Publications by authors named "O'Geen A"

Background: Globally, vegetation in riparian zones is frequently the target of restoration efforts because of its importance in reducing the input of eroded sediment and agricultural nutrient runoff to surface waters. Here we examine the potential of riparian zone restoration to enhance carbon sequestration. We measured soil and woody biomass carbon stocks, as well as soil carbon properties, in a long-term chronosequence of 42 streambank revegetation projects in northern California rangelands, varying in restoration age from 1 to 45 years old.

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Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) via organic inputs is a key strategy for increasing long-term soil C storage and improving the climate change mitigation and adaptation potential of agricultural systems. A long-term trial in California's Mediterranean climate revealed impacts of management on SOC in maize-tomato and wheat-fallow cropping systems. SOC was measured at the initiation of the experiment and at year 19, at five depth increments down to 2 m, taking into account changes in bulk density.

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Mountain runoff ultimately reflects the difference between precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (ET), as modulated by biogeophysical mechanisms that intensify or alleviate drought impacts. These modulating mechanisms are seldom measured and not fully understood. The impact of the warm 2012-15 California drought on the heavily instrumented Kings River basin provides an extraordinary opportunity to enumerate four mechanisms that controlled the impact of drought on mountain hydrology.

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Policy makers and practitioners are in need of useful tools and models for assessing ecosystem service outcomes and the potential risks and opportunities of ecosystem management options. We utilize a state-and-transition model framework integrating dynamic soil and vegetation properties to examine multiple ecosystem services-specifically agricultural production, biodiversity and habitat, and soil health-across human created vegetation states in a managed oak woodland landscape in a Mediterranean climate. We found clear tradeoffs and synergies in management outcomes.

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A common phenomenon observed in natural and constructed wetlands is short-circuiting of flow and formation of stagnant zones that are only indirectly connected with the incoming water. Biogeochemistry of passive areas is potentially much different than that of active zones. In the research reported in this paper, the spatial resolution of a previously developed wetland nutrient cycling model was improved in order to capture the spatial variability of concentrations and reaction rates regarding nitrogen and carbon cycles throughout active and passive zones of wetlands.

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Earthquakes often cause destructive and unpredictable changes that can affect local hydrology (e.g. groundwater elevation or reduction) and thus disrupt land uses and human activities.

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In situ grab sampling from source waters and water extraction from source materials are common methods for determining disinfection by-product (DBP) formation potential (FP) of water samples or reactivity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in forming DBPs during chlorination. However, DOM, as the main DBP precursor, collected using these techniques may not represent the DOM reacting with disinfectants due to biogeochemical alterations during water conveyance to drinking water treatment facilities. In this study, we exposed leachates from fresh litter and associated decomposed duff to natural sunlight or K-12 for 14 d and evaluated the changes, if any, on the propensity to form trihalomethane (THM), haloacetonitrile (HAN), and chloral hydrate (CHD) during chlorination.

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Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michaux) stands are important for biodiversity in conifer-dominated forest landscapes. Our goal was to quantify the consequences of conifer succession on understory diversity and litter quality, as well as associated changes in aspen stand condition. We studied aspen stands on national park land in the transition zone between the northern Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade mountain ranges.

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Background: Quantification of ecosystem services, such as carbon (C) storage, can demonstrate the benefits of managing for both production and habitat conservation in agricultural landscapes. In this study, we evaluated C stocks and woody plant diversity across vineyard blocks and adjoining woodland ecosystems (wildlands) for an organic vineyard in northern California. Carbon was measured in soil from 44 one m deep pits, and in aboveground woody biomass from 93 vegetation plots.

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Litter materials from forested watersheds can be a significant source of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to surface waters that can contribute to the formation of carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs) during drinking-water chlorination. This study characterized the reactivity of DOM from litter leachates of representative vegetation in oak woodlands, a major plant community in the Foothill Region of California. Leachates from fresh and decomposed litter (duff) from two oak species, pine, and annual grasses were collected for an entire rainy season to evaluate their reactivity to form DBPs on chlorination.

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Constructed wetlands (CWs), along with other vegetative systems, are increasingly being promoted as a mitigation practice to treat non-point source runoff to reduce contaminants such as pesticides. However, studies so far have mostly focused on demonstrating contaminant removal efficiency. In this study, using two operational CWs located in the Central Valley of California, we explored the mechanisms underlying the removal of pyrethroids and chlorpyrifos from agricultural runoff water, and further evaluated the likelihood for the retained pesticides to accumulate within the CWs over time.

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Export of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from California oak woodland ecosystems is of a great concern because DOM is a precursor for carcinogenic disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed during drinking water treatment. Fresh litter and decomposed duff materials for the four dominant vegetation components of California oak woodlands: blue oak (Quercus douglassi H. & A.

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Pollutants in agricultural irrigation return flow (tailwater) constitute a significant nonpoint source of pollution in intensive agricultural regions such as the Central Valley of California. Constructed wetlands (CWs) represent a feasible mitigation option to remove pollutants including pesticides in the tailwater. In this study, we evaluated two CWs in the Central Valley for their performance in removing pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides under field-scale production conditions.

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The effects of wetland treatment on disinfection byproduct precursors were evaluated for six constructed wetlands receiving agricultural return flows in the Central Valley of California. Wetlands varied in size, age, vegetation, hydrologic residence time (0.9-20 days) and water management (continuous flow vs.

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Elevated nutrient concentrations in agricultural runoff contribute to seasonal eutrophication and hypoxia in the lower portion of the San Joaquin River, California. Interception and filtration of agricultural runoff by constructed wetlands may improve water quality of return flows ultimately destined for major water bodies. This study evaluated the efficacy of two small flow-through wetlands (2.

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The effects of a restored wetland system in the Sacramento Valley, California on the production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) and the formation potential of common disinfection byproducts (DBPs: trihalomethanes, haloacetonitriles, and chloral hydrate) were examined. Additionally, the effects of photodegradation and microbial degradation on dissolved organic matter properties and reactivitywith respect to DBP formation potential (DBP-FP) were evaluated. The wetlands increased DOC and DON concentrations by a factor of 2.

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The efficacy of using constructed wetlands (CWs) to sequester organic carbon and nutrients from irrigation tailwaters was studied in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Two CWs were monitored during the 2004 irrigation season, a new CW (W-1) and 10-year-old CW (W-2). Input/output waters from CW were collected weekly and analyzed for a variety of water quality contaminants.

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