding and implementing the appropriate statistical technique is essential but should be differentiated from preventive approaches that are designed to reduce rates of missing data In this article, we draw attention to these preventive efforts. Seven steps to minimizing the amount of missing data are defined as documentation, training, monitoring reports, patient contact, data entry and management, pilot studies, and communication.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is common and debilitating. Although exposure therapy is one of the most effective forms of psychotherapy for this disorder, many patients remain symptomatic. Fear reduction in exposure therapy is similar to extinction learning, and early clinical data with specific phobias suggest that the treatment effects of exposure therapy for SAD may be enhanced with d-cycloserine, an agonist at the glutamatergic N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCell population density-dependent regulation of gene expression is an important determinant of bacterial pathogenesis. Staphylococci have two quorum-sensing (QS) systems. The accessory gene regulator (agr) is genus specific and uses a post-translationally modified peptide as an autoinducing signal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStaphylococci are important opportunistic pathogens. However, there is a lack of information on how these bacteria survive inside the human body during infection. This study demonstrates that quorum-sensing regulation in Staphylococcus epidermidis protects it from key mechanisms of human innate host defense.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined clinical predictors of client and therapist alliance ratings early in therapy, the relationship between client and therapist alliance ratings, and the psychometric properties of the Working Alliance Inventory in individuals with schizophrenia receiving manual-based treatment. Assessment of clinical symptoms and social functioning were conducted at baseline, and alliance ratings were obtained at 5 weeks. The Working Alliance Inventory had high internal consistency, but there were low correlations between client and therapist ratings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Little is known about clinical features associated with the risk of recurrence in patients with bipolar disorder receiving treatment according to contemporary practice guidelines. The authors looked for the features associated with risk of recurrence.
Method: The authors examined prospective data from a cohort of patients with bipolar disorder participating in the multicenter Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) study for up to 24 months.