Publications by authors named "Osborn G"

Background: Anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) IgG1-based antibody therapies significantly improve cancer prognosis, yet intrinsic or acquired resistance to fragment antigen-binding (Fab)-mediated direct effects commonly occurs. Most resistant tumors retain antigen expression and therefore remain potentially targetable with anti-HER2 therapies that promote immune-mediated responses. Tumor-antigen-specific IgE class antibodies can mediate powerful immune cell-mediated effects against different cancers and have been shown to activate IgE Fc receptor-expressing monocytes.

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  • * Researchers used PET imaging to study the behavior of NK cells that were tagged with a radiolabel (Zr) and how their accumulation in breast tumors was affected by trastuzumab treatment in mouse models.
  • * Results showed that the tagged NK cells successfully migrated to HER2-positive tumors, with enhanced accumulation noted when combined with trastuzumab treatment, while also retaining essential functions necessary for their immune response capabilities.
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Introduction: Between 2000 and 2015, significant gains were recorded in reducing the global burden of malaria due to enhanced global collaboration and increased funding. However, progress has stagnated post-2015, and the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have reversed some of these gains, necessitating a critical reevaluation of interventions. This paper aims to analyze the setbacks and offer recommendations for advancement in malaria control and prevention in sub-Saharan Africa.

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  • Despite advancements in immunotherapies for melanoma, many patients still don't benefit due to current treatments mainly targeting T-cells rather than the more prevalent macrophages in the tumor environment.
  • Macrophages have a dual role: they can activate the immune response and kill cancer cells, but they can also aid in tumor growth and spread depending on their interaction with the tumor microenvironment.
  • A thorough understanding of macrophages' roles and interactions in melanoma, along with novel therapies aimed at them, is crucial for enhancing treatment outcomes for melanoma patients.
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Background: Survival rates for ovarian cancer remain poor, and monitoring and prediction of therapeutic response may benefit from additional markers. Ovarian cancers frequently overexpress Folate Receptor alpha (FRα) and the soluble receptor (sFRα) is measurable in blood. Here we investigated sFRα as a potential biomarker.

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CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs are known to acquire tissue-specific features and exert cytoprotective and regenerative functions. The extent to which this applies to liver-resident Tregs is unknown. In this study, we aimed to explore the phenotypic and functional characteristics of adult murine liver resident Tregs during homeostasis.

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Background: The British Antarctic bases offer a semiclosed environment for assessing the transmission and persistence of seasonal respiratory viruses.

Methods: Weekly swabbing was performed for respiratory pathogen surveillance (including SARS-CoV-2), at 2 British Antarctic Survey bases, during 2020: King Edward Point (KEP, 30 June to 29 September, 9 participants, 124 swabs) and Rothera (9 May to 6 June, 27 participants, 127 swabs). Symptom questionnaires were collected for any newly symptomatic cases that presented during this weekly swabbing period.

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The application of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for the treatment of melanoma has significantly improved the clinical management of this malignancy over the last decade. Currently approved mAbs for melanoma enhance T cell effector immune responses by blocking immune checkpoint molecules PD-L1/PD-1 and CTLA-4. However, more than half of patients do not benefit from treatment.

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Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) expressing PD-L1 qualify for checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy. Cyclin E/CDK2 is a potential target axis in TNBC; however, small-molecule drugs at efficacious doses may be associated with toxicity, and treatment alongside immunotherapy requires investigation. We evaluated CDK inhibition at suboptimal levels and its anti-tumor and immunomodulatory effects.

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The immune system interacts with many nominal 'danger' signals, endogenous danger-associated (DAMP), exogenous pathogen (PAMP) and allergen (AAMP)-associated molecular patterns. The immune context under which these are received can promote or prevent immune activating or inflammatory mechanisms and may orchestrate diverse immune responses in allergy and cancer. Each can act either by favouring a respective pathology or by supporting the immune response to confer protective effects, depending on acuity or chronicity.

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The unmet clinical need for effective treatments in ovarian cancer has yet to be addressed using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), which have largely failed to overcome tumour-associated immunosuppression, restrict cancer growth, and significantly improve survival. In recent years, experimental mAb design has moved away from solely targeting ovarian tumours and instead sought to modulate the wider tumour microenvironment (TME). Tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) may represent an attractive therapeutic target for mAbs in ovarian cancer due to their high abundance and close proximity to tumour cells and their active involvement in facilitating several pro-tumoural processes.

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  • IgE is primarily known for its role in allergic responses and parasite protection, but emerging evidence suggests it also plays a significant role in tumor immunosurveillance and cancer treatment through therapies like MOv18.
  • Epidemiological studies indicate that higher IgE levels and related allergic conditions may provide protective effects against certain cancers, while IgE deficiency is associated with increased cancer risk.
  • The complex relationship between IgE, allergy, and cancer calls for further exploration, which could lead to new therapeutic strategies that incorporate IgE-based treatments alongside standard IgG antibody therapies.
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The contributions of the humoral immune response to melanoma are now widely recognized, with reports of positive prognostic value ascribed to tumor-infiltrating B cells (TIL-B) and increasing evidence of B cells as key predictors of patient response to treatment. There are disparate views as to the pro- and anti-tumor roles of B cells. B cells appear to play an integral role in forming tumor-associated tertiary lymphoid structures (TLSs) which can further modulate T cell activation.

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Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated protein-4 (CTLA-4) and the Programmed Death Receptor 1 (PD-1) are immune checkpoint molecules that are well-established targets of antibody immunotherapies for the management of malignant melanoma. The monoclonal antibodies, Ipilimumab, Pembrolizumab, and Nivolumab, designed to interfere with T cell inhibitory signals to activate immune responses against tumors, were originally approved as monotherapy. Treatment with a combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors may improve outcomes compared to monotherapy in certain patient groups and these clinical benefits may be derived from unique immune mechanisms of action.

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  • IgE plays a crucial role in enhancing the immune response during infections and has been shown to aid monocyte and macrophage recruitment, which is important for fighting tumors.
  • The study found that IgE stimulation of human monocytes leads to the activation of pro-inflammatory signals and improved tumor-killing functions, which could be beneficial for cancer treatment.
  • Insights from this research can help develop new IgE monoclonal antibody therapies aimed at boosting immune responses against cancer.
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Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are well known for their role in allergic diseases and for contributions to antiparasitic immune responses. Properties of this antibody class that mediate powerful effector functions may be redirected for the treatment of solid tumours. This has led to the rise of a new class of therapeutic antibodies to complement the armamentarium of approved tumour targeting antibodies, which to date are all IgG class.

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The Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) once covered an area comparable to that of Greenland. Previous geologic evidence and numerical models indicate that the ice sheet covered much of westernmost Canada as late as 12.5 thousand years ago (ka).

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Enteric pathogens must overcome intestinal defenses to establish infection. In Drosophila, the ERK signaling pathway inhibits enteric virus infection. The intestinal microflora also impacts immunity but its role in enteric viral infection is unknown.

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Long-range retrograde axonal transport in neurons is driven exclusively by the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein. The efficient initiation of dynein-mediated transport from the distal axon is critical for normal neuronal function, and neurodegenerative disease-associated mutations have been shown to specifically disrupt this process. Here, we examine the role of dynamic microtubules and microtubule plus-end binding proteins (+TIPs) in the initiation of dynein-mediated retrograde axonal transport using live-cell imaging of cargo motility in primary mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons.

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Background: Sporadic-onset ataxia is common in a tertiary care setting but a significant percentage remains unidentified despite extensive evaluation. Rare genetic ataxias, reported only in specific populations or families, may contribute to a percentage of sporadic ataxia.

Methods: Patients with adult-onset sporadic ataxia, who tested negative for common genetic ataxias (SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, SCA7, and/or Friedreich ataxia), were evaluated using a stratified screening approach for variants in 7 rare ataxia genes.

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Several regions of the brain which represent kinematic quantities are grouped under a single state-estimator framework. A theoretic effort is made to predict the activity of each cell population as a function of time using a simple state estimator (the Kalman filter). Three brain regions are considered in detail: the parietal cortex (reaching cells), the hippocampus (place cells and head-direction cells), and the entorhinal cortex (grid cells).

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Wnt proteins are critical to mammalian brain development and function. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway involves the stabilization and nuclear translocation of β-catenin; however, Wnt also signals through alternative, noncanonical pathways. To gain a systems-level, genome-wide view of Wnt signaling, we analyzed Wnt1-stimulated changes in gene expression by transcriptional microarray analysis in cultured human neural progenitor (hNP) cells at multiple time points over a 72-hour time course.

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Introduction: Elderly patients with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer wishing to avoid surgery or those who are considered unsuitable for a general anaesthetic may be treated with primary endocrine therapy. We have reviewed all patients with ER-positive breast cancer who were initially treated with primary hormone therapy (PHT) at a district general hospital in south Wales and investigated their outcome in order to evaluate the appropriateness of this method of managing breast cancer.

Materials And Methods: All patients with breast cancer who were initially treated with PHT between January 2002 and December 2008 were identified from a single consultant's prospectively maintained database.

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heritable, behaviorally defined, heterogeneous disorder of unknown pathogenesis. Several genetic risk genes have been identified, including the gene encoding the receptor tyrosine kinase MET, which regulates neuronal differentiation and growth. An ASD-associated polymorphism disrupts MET gene transcription, and there are reduced levels of MET protein expression in the mature temporal cortex of subjects with ASD.

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Human neural progenitors from a variety of sources present new opportunities to model aspects of human neuropsychiatric disease in vitro. Such in vitro models provide the advantages of a human genetic background combined with rapid and easy manipulation, making them highly useful adjuncts to animal models. Here, we examined whether a human neuronal culture system could be utilized to assess the transcriptional program involved in human neural differentiation and to model some of the molecular features of a neurodevelopmental disorder, such as autism.

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