Publications by authors named "Oded Agam"

Understanding the collective physical processes that drive robust morphological transitions in animal development necessitates the characterization of the relevant fields involved in morphogenesis. Calcium (Ca) is recognized as one such field. In this study, we demonstrate that the spatial fluctuations of Caduringregeneration exhibit universal characteristics.

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We construct exact solutions for the Saffman-Taylor problem in a planar Hele-Shaw cell for the case of an isolated bubble near the tip of an expanding bubble in the limit of zero surface tension. This construction utilizes the integrability of the problem in the limit of vanishing surface tension. It exploits the connection, brought by the Schwarz function, between the constants of motion and the shape of the bubbles.

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Stress responses allow cells to adapt to changes in external conditions by activating specific pathways. Here we investigate the dynamics of single cells that were subjected to acute stress that is too strong for a regulated response but not lethal. We show that when the growth of bacteria is arrested by acute transient exposure to strong inhibitors, the statistics of their regrowth dynamics can be predicted by a model for the cellular network that ignores most of the details of the underlying molecular interactions.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study examines how nonanalytic changes in vortex cores affect vortex structures in weakly connected superfluids.
  • It reveals that in rotating two-dimensional systems, the Abrikosov vortex lattice can become unstable, causing deformations in vortex cores.
  • This instability may also occur in clean superconducting films, suggesting broader implications for these systems.
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Stochastic processes in cells are associated with fluctuations in mRNA, protein production and degradation, noisy partition of cellular components at division, and other cell processes. Variability within a clonal population of cells originates from such stochastic processes, which may be amplified or reduced by deterministic factors. Cell-to-cell variability, such as that seen in the heterogeneous response of bacteria to antibiotics, or of cancer cells to treatment, is understood as the inevitable consequence of stochasticity.

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The relaxation dynamics in mixed chaotic systems are believed to decay algebraically with a universal decay exponent that emerges from the hierarchical structure of the phase space. Numerical studies, however, yield a variety of values for this exponent. In order to reconcile these results, we consider an ensemble of mixed chaotic systems approximated by rate equations and analyze the fluctuations in the distribution of Poincaré recurrence times.

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A qualitatively different manifestation of the Rayleigh instability is demonstrated, where, instead of the usual extended undulations and breakup of the liquid into many droplets, the instability is localized, leading to an isolated narrowing of the liquid filament. The localized instability, caused by a nonuniform curvature of the liquid domain, plays a key role in the evaporation of thin liquid films off solid surfaces.

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Viscous fingering in volatile thin films.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

February 2009

A thin water film on a cleaved mica substrate undergoes a first-order phase transition between two values of film thickness. By inducing a finite evaporation rate of the water, the interface between the two phases develops a fingering instability similar to that observed in the Saffman-Taylor problem. We draw the connection between the two problems, and construct solutions describing the dynamics of evaporation in this system.

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We consider a class of interaction terms that describes correlated tunneling of composite fermions between effective Landau levels. Despite being generic and of similar strength to that of the usual density-density couplings, these terms are not included in the accepted theory of the edges of fractional quantum Hall systems. Here we show that they may lead to an instability of the edge towards a new reconstructed state with additional channels, and thereby demonstrate the incompleteness of the traditional edge theory.

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We develop a general method for calculating statistical properties of the speckle pattern of coherent waves propagating in disordered media. In some aspects this method is similar to the Boltzmann-Langevin approach for the calculation of classical fluctuations. We apply the method to the case where the incident wave experiences many small angle scattering events during propagation, but the total angle change remains small.

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We show that singularities developed in the Hele-Shaw problem have a structure identical to shock waves in dissipativeless dispersive media. We propose an experimental setup where the cell is permeable to a nonviscous fluid and study continuation of the flow through singularities. We show that a singular flow in this nontraditional cell is described by the Whitham equations identical to Gurevich-Pitaevski solution for a regularization of shock waves in Korteveg-de Vriez equation.

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Statistical properties of spike trains measured from a sensory neuron in vivo are studied experimentally and theoretically. Experiments are performed on an identified neuron in the visual system of the blowfly. It is shown that the spike trains exhibit universal behavior over a short time, modulated by a stimulus-dependent envelope over a long time.

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We show that the semiclassical dynamics of an electronic droplet, confined in a plane in a quantizing inhomogeneous magnetic field in the regime where the electrostatic interaction is negligible, is similar to viscous (Saffman-Taylor) fingering on the interface between two fluids with different viscosities confined in a Hele-Shaw cell. Both phenomena are described by the same equations with scales differing by a factor of up to 10(-9). We also report the quasiclassical wave function of the droplet in an inhomogeneous magnetic field.

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