Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol
December 2022
Objective: to investigate the structural and morphofunctional changes in test systems of malignant (cell lineA549) and normal (stem fibroblasts) human cells exposed to X-rays in the presence of gadoliniumcontaining photon capture agent «Dotavist» and optical light (red spectrum) in combination with «Fotolon» photosensitizer.
Methods: The continuous cell culture of normal human fibroblasts and malignant human cells technology, X-ray and red light exposure, cytological and statistical methods.
Results: Effects of the two binary radiation technologies, namely the photon capture impact on malignant cells(human nonsmall cell lung cancer cells i.
Objective: to investigate the structural and morpho-functional changes in test systems of malignant (A-549 cellline) and normal (fibroblasts of the 6th passage) human cells during incubation with gadolinium-containing pho-ton-capture agent «Dotavist» and photosensitizer «Fotolon».
Methods: The passaged (continuously interweaved) cell culture technique on normal human fibroblasts and malig-nant human cells; cytological, biophysical, statistical methods.
Results: The cytotoxic properties of «Dotavist» gadolinium-containing photon-capturing agent and «Photolon»photosensitizer in a wide range of concentrations (5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 μl/ml) were studied by the morpho-functional characteristics (growth kinetics, proliferative and mitotic activity, presence of atypical cells) in the invitro test systems of malignant (non-small cell lung cancer cell line A-549) and normal (6th passage fibroblasts)human cells.