Aims: Our investigation aimed to assess the dose rationale of tramadol in paediatric patients considering the effect of CYP2D6/OCT1 polymorphisms on systemic exposure. Recommendations were made for the oral dose of tramadol to be used in a prospective study in children (3 months to < 18 years old) with chronic pain.
Methods: Intravenous pharmacokinetic and genotype data from neonatal patients (n = 46) were available for this analysis.
Introduction: Although some factors associated with asthma symptom deterioration and risk of exacerbation have been identified, these are not yet fully characterised. We conducted a clinical modelling and simulation study to understand baseline factors affecting symptom control, reliever use and exacerbation risk in patients with moderate-severe asthma during follow-up on regularly dosed inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) monotherapy, or ICS/long-acting beta-agonist (LABA) combination therapy.
Methods: Individual patient data from randomised clinical trials (undertaken between 2001 and 2019) were used to model the time course of symptoms (n = 7593), patterns of reliever medication use (n = 3768) and time-to-first exacerbation (n = 6763), considering patient-specific and extrinsic factors, including treatment.
July 2024