Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi
June 2016
Aim: To assess the efforts made in Romania towards achieving the Goal 4 from MDGs--Reduce Child Mortality.
Materials And Methods: A descriptive study about the deaths among Romanian children under five, between 2002 and 2015, from the perspective of the MDGs. To help track progress toward this commitment, following specific targets and indicators were developed: Target 1-Halve the mortality rate in children aged 1-4 years between 2002-2015; Target 2--Reduce infant mortality by 40% between 2002 and 2015; Target 3--Eliminate measles by 2007.
Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi
September 2015
Unlabelled: The aim of this preliminary study was to assess the residents' perception on their training program and on their knowledge regarding the use and interpretation of three-dimensional imaging techniques in their clinical practice.
Material And Methods: A multi-item questionnaire was distributed among 104 residents training in four medical specialties at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" in Iaşi.
Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi
December 2014
Aim: To identify the factors that may conduct to various forms of social exclusion of the population from the primary healthcare and to analyze health disparities as population-specific differences in the access to primary healthcare in rural compared to urban residence areas from Iasi, the second biggest county, situated in the North--East region of Romania.
Materials And Methods: This research is a type of inquiry-based opinion survey of the access to primary healthcare in rural compared to urban areas of the county of Iasi. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews.
Aim: To identify the occupational risks in an ambulance service and to assess their impact on the health of employees.
Material And Methods: Two marched groups (number, sex, age, length of exposure) from two different work sectors were selected. A 60 item questionnaire was used.
Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi
April 2014
Aim: To identify the key favorable issues, showing a high degree of job satisfaction, and also the adverse issues that may affect the work performance among medical assistants.
Material And Methods: This research is a type of inquiry-based opinion survey carried out by administering a self-managed, anonymous questionnaire, consisting of five sections with 25 items. The study group included 175 medical assistants from all specialties, working in public hospitals in the city of Iasi, who answered the questionnaires.
Objective: To study profile of services provided by an accident and emergency care department (AECD) in connection with road traffic injuries involving children in "St. Maria" University Paediatrics Hospital, Iaşi, Romania.
Methods: The survey represents a descriptive analysis of 2003-2005 data regarding the 538 injured children aged 0-18 years and allowed to design the request pattern based on: a) comparison between observed case distribution by weekday, month and season and hypothetical equal distribution using chi2 test; b) most common features of cases.