Publications by authors named "Nuytinck L"

Background/aims: Due to a lack of standard pediatric prescribing information, medicines are often used in a dosage form or for an indication that has not been investigated in children. Pediatric clinical trial research networks aim to facilitate the timely availability of innovative drugs for children by developing standardized trial facilitation and conduct processes. This paper aims to assess the (pre)feasibility duration and characteristics of a US-sponsored clinical trial, in collaboration with I-ACT for Children, for distribution across European sites via European clinical research facilitation networks.

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Introduction: The high failure rate of industry-driven pediatric clinical trials leads to insufficient timely labeling of drugs in children and a lack of scientific evidence, resulting in the persistently high off-label drug use. National clinical trial networks can facilitate collaboration between sites, investigators, and experts, increasing the likelihood of successful trials. Within the conect4children (c4c) network, an Innovative Medicines Initiative 2-funded project, National Hubs hosted by National Clinical Trials Networks were set up across 21 European countries to facilitate the setup and execution of pediatric clinical trials.

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Paediatric clinical trials are critical to ensure that medications prescribed to children are safe and effective. However, evidence-based dosing and labelling of such medications remain limited, and most clinical trials in paediatrics fail. Factors for lack of trial completion include performance at site level (limited patient recruitment, limited site staff experience and lack of infrastructure), the sponsor team (limited paediatric specific expertise in design, uncertainties on robustness of biomarkers or outcome variables) as well as regulatory and administrative burdens.

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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common after pediatric cardiac surgery (CS). Several urine biomarkers have been validated to detect AKI earlier. The objective of this study was to evaluate urine CHI3L1, NGAL, TIMP-2, IGFBP7, and NephroCheck as predictors for AKI ≥ 1 in pediatric CS after 48 h and AKI ≥ 2 after 12 h.

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Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequently occurring syndrome in critically ill patients and is associated with worse outcomes. Biomarkers allow early identification and therapy of AKI which may improve outcomes. Urine chitinase 3-like protein 1 (uCHI3L1) was recently identified as a promising urinary biomarker for AKI.

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Aim: The European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research, known as the TEDDY Network, carried out a survey to determine the capacity and competence of paediatric centres to perform research studies.

Methods: A cross-sectional, web-based pilot survey was conducted from October 2016 to April 2017 with paediatric clinical research centres in 11 countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. All were registered with the TEDDY Network database.

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Background: A common and serious complication of cardiac surgery prompting early detection and intervention is cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI). Urinary chitinase 3-like protein 1 (UCHI3L1) was found to predict AKI associated with critical illness in adults. Our aims were therefore to evaluate whether UCHI3L1 can also be used to predict AKI associated with elective cardiac surgery in adults, and to compare this predictive ability with that of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (UNGAL), more frequently assessed early serum creatinine (SCr) measurements, and various two-biomarker panels.

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Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs frequently and adversely affects patient and kidney outcomes, especially when its severity increases from stage 1 to stages 2 or 3. Early interventions may counteract such deterioration, but this requires early detection. Our aim was to evaluate whether the novel renal damage biomarker urinary chitinase 3-like protein 1 (UCHI3L1) can detect AKI stage ≥ 2 more early than serum creatinine and urine output, using the respective Kidney Disease | Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria for definition and classification of AKI, and compare this to urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (UNGAL).

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The toll-like receptor (TLR) family maintains pulmonary homeostasis by pathogen recognition, clearance and regulation of inflammation. Genes affecting inflammation response play a key role in modifying Cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease severity. We assessed the impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TLR genes (TLR1 to TLR10, CD14, lipopolyssacharide-binding protein (LBP)) on lung function in CF patients.

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Mannan-Binding lectin (MBL) is a serum lectin and an important constituent of the innate immune system. Processes linked to the innate immune response have previously been implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). MBL is associated with blood vessels in the brain and AD patients demonstrate lower MBL levels in the cerebrospinal fluid compared to controls.

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Host genetic factors have previously been found to act as determinants of differential susceptibility to major infectious diseases. It is less clear whether such polymorphisms may also impose on pathogen recognition in mucosal overgrowth conditions such as bacterial vaginosis, an anaerobic overgrowth condition characterised by the presence of a vaginal biofilm consisting of the Gram-positive anaerobes Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae. We selected 34 single nucleotide polymorphisms pertaining to 9 genes involved with Toll-like receptor-mediated pathogen recognition and/or regulation (LBP, CD14, TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR6, MD2, CARD15 and SIGIRR) and assessed in a nested case-control study their putative association with bacterial vaginosis, as diagnosed by Gram staining, and with the vaginal carriage of A.

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Objectives: We investigated the possible association of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within the ficolin (FCN) genes. Two SNPs in the FCN1 gene, four SNPs in the FCN2 gene and one SNP in the FCN3 gene were studied.

Methods: The SNPs within the FCN genes were detected by an experimental INNO-LiPA methodology (Innogenetics, Belgium) in a population consisting of 338 RA patients and 595 controls.

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A girl with a mild sporadic osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) similar to hypochondroplasia but with significant short stature is reported. She has been followed clinically between the ages of 9 months and 14 years. Growth remained normal throughout childhood with stature evolving about 3.

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L-ficolin (also called ficolin-2, P35 or hucolin) is a soluble pattern recognition molecule of suspected importance in anti-microbial immunity. It activates the lectin pathway of complement and acts as an opsonin. l-ficolin, encoded by the FCN2 gene, recognizes microbial polysaccharides and glycoconjugates rich in GlcNAc or GalNAc.

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We report on a girl with moderate developmental delay and mild dysmorphic features. Cytogenetic investigations revealed a de novo interstitial deletion at the proximal dark band on the long arm of chromosome 7 (7q21.1-q21.

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Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is characterized by fragile and hyperextensible skin, atrophic scarring, and joint hypermobility. Mutations in the COL5A1 and the COL5A2 gene encoding the alpha1(V) and the alpha2(V) chains, respectively, of type V collagen have been shown to cause the disorder, but it is unknown what proportion of classic EDS patients carries a mutation in these genes. We studied fibroblast cultures from 48 patients with classic EDS by SDS-PAGE for the presence of type V collagen defects.

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As a key component of the complement system, mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is one of the linchpins of innate immunity. It is, therefore, not surprising that MBL2 genetic variants affecting the quantity and activity of the MBL protein in serum have been associated with increased susceptibility to infection and autoimmune diseases, and with poorer prognostic outcomes. This enhanced risk is particularly the case for children and immunosuppressed patients, especially when immunity is further compromised by coexistent primary or secondary immune deficiencies.

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Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type VIIC, or dermatosparactic type, is a recessively inherited connective tissue disorder characterized, among other symptoms, by an extreme skin fragility resulting from mutations inactivating ADAMTS-2, an enzyme excising the aminopropeptide of procollagens type I, II, and III. All previously described mutations create premature stop codons leading to a marked reduction in the level of mRNA. In this study, we analyzed the ADAMTS2 cDNA sequences from five patients displaying clinical and/or biochemical features consistent with a diagnosis of either typical or potentially mild form of EDS type VIIC.

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In order to estimate the contribution of mutations at the fibrillin-1 locus (FBN1) to classical Marfan syndrome (MFS) and to study possible phenotypic differences between patients with an FBN1 mutation vs. without, a comprehensive molecular study of the FBN1 gene in a cohort of 93 MFS patients fulfilling the clinical diagnosis of MFS according to the Ghent nosology was performed. The initial mutation screening by CSGE/SSCP allowed identification of an FBN1-mutation in 73 patients.

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Fibrillin is the major component of extracellular microfibrils. Mutations in the fibrillin gene on chromosome 15 (FBN1) were first described in the heritable connective disorder, Marfan syndrome (MFS). FBN1 has also been shown to harbor mutations related to a spectrum of conditions phenotypically related to MFS, called "type-1 fibrillinopathies.

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The report describes a previously healthy 24-year-old women presenting with acute abdominal pain following a hyperextension manoeuvre. The key finding of a continuous bruit with systolic and diastolic components in the epigastric region subsequently led to the diagnosis of an intramural haematoma of the coeliac artery, that caused a subtotal occlusion of the artery. The diagnosis was achieved by both colour-coded duplex sonography and magnetic resonance angiography.

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Skin hyperelasticity, tissue fragility with atrophic scars, and joint hypermobility are characteristic for the classical type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). The disease is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait; however, recessive mode of inheritance has been documented in tenascin-X-deficient EDS patients. Mutations in the genes coding for collagen alpha1(V) chain (COL5A1), collagen alpha2(V) chain (COL5A2), tenascin-X (TNX), and collagen alpha1(I) chain (COL1A1) have been characterized in patients with classical EDS, thus confirming the suspected genetic heterogeneity.

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