Publications by authors named "Osman Gamal"

Lung cancer remains one of the most lethal malignancies globally, underscoring the dire need for effective therapy. Scheduled administration of gemcitabine (GMC) followed by docetaxel (DTX) is clinically employed. Yet, the detrimental systemic toxicity and pharmacokinetic inadequacies such as the short plasma half-life of the former and poor bioavailability of the latter limit their use.

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Background: Hepatobiliary manifestations occur in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients. The effect of laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy (LRP) with ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) on hepatobiliary manifestations is debated.

Aim: To evaluate hepatobiliary changes after two-stages elective laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy for patients with UC.

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Background: This study aimed to evaluate the results of posterior component separation (CS) and transversus abdominis muscle release (TAR) with retro-muscular mesh reinforcement in patients with primary abdominal wall dehiscence (AWD). The secondary aims were to detect the incidence of postoperative surgical site occurrence and risk factors of incisional hernia (IH) development following AWD repair with posterior CS with TAR reinforced by retromuscular mesh.

Methods: Between June 2014 and April 2018, 202 patients with grade IA primary AWD (Björck's first classification) following midline laparotomies were treated using posterior CS with TAR release reinforced by a retro-muscular mesh in a prospective multicenter cohort study.

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Unlabelled: Background there is a need for novel biomarkers and targeting therapies for predicting Endometrial carcinoma (EC) progression and recurrence. TMEFF2 is a gene that was found to play a role in EMT. SMOC-2 is expressed in embryogenesis and it was identified as a recent stem cell-related gene that has a role in cancer progression.

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Serous ovarian carcinoma (SOC) is an ovarian cancer with a high fatality rate. Therefore, a lot of researchers have tried to identify novel prognostic biomarkers which might improve the patient prognosis. The aims of the study were to detect the tissue protein expression of Beclin-1 in addition to HIF-1α in SOC patients, to evaluate the relationship between their expression, the clinicopathological parameters, patients' prognosis, and the relation to chemotherapy resistance in SOC.

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Background: Despite the significant progress in target therapy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC), the overall survival isn't satisfactory.

Methods: We assessed the expression of Amphiregulin, PTEN, and P21 in sections from 23 paraffin blocks prepared from 23 patients with left-sided mCRC using immunohistochemistry (IHC). The relationship between their level of expressions, clinicopathological parameters, response to anti-EGFR, and prognosis were analyzed.

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A high degree of endemism has been recorded for several plant groups collectively in Saint Katherine Protectorate (SKP) in the Sinai Peninsula. Nine endangered endemic plant species in SKP were selected to test the variable abilities of three different DNA barcodes; Riboluse-1,5- Biphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Large subunit (), Internal Transcribed Spacer (), and the two regions of the plastid gene () as well as Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) Polymorphism to find the phylogenetic relationships among them. The three barcodes were generally more capable of finding the genetic relationships among the plant species under study, new barcodes were introduced to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) for the first time through our work.

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The search for effective and bioactive antimicrobial molecules to  encounter the medical need for new antibiotics is an encouraging area of research. Plant defensins are small cationic, cysteine-rich peptides with a stabilized tertiary structure by disulfide-bridges and characterized by a wide range of biological functions. The heterologous expression of Egyptian maize defensin (MzDef) in Escherichia coli and subsequent purification by glutathione affinity chromatography yielded 2 mg/L of recombinant defensin peptide.

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The authors tested the efficacy of two salt nanoparticles (NPs), namely, copper dioxide (CuO) and tri-calcium phosphate [Ca(PO)] to induce resistance in green bean pods against grey mould and white rot diseases caused by and , respectively. High amounts of phytoalexins, kievitone, coumestrol, phaseollidin, 6-ά-hydroxyphaseollin, and phaseollin, were detected in naturally infected and artificially inoculated green bean pods in response to the tested NPs. Green bean plants treated in the field with CuO and Ca(PO) NPs had the highest mRNA quantity of all the studied defence genes, receptor-like kinase (), pathogenesis-related protein (), 1,3-β-D-glucanase (), polygalacturonase inhibitor protein (), and alpha-dioxygenase () than that of the control group.

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Introduction: Inguinal hernioplasty is the standard treatment for inguinal hernia in adults. Mesh fixation was used to keep mesh in place for which various mesh fixation techniques have been used in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in adults, but their effectiveness has remained inconclusive.

Aim Of The Work: to evaluate non fixation method of mesh laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty as safe and effective as regard short and long term outcomes.

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Glyphosate is a commonly used organophosphate herbicide that has an adverse impact on humans, mammals and soil microbial ecosystems. The redundant utilize of glyphosate to control weed growth cause the pollution of the soil environment by this chemical. The discharge of glyphosate in the agricultural drainage can also cause serious environmental damage and water pollution problems.

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Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is mostly diagnosed at advanced stage, so prognosis is poor. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the molecular mechanism of GC development to design new targeted treatment to improve the prognosis of gastric cancer patients.

Aim Of The Work: To assess the prognostic value of NEDD-9 and FOXL-1 expression in intestinal type gastric cancer patients, as well as their relationship to clinicopathologic features of the disease and patients outcome.

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Fenugreek as a self-pollinated plant is ideal for genome-wide association mapping where traits can be marked by their association with natural mutations. However, fenugreek is poorly investigated at the genomic level due to the lack of information regarding its genome. To fill this gap, we genotyped a collection of 112 genotypes with 153,881 SNPs using double digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing.

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Inherited thrombocytopenias are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a reduced number of platelets and a bleeding tendency that ranges from very mild to life threatening especially in surgery. Mutations in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of Ankirin repeat domain 26 (ANKRD26) are responsible for autosomal-dominant form of thrombocytopenia, that is known as ANKRD26-related thrombocytopenia (ANKRD26 RT), characterized by a moderate thrombocytopenia with mild propensity to bleeding and predisposition to hematological malignancies including AML and MDS. We included 90 unrelated patients with inherited thrombocytopenia.

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The field application of safe chemical inducers plays a vital role in the stimulation of systematic acquired resistance (SAR) of plants. In this study, the efficacy use of three and six field applications with chitosan, lithovit, and K-thiosulfate at 4 gL and salicylic acid at 1.5 gL in improving tomato productivity, quality, and modifying the defense signaling pathways to the infection was investigated.

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Cactaceae plant family comprises over 130 genera and 2000 species of succulent flowering plants. The genera and (), which have medicinal and nutritional applications as well as aesthetic appeal, are considered to be among the major genera of the family. Several species of both genera show morphological and chemical similarities and diversities according to environmental conditions and genotypes.

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Throughout the vegetative life of , vegetative insecticidal proteins (Vip) are produced and secreted. In the present study, the vip3 gene isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis, an Egyptian isolate, was successfully amplified (2.4 kbp) and expressed using bacterial expression system.

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Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is one of the most devastating animal viruses that affect livestock worldwide. The 1B capsid of FMDV has been widely used to detect and confirm the infection. In the present study, the sequence coding for 1B subunit of FMDV capsid was expressed in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system under the polyhedrin () promoter.

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In this study, we investigated a novel aflatoxin biosensor based on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition by aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and developed electrochemical biosensors based on a sodium alginate biopolymer as a new matrix for acetylcholinesterase immobilization. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was performed as a convenient transduction method to evaluate the AChE activity through the oxidation of the metabolic product, thiocholine. Satisfactory analytical performances in terms of high sensitivity, good repeatability, and long-term storage stability were obtained with a linear dynamic range from 0.

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Root Knot Nematode (RKN, ) is one of the greatest damaging soil pathogens causes severe yield losses in cucumber and many other economic crops. Here, we evaluated the potential antagonistic effect of the root mutualistic fungus against RKN and their impact on vegetative growth, yield, photosynthesis, endogenous salicylic acid (SA) and its responsive genes. Our results showed that dramatically decreased the damage on shoot and root architecture of cucumber plants, which consequently enhanced yield of infested plants.

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Bird fecal matter is considered a potential source of pathogenic microbes such as yeast species that contaminate the environment. Therefore, it needs to be scrutinized to assess potential environmental health risks. The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of the yeasts in pigeon fecal droppings, their antifungal susceptibility patterns, and virulence factors.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study explored the early cancer risk from low-dose inhalation of MTBE vapors in rats using protein analysis and histological assessments.
  • Three specific protein bands were identified in rat sera, linked to carbonic anhydrase 2 and peroxiredoxin 2, indicating potential biological changes due to exposure.
  • Histopathological examination revealed significant lung and trachea alterations, including cell necrosis, inflammation, and structural damage, suggesting that even low MTBE exposure could harm respiratory tissue.
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Black cutworm (BCW) is an economically important lepidopteran insect. The control of this insect by a Bt toxin and the understanding of the interaction between the Bt toxin and its receptor molecule were the objectives of this research work. A gene coding for a Vip3A receptor molecule was identified, characterized, and cloned, from the brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) of the BCW.

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Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is one of the most devastating viral pathogens of cloven-hoofed animals. The detection of antibodies (Ab) against FMDV structural proteins (SP) using virus neutralization test (VNT) and liquid-phase blocking ELISA (LPBE) is the standard procedure in use for monitoring seroconversion in animals post vaccination, the prevalence of infection-surveillance, proving clinical cases and seronegative status of FMDV-free/naïve-animals prior transportation. However, due to variations within SP of FMDV serotypes, each serotype-specific Ab should be detected separately which is laborious and time-consuming.

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Most scientific studies on Calotropis procera refer to the plant as an important source of pharmaceutical compounds and its valuable benefits in medicine. One of the most important substances in this plant is the potential immunostimulant β-sitosterol (BS) that acts in improving human health. This study focused on the effects of lighting before and after irrigation on the BS accumulation pathway namely steroid biosynthesis.

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