J Plast Surg Hand Surg
December 2020
The thigh region has many perforators when compared to the other areas in the body. Surgeons have disregarded the posterior thigh region as a potential donor site for perforator flap surgeries, presumably owing to the positioning difficulties of the patients during the intervention and inadequate anatomical information. The purpose of this study was to provide comprehensive data concerning the profunda femoris artery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: In this study, we developed a novel technique to harvest the sural nerve using the mini incisions and the carpal tunnel dilators.
Materials And Methods: The technique was applied to the 29 sides on 27 patients (24 men and 3 women). The mean age was 27.
The aim of the study was to evaluate postburn contracture reconstructions caused by high temperature such as tandir. The records of our 58 patients who were operated for burn contracture between 2008 and 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Duration elapsed after the burn, localization of contracture, surgery applied, and the recurrence rates were recorded.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/aim: Thin and flexible flaps are needed for the repair of extremity tissue defects. Serratus fascia flaps are the most suitable options. There are only a few case reports and case series in the literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Breast surgery is an exceedingly common procedure and associated with an increased incidence of acute and chronic pain. Preemptive regional anesthesia techniques may improve postoperative analgesia for patients undergoing breast surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of preoperative bilateral serratus plane block on postoperative opioid consumption in patients undergoing breast reduction surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUlus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg
October 2019
Background: Reconstruction of the complex upper extremity defects is a challenging procedure for reconstructive surgeons because of the complex anatomical and functional structure of this region. In reconstruction, local and regional flap options involving the composite tissues are restricted. The posterior interosseous flap (PIO) has been presented 'in a single study' with a wide variety of uses, and in this study, the versatility of PIO has been tried to be emphasized by its multitude uses as well as its chance at adaptability to each case.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Zygoma is a very crucial component for the anteroposterior positioning of the midface and for the maintenance of facial contours. Zygomatic fractures are considered as the second most common type of facial fractures following nasal fractures. We have developed a new reduction technique called "lever," which is based on the application of lifting force as an alternative to the methods in which the pulling force is applied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Plast Surg Hand Surg
August 2019
Flaps are the workhorse of plastic surgery practice. The delay procedures have been defined to prevent flap necrosis. The golden standard method of delay is a surgical delay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Condylar and subcondylar fractures (CSFs) are among the most common mandible fractures. If reduction of these fractures is not carried out correctly, serious complications can result, including infection, damage to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function, malocclusion, nonunion, malunion, and ankylosis of the TMJ.
Methods: We used a preauricular, mini-incision, open technique (PMIOT) for CSF of the mandible.
Free flaps based on static slings principles cannot provide esthetic and functional outcomes at a desired level in total or close to total lip loss. Therefore, dynamic methods have become a current issue in recent years and especially the idea of functional gracilis free muscle flap has been suggested. In this study, we present a case of a successful total lower lip repair with this flap.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The reconstruction of facial defects is esthetically vital because of the unique skin color and texture of the face. The aim of this study was to show the utility of different temporal artery island flap designs for the reconstruction of upper and middle facial defects without contrast to the color and texture of the face.
Materials And Methods: This study is a retrospective case series conducted from November 2004 through May 2015.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg
January 2018
Purpose: Volumetric or multiplane defects of the upper and midface remain a challenge for reconstruction because of limited regional flap options. In this study, the authors harvested the reverse temporalis muscle flap and pericranial flap (RTMP flap) based on the same vascular pedicle, the superficial temporal artery, in a chimeric manner to obtain double-layer closure of deep facial defects.
Materials And Methods: This study was a prospective case series performed in the Department of Plastic Surgery of Ataturk University (Erzurum, Turkey).
Purpose: In the surgical treatment of saddle nose deformity (SND), costal cartilage is often used. However, it can result in some potential complications such as resorption, bending, displacement, and its appearance under the skin (silhouette deformity). We prepared a composite "sandwich" graft by camouflaging the costal cartilage underneath the dermal fat graft as a novel method and applied it on SNDs using the closed rhinoplasty technique to prevent or minimize these risks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: Children are prone to burn injury. Burns can be seen as a part of child abuse. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting adherence to the treatment of burn patients, and to emphasize the role of the physician in identifying children's non-accidental burn injuries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Linear scleroderma, also known as "en coup de sabre," is a subtype of localized scleroderma that warrants aesthetic correction because it appears on the forehead region in children.
Objective: To report dermal fat grafting as a novel and effective surgical treatment option in linear scleroderma.
Methods: Under local anesthesia, a dermal fat graft was successfully placed into a subcutaneous pocket that was prepared underneath the depressed scar.
Reconstructions of the wide scalp defects are still a challenging task because of the accompanied recipient vessel issues. Arteriovenous loop (AVL) grafts are a suitable vascular conduit that can be used to support free tissue transfer, when adjacent blood supply is inadequate. We report 2 patients of successful wide scalp reconstruction, using a free latissimus dorsi (LD) flap assisted with AVL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a chronic disease caused by ingestion of the eggs of the parasitic cestode Echinococcosis multilocularis (EM). In severe cases, liver transplantation (LT) may represent the only possibility of survival and cure. Patients undergoing LT associated with hepatic AE at our institution between April 2011 and October 2014 were investigated retrospectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The sensory reconstruction of the lower extremity is one of the main goals in lower extremity reconstruction. Reconstructive options endowing sensory recovery are limited. The aim of this report is to evaluate the neurotized sural flap in reconstruction of foot and ankle defects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Internal Mammary Artery (IMA) and its perforators play an important role in coronary bypass grafting and reconstructive breast, head, and neck surgery. This study aimed to obtain anatomic data pertaining to these vessels using Multi Detector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA) and to demonstrate that the MDCTA could be a considerable assessment tool prior to surgery. In 50 outpatients (27 males and 23 females), the above-mentioned arteries were bilaterally evaluated with a 16-detector spiral computed tomography scanner.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Plast Surg
October 2014
Background/introduction: With our previous technique called triangular with ala nasi (TAN) repair, we combined the superiorities of these 2 popular techniques by approaching the skin, as in Tennison-Randall, and the muscle and nose, as in Millard. Although good results have been obtained in most patients, cleft lip nose (CLN) deformity could not entirely be corrected particularly in serious cleft patients. Therefore, we revised the technique, called the TAN II repair, by adding some nasal maneuvers including the bivectoral suspension sutures, alar buckling resection, and alar web resection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTotal lower lip reconstructions are challenging procedures because of poor aesthetic and functional outcomes and limited availability of donor tissues that anatomically imitate the lip. We hereby report the free neurotendinofasciocutaneous anterolateral thigh composite flap as a new reconstructive option. A 48-year-old man presenting with a squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip underwent wide resection of tumor, bilateral neck dissection, and lower lip reconstruction with the mentioned flap where the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and tensor fascia lata tendon were included.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLatissimus dorsi (LD) flap is one of the most common options utilized in reconstructive armamentarium. In this report, we present our experience on harvest of the full LD muscle flap through a short incision. Twelve free and two pedicled full LD muscle flaps were raised in 14 patients (9 males and 5 females).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The fractures of facial structures lead to great morbidity. Cross-sectional studies are needed to evaluate the current state of maxillofacial traumas. Thus, this study aims to evaluate these experiences and to compare these results with the current literature.
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