Publications by authors named "O V Evseenko"

The article discusses the methodological approaches in implementing of regulations of the Federal law FZ-102 "On the support of unity of measurements in the area of laboratory medicine "from the positions of GOSTK ISO 9001-2008 "The systems of quality management. Requirements" and GOST K ISO 15189-2009 "medical laboratories. The particular requirements to quality and competence".

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Under the effect of solar radiation some antibiotics of plant origin (phenylheptatriin, bakuchiol and others) showed antimicrobial phototoxicity differing by the spectrum and activity from the antibiotic action. The highest in vitro antimicrobial phototoxicity was observed with polyacetylene phenylheptatriin: the activation effect of solar radiation on it was due to UV-A and developed in gaseous phase or to a lesser extent in dispersed liquid phase. For comparison, 18 currently used antibiotics of various chemical structure were investigated and no phototoxicity under the effect of solar radiation with respect to the tested microbes was detected.

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Data of in vitro and in vivo investigations of antimicrobial activity of preparation K carried out both by the authors and by other researchers and pharmacological properties of this preparation have been summarized. Preparation K has been obtained from medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family. It is a natural composition of two antibiotics and of a number of minor compounds.

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