Publications by authors named "O Davis"

The role of zoos has shifted markedly from their origins in the nineteenth century to the present day. Long-lived and charismatic individual animals have been central to zoological collections, as priorities have changed from a primary focus on entertainment to a greater emphasis on education, conservation, research and welfare. Here, we construct the osteobiography of a celebrity chimpanzee to highlight the changing practices of modern zoos over a near half-century timescale.

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Many commonly studied species now have more than one chromosome-scale genome assembly, revealing a large amount of genetic diversity previously missed by approaches that map short reads to a single reference. However, many species still lack multiple reference genomes and correctly aligning references to build pangenomes can be challenging for many species, limiting our ability to study this missing genomic variation in population genetics. Here, we argue that k-mers are a very useful but underutilized tool for bridging the reference-focused paradigms of population genetics with the reference-free paradigms of pangenomics.

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Over four million people undergo radiation therapy annually in the United States. Among these, more than 90% experience varying degrees of radiation-induced skin injury. Despite the enormity of the problem, there is currently no FDA-approved agent to prevent or treat skin damage caused by ionizing radiation.

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This study aimed to compare growth outcomes and tolerance among very low birth weight (VLBW) infants receiving a new, liquid human milk fortifier (LHMF-NEW) or a human milk fortifier-acidified liquid (HMF-AL).Retrospective, multicenter study of 515 VLBW infants in three regional neonatal intensive care units. The primary objective was to compare growth velocity (g/kg/d) during fortification between groups by repeated measures regression.

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People with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; PWH) smoke cigarettes at triple the rate of the general population in the United States. Efforts to increase quit rates in this group have met with limited success. The nicotine metabolite ratio (NMR) has shown promise as a phenotypic marker that may be useful in selecting the most appropriate cessation treatments for people who smoke cigarettes.

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