Publications by authors named "Ochoa R"

A new genus for the tribe Pseudotarsonemoidini of the family Tarsonemidae is established in order to accommodate undescribed mites associated with bark beetles in Mexico. The new, monotypic genus , with the type species being diagnostically and phylogenetically closest to the derived - cluster of the Pseudotarsonemoidini, possesses an intermediate position between these two genera. Details of the morphology related to its genus-level affiliation, primarily tibiotarsal I claw and leg setation, are compared in the context of the other genera of the tribe.

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We present PepFuNN, a new open-source version of the PepFun package with functions to study the chemical space of peptide libraries and perform structure-activity relationship analyses. PepFuNN is a Python package comprising five modules to study peptides with natural amino acids and, in some cases, sequences with non-natural amino acids based on the availability of a public monomer dictionary. The modules allow calculating physicochemical properties, performing similarity analysis using different peptide representations, clustering peptides using molecular fingerprints or calculated descriptors, designing peptide libraries based on specific requirements, and a module dedicated to extracting matched pairs from experimental campaigns to guide the selection of the most relevant mutations in design new rounds.

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, or "mamey sapote", is a tropical fruit tree native to Central America and Southern Mexico, producing sweet, nutrient and vitamin-rich fruit. Several insect pests are known to infest but none have been associated with plant growth alterations. Eriophyoid mites are well known to cause plant malformations, but mites that cause this type of damage to mamey sapote have not been reported.

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Transmission of plant viruses that replicate in the insect vector is known as persistent-propagative manner. However, it remains unclear whether such virus-vector relationships also occur between plant viruses and other biological vectors such as arthropod mites. In this study, we investigated the possible replication of orchid fleck virus (OFV), a segmented plant rhabdovirus, within its mite vector (Brevipalpus californicus s.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The flat mite species Tenuipalpus uvae, found in the Americas, is redescribed using both older and newly collected specimens from Florida and Brazil, revealing more details about its morphology, including new descriptions for various life stages.
  • - Three key distinguishing features were identified: a shorter seta v2, the serrated, rodlike sc1-2, and specific characteristics of the leg tibiae, which help differentiate T. uvae from other mites.
  • - Notable variations in dorsal surface morphology were observed, particularly in the Florida population, indicating potential influences from aging, environmental factors, or host relationships, suggesting that further research is necessary to understand these differences.
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The genus Ultratenuipalpus (Acariformes: Tenuipalpidae) is represented by 26 species worldwide. We describe and illustrate Ultratenuipalpus dicranopteris sp. nov.

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The genus Perissopalla Brennan and White (Trombidiformes: Trombiculidae) is currently represented by ten species with three from Brazil: Perissopalla barticonycteris Brennan, Perissopalla ipeani Brennan, and Perissopalla tanycera Brennan. In the present study, these three species are redescribed and illustrated based on the types and additional non-type specimens. New host and locality records for P.

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The genus Neotrichobia Tuttle & Baker is redescribed with a revised diagnosis. The type species Neotrichobia arizonensis Tuttle & Baker, 1968 is redescribed based on larvae, protonymphs, deutonymphs and adults including the paratype male and deutonymph.

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Hyperkalaemia is a common electrolyte imbalance with potentially serious short-, medium- and long-term consequences on morbidity and mortality rates and the use of national health service resources. The fact that different medical specialities can manage hyperkalaemia makes it important to have a unified approach, and the recent availability of new specific drug treatments means that the approach needs to be updated. This consensus document from the scientific societies most directly involved in the management of hyperkalaemia (Sociedad Española de Cardiología [Spanish Society of Cardiology], Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición [Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition], Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna [Spanish Society of Internal Medicine], Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias [Spanish Society of Accident and Emergency Medicine] and Sociedad Española de Nefrología [Spanish Society of Nephrology]) first of all reviews basic aspects of potassium balance and blood potassium.

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The lychee erinose mite, Aceria litchii (Keifer), is a tiny eriophyid mite known to induce the formation of open galls (erinea) on lychee plants, Litchi chinensis Sonn. In lychee infested by A. litchii, four stages of erineum are observed, based on erineum color: hyaline, white, amber and dark brown.

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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the main cause of blindness in developed countries. AMD is characterized by the formation of drusen, which are lipidic deposits, between retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the choroid. One of the main molecules accumulated in drusen is 7-Ketocholesterol (7KCh), an oxidized-cholesterol derivative.

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Species of the genus bear a broad subquadrate propodosoma with many large, flattened, lanceolate to ovate dorsal setae. They also bear some plesiomorphic character states, such as the presence of three pairs of ventral setae. Here, we describe Castro, Ochoa & Feres sp.

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Few studies have been carried out on the Ecuadorian chigger fauna. In this study, we are describing a new species of Eutrombicula from the Galápagos Islands. Also, we provide an updated checklist of Ecuadorian and Galápagos Islands chiggers, including a new host association and locality record for Eutrombicula nerudai Stekolnikov and González-Acuña.

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We present pyPept, a set of executables and underlying python-language classes to easily create, manipulate, and analyze peptide molecules using the FASTA, HELM, or recently-developed BILN notations. The framework enables the analysis of both pure proteinogenic peptides as well as those with non-natural amino acids, including support to assemble a customizable monomer library, without requiring programming. From line notations, a peptide is transformed into a molecular graph for 2D depiction tasks, the calculation of physicochemical properties, and other systematic analyses or processing pipelines.

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We present an assessment of different approaches to predict peptide structures using modeling tools. Several small molecule, protein, and peptide-focused methodologies were used for the fast prediction of conformers for peptides shorter than 30 amino acids. We assessed the effect of including restraints based on annotated or predicted secondary structure motifs.

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Over the past century and a half, the taxonomic placement of Eriophyoidea has been in flux. For much of this period, this group has been treated as a subtaxon within Trombidiformes. However, the vast majority of recent phylogenetic analyses, including almost all phylogenomic analyses, place this group outside Trombidiformes.

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Cry11 proteins are toxic to , the vector of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses. Cry11Aa and Cry11Bb are protoxins, which when activated present their active-toxin form in two fragments between 30 and 35 kDa respectively. Previous studies conducted with Cry11Aa and Cry11Bb genes using DNA shuffling generated variant 8, which presented a deletion in the first 73 amino acids and one at position 572 and 9 substitutions including L553F and L556W.

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Amber is known as one of the best sources of fossil organisms preserved with exceptional fidelity. Historically, different methods of imaging have been applied to amber, including optical microscopy and microtomography. These methods are sufficient to resolve millimeter-scaled fossils.

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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries. AMD is characterized by the formation of lipidic deposits between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the choroid called drusen. 7-Ketocholesterol (7KCh), an oxidized-cholesterol derivative, is closely related to AMD as it is one of the main molecules accumulated in drusen.

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The aggregation of epitopes that are also able to bind major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alleles raises questions around the potential connection between the formation of epitope aggregates and their affinities to MHC receptors. We first performed a general bioinformatic assessment over a public dataset of MHC class II epitopes, finding that higher experimental binding correlates with higher aggregation-propensity predictors. We then focused on the case of P10, an epitope used as a vaccine candidate against that aggregates into amyloid fibrils.

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Chiggers are larval ectoparasites of the Trombiculidae that can transmit pathogens to their hosts. In this study, chiggers collected from birds in Brazil were morphologically identified as Blankaartia sinnamaryi, Eutrombicula batatas, Eutrombicula daemoni, Eutrombicula goeldii, Eutrombicula tinami, and Parasecia gilbertoi. For these specimens, a beginning attempt at molecular identification were also provided, as well as, were genetically screened to detect bacterial pathogens.

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The intracellular parasite is the causal agent of cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, a group of endemic diseases in tropical regions, including Latin America. New therapeutic targets are required to inhibit the pathogen without affecting the host. The enzyme nicotinamide/nicotinate mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT; EC: 2.

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Only two species of the genus . (Prasad, 1975) and . (Ma and Yuan, 1980), have been recorded in China.

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Introduction: The use of technological resources to support processes in health systems has generated robust, interoperable and dynamic platforms. In the case of institutions working with neglected tropical diseases (NTD), there is a need for NTD-specific customizations.

Objectives: To establish a medical records platform, specialized for NTD, which would facilitate the analysis of treatment evolution in patients, as well as generate more accurate data about various clinical aspects.

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Peptides are commonly used as therapeutic agents. However, they suffer from easy degradation and instability. Replacing natural by non-natural amino acids can avoid these problems, and potentially improve the affinity towards the target protein.

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