Publications by authors named "Oriol Sunyer"

CD4 and LAG-3 are related molecules that are receptors for MHC class II molecules. Their major functional differences are situated in their cytoplasmic tails, in which CD4 has an activation motif and LAG-3 an inhibitory motif. Here, we identify shark and show that a previously identified shark gene has a genomic location, expression pattern, and motifs similar to in other vertebrates.

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Germinal centers (GCs) or analogous secondary lymphoid microstructures (SLMs) are thought to have evolved in endothermic species. However, living representatives of their ectothermic ancestors can mount potent secondary antibody responses upon infection or immunization, despite the apparent lack of SLMs in these cold-blooded vertebrates. How and where adaptive immune responses are induced in ectothermic species in the absence of GCs or analogous SLMs remain poorly understood.

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Ebola (EBOV) and Marburg viruses (MARV) cause severe hemorrhagic fever associated with high mortality rates in humans. A better understanding of filovirus-host interactions that regulate the EBOV and MARV lifecycles can provide biological and mechanistic insight critical for therapeutic development. EBOV glycoprotein (eGP) and MARV glycoprotein (mGP) mediate entry into host cells primarily by actin-dependent macropinocytosis.

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Unlabelled: The co-evolution between secretory immunoglobulins (sIgs) and microbiota began with the emergence of IgM over half a billion years ago. Yet, IgM function in vertebrates is mostly associated with systemic immunity against pathogens. sIgA and sIgT are the only sIgs known to be required in the control of microbiota homeostasis in warm- and cold-blooded vertebrates respectively.

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The air-filled organs (AOs) of vertebrates (lungs and swim bladders) have evolved unique functions (air-breathing or buoyancy control in water) to adapt to different environments. Thus far, immune responses to microbes in AOs have been described exclusively in the lungs of tetrapods. Similar to lungs, swim bladders (SBs) represent a mucosal surface, a feature that leads us to hypothesize a role for SB in immunity.

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The repertoire of Abs is generated by genomic rearrangements during B cell differentiation. Although V(D)J rearrangements lead to repertoires mostly different between individuals, recent studies have shown that they contain a substantial fraction of overrepresented and shared "public" clones. We previously reported a strong public IgHμ clonotypic response against the rhabdovirus viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in a teleost fish.

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Immunoglobulins (Igs) are complex glycoproteins that play critical functions in innate and adaptive immunity of all jawed vertebrates. Given the unique characteristics of mucosal barriers, secretory Igs (sIgs) have specialized to maintain homeostasis and keep pathogens at bay at mucosal tissues from fish to mammals. In teleost fish, the three main IgH isotypes, IgM, IgD and IgT/Z can be found in different proportions at the mucosal secretions of the skin, gills, gut, nasal, buccal, and pharyngeal mucosae.

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The skin of vertebrates is the outermost organ of the body and serves as the first line of defense against external aggressions. In contrast to mammalian skin, that of teleost fish lacks keratinization and has evolved to operate as a mucosal surface containing a skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT). Thus far, IgT representing the prevalent Ig in SALT have only been reported upon infection with a parasite.

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Although mammalian secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) targets mucosal pathogens for elimination, its interaction with the microbiota also enables commensal colonization and homeostasis. This paradoxical requirement in the control of pathogens versus microbiota raised the question of whether mucosal (secretory) Igs (sIgs) evolved primarily to protect mucosal surfaces from pathogens or to maintain microbiome homeostasis. To address this central question, we used a primitive vertebrate species (rainbow trout) in which we temporarily depleted its mucosal Ig (sIgT).

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In teleost fish as in mammals, humoral adaptive immunity is based on B lymphocytes expressing highly diverse immunoglobulins (IG). During B cell differentiation, IG loci are subjected to genomic rearrangements of V, D, and J genes, producing a unique antigen receptor expressed on the surface of each lymphocyte. During the course of an immune response to infections or immunizations, B cell clones specific of epitopes from the immunogen are expanded and activated, leading to production of specific antibodies.

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The buccal mucosa (BM) is a critical first line of defense in terrestrial animals. To gain further insights into the evolutionary origins and primordial roles of BM in teleosts here we show that rainbow trout, a teleost fish, contains a diffuse mucosal associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) within its buccal cavity. Upon parasite infection, a fish immunoglobulin specialized in mucosal immunity (sIgT) was induced to a high degree, and parasite-specific sIgT responses were mainly detected in the buccal mucus.

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Understanding of immune function in humans and model organisms, such as mice, has advanced in the last few decades because of technological breakthroughs and availability of reagents. While novel genomic technologies have helped to increase knowledge of many aspects of immunology, most developments in immunology have occurred because of the availability of antibodies to identify and sort different cell types, as well as to identify and quantify the protein products of cells. Unfortunately, many studies performed in fish make use of poorly characterized antibody reagents that may affect the conclusions of those studies.

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Vaccination induces "public" antibody clonotypes common to all individuals of a species, that may mediate universal protection against pathogens. Only few studies tried to trace back the origin of these public B-cell clones. Here we used Illumina sequencing and computational modeling to unveil the mechanisms shaping the structure of the fish memory antibody response against an attenuated Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia rhabdovirus.

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Oral vaccination is of major interest because it can be used for mass vaccination of fish of various size and age. Given that their administration is relatively easy and stress-free, oral vaccines have both economic and animal welfare benefits. Yet, mostly due to their limited efficacy, only very few oral vaccines are available to aquaculture industry.

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While TLR-activated pathways are key regulators of B cell responses in mammals, their impact on teleost B cells are scarcely addressed. Here, the potential of Atlantic salmon B cells to respond to TLR ligands was shown by demonstrating a constitutive expression of nucleic-acid sensing TLRs in magnetic sorted IgM cells. Of the two receptors recognizing CpG in teleosts, tlr9 was the dominating receptor with over ten-fold higher expression than tlr21.

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Ebola virus (EBOV) is a member of the family and the cause of hemorrhagic fever outbreaks. The EBOV VP40 (eVP40) matrix protein is the main driving force for virion assembly and budding. Indeed, expression of eVP40 alone in mammalian cells results in the formation and budding of virus-like particles (VLPs) which mimic the budding process and morphology of authentic, infectious EBOV.

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Commensal bacteria co-exist on the mucosal surfaces of all vertebrates. The host's mucosal immune system must tolerate commensals while fighting pathogens. One of the mechanisms used by the mucosal immune system to maintain homeostasis is the secretion of immunoglobulins (Igs) across epithelial barriers, which is achieved via the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR).

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As the teleost specific immunoglobulin, IgT plays important roles in systemic and mucosal immunity. In the current study, in rainbow trout, we have cloned the heavy chain (Igτ) genes of a secretory form of IgT2 as well as the membrane and secretory forms of a third IgT subclass, termed IgT3. Conserved cysteine and tryptophan residues that are crucial for the folding of the immunoglobulin domain as well as hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues within CART motif were identified in all IgT subclasses.

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Tetrapods contain a single CD4 coreceptor with four Ig domains that likely arose from a primordial two-domain ancestor. Notably, teleost fish contain two CD4 genes. Like tetrapod CD4, CD4-1 of rainbow trout includes four Ig domains, whereas CD4-2 contains only two.

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Immunoglobulin light chain (IgL) is necessary for the assembly of an Ig molecule, which plays important roles in the immune response. IgL genes were identified in various teleost species, but the basic functions of different IgL isotypes and the preferential combination between IgL and IgH (Ig heavy chain) isotypes remain unclear. In the current study, by EST database searching and cDNA cloning in rainbow trout, 8 IgL sequences were obtained, which could be classified into the IgLκF, IgLκG, IgLσ and IgLλ isotypes, respectively.

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Mucosal surfaces are the main route of entry for pathogens in all living organisms. In the case of teleost fish, mucosal surfaces cover the vast majority of the animal. As these surfaces are in constant contact with the environment, fish are perpetually exposed to a vast number of pathogens.

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Gas-exchange structures are critical for acquiring oxygen, but they also represent portals for pathogen entry. Local mucosal immunoglobulin responses against pathogens in specialized respiratory organs have only been described in tetrapods. Since fish gills are considered a mucosal surface, we hypothesized that a dedicated mucosal immunoglobulin response would be generated within its mucosa on microbial exposure.

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