Studies in the greater galago have not provided a comprehensive description of the organization of eye-specific retino-geniculate-cortical projections to the recipient layers in V1. Here we demonstrate the overall patterns of ocular dominance domains in layers III, IV, and VI revealed following a monocular injection of the transneuronal tracer wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). We also correlate these patterns with the array of cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs in tangential sections through the unfolded and flattened cortex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCallosal patches in primary visual cortex of Long Evans rats, normally associated with ocular dominance columns, emerge by postnatal day 10 (P10), but they do not form in rats monocularly enucleated a few days before P10. We investigated whether we could replicate the results of monocular enucleation by using tetrodotoxin (TTX) to block neural activity in one eye, or in primary visual cortex. Animals received daily intravitreal (P6-P9) or intracortical (P7-P9) injections of TTX, and our physiological evaluation of the efficacy of these injections indicated that the blockade induced by a single injection lasted at least 24 h.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Long Evans rats, ocular dominance columns (ODCs) in V1 overlap with patches of callosal connections. Using anatomical tracers, we found that ODCs and callosal patches are present at postnatal day 10 (P10), several days before eye opening, and about 10 days before the activation of the critical period for ocular dominance plasticity (~P20). In rats monocularly enucleated at P10 and perfused ~P20, ODCs ipsilateral to the remaining eye desegregated, indicating that rat ODCs are highly susceptible to monocular enucleation during a precritical period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Congenital muscular dystrophies (CMD) are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of neuromuscular disorders characterized by muscle weakness. The two most prevalent forms of CMD, collagen VI-related myopathies (COL6RM) and laminin α2 deficient CMD type 1A (MDC1A), are both caused by deficiency or dysfunction of extracellular matrix proteins. Previously, we showed that an intramuscular transplantation of human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) into the muscle of the Col6a1 mice results in efficient stem cell engraftment, migration, long-term survival, and continuous production of the collagen VI protein, suggesting the feasibility of the systemic cellular therapy for COL6RM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn albino rats, it has been reported that lateral striate cortex (V1) is highly binocular, and that input from the ipsilateral eye to this region comes through the callosum. In contrast, in Long Evans rats, this region is nearly exclusively dominated by the contralateral eye even though it is richly innervated by the callosum (Laing, Turecek, Takahata, & Olavarria, 2015). We hypothesized that the inability of callosal connections to relay ipsilateral eye input to lateral V1 in Long Evans rats is a consequence of the existence of ocular dominance columns (ODCs), and of callosal patches in register with ipsilateral ODCs in the binocular region of V1 (Laing et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBlindness early in life induces permanent alterations in brain anatomy, including reduced surface area of primary visual cortex (V1). Bilateral enucleation early in development causes greater reductions in primary visual cortex surface area than at later times. However, the time at which cortical surface area expansion is no longer sensitive to enucleation is not clearly established, despite being an important milestone for cortical development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies in rabbits identified an array of extrastriate cortical areas anatomically connected with V1 but did not describe their internal topography. To address this issue, we injected multiple anatomical tracers into different regions in V1 of the same animal and analyzed the topography of resulting extrastriate labeled fields with reference to the patterns of callosal connections and myeloarchitecture revealed in tangential sections of the flattened cortex. Our results extend previous studies and provide further evidence that rabbit extrastriate areas resemble the visual areas in rats and mice not only in their general location with respect to V1 but also in their internal topography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOcular dominance columns (ODCs) exist in many primates and carnivores, but it is believed that they do not exist in rodents. Using a combination of transneuronal tracing, in situ hybridization for Zif268 and electrophysiological recordings, we show that inputs from both eyes are largely segregated in the binocular region of V1 in Long Evans rats. We also show that, interposed between this binocular region and the lateral border of V1, there lies a strip of cortex that is strongly dominated by the contralateral eye.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is known that retinal input is necessary for the normal development of striate cortex and its corticocortical connections, but there is little information on the role that retinal input plays in the development of retinotopically organized connections between V1 and surrounding visual areas. In nearly all lateral extrastriate areas, the anatomical and physiological representation of the nasotemporal axis of the visual field mirrors the representation of this axis in V1. To determine whether the mediolateral topography of striate-extrastriate projections is preserved in neonatally enucleated rats, we analyzed the patterns of projections resulting from tracer injections placed at different sites along the mediolateral axis of V1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCallosal connections form elaborate patterns that bear close association with striate and extrastriate visual areas. Although it is known that retinal input is required for normal callosal development, there is little information regarding the period during which the retina is critically needed and whether this period correlates with the same developmental stage across species. Here we review the timing of this critical period, identified in rodents and ferrets by the effects that timed enucleations have on mature callosal connections, and compare it to other developmental milestones in these species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that retinal input plays an important role in the development of interhemispheric callosal connections, but little is known about the role retinal input plays on the development of ipsilateral striate-extrastriate connections and the interplay that might exist between developing ipsilateral and callosal pathways. We analyzed the effects of bilateral enucleation performed at different ages on both the distribution of extrastriate projections originating from restricted loci in medial, acallosal striate cortex, and the overall pattern of callosal connections revealed following multiple tracer injections. As in normal rats, striate-extrastriate projections in rats enucleated at birth consisted of multiple, well-defined fields that were largely confined to acallosal regions throughout extrastriate cortex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRetinal input plays an important role in the specification of topographically organized circuits and neuronal response properties, but the mechanism and timing of this effect is not known in most species. A system that shows dramatic dependence on retinal influences is the interhemispheric connection through the corpus callosum. Using ferrets, we analyzed the extent to which development of the visual callosal pattern depends on retinal influences, and explored the period during which these influences are required for normal pattern formation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have reported that intrahemispheric connections between area 17 (V1, striate cortex) and other cortical visual areas are not point-to-point, but instead have some degree of convergence and divergence. Many pathological conditions can interfere with the normal development of patterns of cortico-cortical connections, but there is little information regarding whether or not early pathological insults can also induce permanent changes in the convergence and divergence of cortical connections. Obtaining this information is important because loss of precision in neural projections can contribute to functional deficits and behavioral impairment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a technique that non-invasively provides quantitative measures of water translational diffusion, including fractional anisotropy (FA), that are sensitive to the shape and orientation of cellular elements, such as axons, dendrites and cell somas. For several neurodevelopmental disorders, histopathological investigations have identified abnormalities in the architecture of pyramidal neurons at early stages of cerebral cortex development. To assess the potential capability of DTI to detect neuromorphological abnormalities within the developing cerebral cortex, we compare changes in cortical FA with changes in neuronal architecture and connectivity induced by bilateral enucleation at postnatal day 7 (BEP7) in ferrets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe combined fixed-tissue and time-lapse analyses to investigate the axonal branching phenomena underlying the development of topographically organized ipsilateral projections from area 17 to area 18a in the rat. These complementary approaches allowed us to relate static, large-scale information provided by traditional fixed-tissue analysis to highly dynamic, local, small-scale branching phenomena observed with two-photon time-lapse microscopy in acute slices of visual cortex. Our fixed-tissue data revealed that labeled area 17 fibers invaded area 18a gray matter at topographically restricted sites, reaching superficial layers in significant numbers by postnatal day 6 (P6).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVisual callosal fibers link cortical loci in opposite hemispheres that represent the same visual field but whose locations are not mirror-symmetric with respect to the brain midline. Presence of the eyes from postnatal day 4 (P4) to P6 is required for this map to be specified. We tested the hypothesis that specification of the callosal map requires the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDevelopment of the visual callosal projection in rodents goes through an early critical period, from postnatal day (P) 4 to P6, during which retinal input specifies the blueprint for normal topographic connections, and a subsequent period of progressive pathway maturation that is largely complete by the time the eyes open, around P13. This study tests the hypothesis that these developmental stages correlate with age-related changes in the kinetics of synaptic responses mediated by the N-methyl-D-aspartate subclass of glutamate receptors (NMDARs). We used an in vitro slice preparation to perform whole-cell recordings from retrogradely-labeled visual callosal cells, as well from cortical cells with unknown projections.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn normal rats callosal projections in striate cortex connect retinotopically corresponding, nonmirror-symmetric cortical loci, whereas in rats bilaterally enucleated at birth, callosal fibers connect topographically mismatched, mirror-symmetric loci. Moreover, retina input specifies the topography of callosal projections by postnatal day (P)6. To investigate whether retinal input guides development of callosal maps by promoting either the corrective pruning of exuberant axon branches or the specific ingrowth and elaboration of axon branches at topographically correct places, we studied the topography of emerging callosal connections at and immediately after P6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough bilateral enucleation at birth produces marked abnormalities in the overall distribution and topography of interhemispheric callosal connections in rat visual cortex, it is not known whether it also alters the morphology of callosal synapses. Here we report on the effect of neonatal enucleation on the proportion of callosal boutons making multiple postsynaptic contacts. Synapses were analyzed in adult rats after injections of the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine into the opposite striate cortex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCortical projection neurons exhibit diverse morphological, physiological, and molecular phenotypes, but it is unknown how many distinct types exist. Many projection cell phenotypes are associated with laminar fate (radial position), but each layer may also contain multiple types of projection cells. We have investigated two hypotheses: (1) that different projection cell types exhibit characteristic molecular expression profiles and (2) that laminar fates are determined primarily by molecular phenotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies of callosal projections in striate cortex show that the retina is involved in the development of topographical connections. In normal animals callosal fibers connect retinotopically corresponding, nonmirror-symmetric cortical loci, whereas in animals bilaterally enucleated at birth, callosal fibers connect topographically mismatched, mirror-symmetric loci. Moreover, in rodents the overall pattern of visual callosal connections is adult-like by postnatal day 12 (P12).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeveral studies have provided evidence for direct retinal input to the pulvinar of macaques monkeys, but there is no general agreement regarding the extent of this projection. Moreover, it is not known how retinal input correlates with chemoarchitectonic subdivisions recently recognized within the large, classical divisions of the pulvinar. The potential implications of this correlation have become more evident after reports that chemoarchitectonic subdivisions of the inferior pulvinar (PI) have specific patterns of connections with cortical visual areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that the distribution of callosal connections in the 17/18 callosal zone of the cat is patchy at a small scale, but the mechanisms that determine this periodic pattern remain unclear. The present study investigated this issue by correlating the distribution of retrogradely labeled callosal cells with the underlying patterns of ocular dominance columns (ODCs) revealed transneuronally after intraocular injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase. The density of labeled callosal cells was found to vary significantly between adjacent territories dominated by different eyes, indicating that the distribution of callosal cells is significantly biased toward domains that are eye specific.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn visual area V2 of the macaque monkey callosal cells accumulate in finger-like bands that extend 7-8 mm from the V1/V2 border, or approximately half the width of area V2. The present study investigated whether or not callosal connections in area V2 link loci that are located at the same distance from the V1/V2 border in both hemispheres. We analyzed the patterns of retrograde labeling in V2 resulting from restricted injections of fluorescent tracers placed at different distances from the V1/V2 border in contralateral area V2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCereb Cortex
September 1997
In primate visual area V2, histochemical staining for cytochrome oxidase (CO) reveals a tripartite pattern of densely labeled thick and thin stripes separated by pale interstripes. This modularity is believed to be related to functionally distinct processing streams that course through the hierarchy of visual areas. Here, we studied the overall pattern of CO stripes in V2 of the macaque monkey, using tissue that had been physically unfolded and flattened prior to histological sectioning.
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