Freshwater ecosystems are at significant risk of contamination by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) due to their high inherent toxicity, their persistence in the environment and their tendency to bioaccumulate in sediments and living organisms. We investigated aquatic macrophyte communities and the concentrations of As, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe in water and sediment samples to identify a pollution pattern along the Sava River and to investigate the potential impact of these PTEs on the diversity and structure of macrophyte communities. The study, which covered 945 km of the Sava River, showed a downstream increase in sediment concentrations of the analyzed elements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study addresses the potential of L. for bioindication and phytoremediation of the contaminated lower part of the Sava River. The main objectives are to assess soil contamination with potentially toxic elements (PTEs: As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Li, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn), evaluate their availability, and assess the phytoremediation and bioindication potential of .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe enormous quantities of fly ash (FA) produced by thermal power plants is a global problem and safe, sustainable approaches to reduce the amount and its toxic effects are still being sought. Vegetation cover comprising long-living species can help reduce FA dump-related environmental health issues. However, the synergistic effect of multiple abiotic factors, like drought, low organic matter content, a deficit of essential nutrients, alkaline pH, and phytotoxicity due to high potentially toxic element (PTE) and soluble salt content, limits the number of species that can grow under such stressful conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Ethnobotanical research in Southeast Europe-one of the most important European hotspots for biocultural diversity-is significant for the acquisition of Traditional Ecological Knowledge related to plants as well as for encouraging the development of local environments. The current ethnobotanical research was conducted in the region of Mt Stara Planina (south-eastern Serbia), which is characterised by rich phytodiversity with a large number of endemic and relict plant species. The aim of the study was to document the diversity of uses of medicinal plants and of traditional knowledge on their therapeutic uses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe challenging process of identifying and selecting plant species suited to the phytoremediation of fly ash (FA) dumps involves studying their functional properties and physiological response to a deficit of essential elements and toxicity from heavy metal(loid)-induced oxidative stress. We hypothesised that has high potential to be used for the phytoremediation of FA deposit sites thanks to its secretion strategy and antioxidative system. In this study, this hypothesis was examined by determining the bioconcentration and translocation factors for As, B, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Se and Zn at the FA disposal lagoons at the 'Nikola Tesla A' thermal power plant in Obrenovac, Serbia, three (lagoon L1) and eleven (lagoon L2) years after the phytoremediation process had begun, and by measuring parameters of photosynthetic efficiency and chlorophyll concentration, non-enzymatic antioxidant defence (carotenoids, anthocyanins and phenolics), oxidative stress (concentration of malondialdehyde-MDA) and total antioxidant capacity to neutralise DPPH free radical activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConcentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were measured in topsoil samples collected from parks in the cities of Salzburg (Austria), Thessaloniki (Greece), and Belgrade (Serbia) in order to assess the distribution of PTEs in the urban environment, discriminate natural (lithogenic) and anthropogenic contributions, identify possible sources of pollution, and compare levels of pollution between the cities. An assessment of the health risks caused by exposure to PTEs through different pathways was also conducted. The study revealed that, with the exception of Pb in Salzburg, levels of PTEs in the soils in polluted urban parks were higher than in unpolluted ones, but still lower than those recorded in other European soils.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArsenic (As) from coal fly ash can be released into soil/groundwater, presenting a global threat to the environment and human health. To overcome this environmental problem, phytoremediation represents an urgent need, providing 'green' cleanup of contaminated lands. The present study focused on As concentrations in fly ash and plants, evaluation of phytoremediation potential of sown on fly ash deposits together with its photosynthetic activity, and oxidative and antioxidative response to As stress.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of trees to immobilise potentially toxic elements (PTEs) is a low-cost and effective method of soil remediation. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the content of total and bioavailable As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in soil samples, as well as their levels in the roots and leaves of elm (Ulmus glabra Huds.) in order to evaluate its potential for the phytostabilisation of PTEs in the riparian zone of the Sava River.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe main soil properties, concentrations of selected elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn), and the chemical speciation of each element were determined in urban soil samples taken from urban parks in four Serbian cities (Belgrade, Pančevo, Obrenovac, and Smederevo) exposed to different sources of pollution. Pollution indices (PI, PI) and factors (MF, ICF, GCF) also were evaluated. The study revealed As and Cd concentrations below the detection limit, whereas the content of Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn at some sites exceeded the limits established by local regulations, as well as the background values, which may represent an environmental threat.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEthnopharmacological Relevance: The geographical and ecological specificity of the Balkan Peninsula has resulted in the development of a distinct diversity of medicinal plants. In the traditional culture of the Balkan peoples, plants have medicinal, economic and anthropological/cultural importance, which is reflected in the sound knowledge of their diversity and use. This study analyses the traditional use of medicinal plants in the treatment of wounds and the pharmacological characteristics of the most frequently used species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEthnopharmacological Relevance: This study documents the ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal importance of plants in the Suva planina mountain region (south-eastern Serbia). It is reflected in their high diversity and their wide range of uses in the treatment of the local population. The aim of this study was a comparative analysis of data collected in the Suva planina region with relevant data from the Western Balkans, which included identifying the 'most popular' plants, as well as those species which are used specifically for treatment solely in the research area.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Chilandar Medical Codex is the most significant and best preserved medieval Serbian manuscript and collects together documents on European medical science from the 12th to 15th centuries. It represents the best-known and most complete example of a large collection of medical manuscripts from the Salerno-Montpellier school, written in the vernacular - something which does not exist among the majority of European nations. This paper presents the section of the Codex that deals with phytotherapy, which is contained within the pharmacological manuscripts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo grass species, Festuca rubra (sown) and Calamagrostis epigejos (naturally recolonised), were studied at two fly ash deposit lagoons, weathered 5 (L1) and 13 years (L2). Both species were assessed in terms of their invasive ability, photosynthetic efficiency, trace elements accumulation, and damage symptoms, while the characteristics of the habitat were assessed in terms of trace element content, and the pH and EC of the ash. In the ash weathered for 5 and 13 years, B and Mn concentrations fell within the normal range for soils, while there was an As, Mo and Cu excess, and Se and Zn deficit.
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