Publications by authors named "O S Salamatina"

Resistance to Ampicillin and Kanamycin displayed by heterotrophic bacteria isolated in Summer and in Spring from the littoral and the central parts of Lake Shira (a therapeutic lake in the Khakasia Republic, Russia) has been investigated. It has been found that in Summer, human and animal microflora featuring multiple antibiotic resistance (to Ampicillin and Kanamycin) predominates in all the studied stations of the littoral zone of the lake. In Spring, concentrations of bacteria featuring multiple antibiotic resistance decrease significantly and bacteria sensitive to antibiotics predominate in the lake.

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Purpose: Scleral biomechanical weakness and thinning is known to be one of the main factors in the pathogenesis of progressive myopia. We tried to strengthen rabbit sclera by cross-linking scleral collagen using ultraviolet A (UVA) and the photosensitizer riboflavin.

Methods: Circumscribed 10 x10 mm sectors of the posterior--equatorial sclera of six chinchilla rabbit eyes were treated in vivo using a UVA double diode with 4.

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The paper presents the results of studied of cultural biochemical and immunochemical properties of the cultured mycobacteria isolated from patients with leprous lesions of (M.01, M.011) and the soil (M.

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