DNA targeting Class 2 CRISPR-Cas effector nucleases, including the well-studied Cas9 proteins, evolved protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) and guide RNA interactions that sequentially license their binding and cleavage activities at protospacer target sites. Both interactions are nucleic acid sequence specific but function constitutively; thus, they provide intrinsic spatial control over DNA targeting activities but naturally lack temporal control. Here we show that engineered Cas9 fusion proteins which bind to nascent RNAs near a protospacer can facilitate spatiotemporal coupling between transcription and DNA targeting at that protospacer: Transcription-associated Cas9 Targeting (TraCT).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPDZ domain mediated interactions with voltage-gated calcium (Ca) channel C-termini play important roles in localizing membrane Ca signaling. The first such interaction was described between the scaffolding protein Mint-1 and Ca2.2 in mammals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Radial forearm free flap phalloplasty (RFFF) is a set of complex reconstructive procedures aimed at creating an aesthetic and functional penis in transgender patients. Sensory recovery in the neophallus and donor site is crucial for optimizing outcomes, but the few prior studies that exist assess neophallus sensation at limited locations and time points. The purpose of this study was to prospectively quantify sensory outcomes in the neophallus and donor site following RFFF phalloplasty.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Research relating to Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) has found the anterior-based muscle-sparing (ABMS) approach improves both intraoperative and postoperative outcomes when compared to other THA approaches. This study compares the costs and outcomes of the ABMS approach and standard of care (SOC) to determine the relative cost-effectiveness.
Methods: A decision-analytic model was utilized to estimate intraoperative outcomes (i.
Using five complementary short- and long-read sequencing technologies, we phased and assembled >95% of each diploid human genome in a four-generation, 28-member family (CEPH 1463) allowing us to systematically assess mutations (DNMs) and recombination. From this family, we estimate an average of 192 DNMs per generation, including 75.5 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), 7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough only a fraction of CTCF motifs are bound in any cell type, and approximately half of the occupied sites overlap cohesin, the mechanisms underlying cell-type specific attachment and ability to function as a chromatin organizer remain unknown. To investigate the relationship between CTCF and chromatin we applied a combination of imaging, structural and molecular approaches, using a series of brain and cancer associated CTCF mutations that act as CTCF perturbations. We demonstrate that binding and the functional impact of WT and mutant CTCF depend not only on the unique properties of each protein, but also on the genomic context of bound sites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPDZ domain mediated interactions with voltage-gated calcium (Ca ) channel C-termini play important roles in localizing membrane Ca signaling. The first such interaction was described between the scaffolding protein Mint-1 and Ca 2.2 in mammals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHere we used a series of CTCF mutations to explore CTCF's relationship with chromatin and its contribution to gene regulation. CTCF's impact depends on the genomic context of bound sites and the unique binding properties of WT and mutant CTCF proteins. Specifically, CTCF's signal strength is linked to changes in accessibility, and the ability to block cohesin is linked to its binding stability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFShort tandem repeats (STRs) are hotspots of genomic variability in the human germline because of their high mutation rates, which have long been attributed largely to polymerase slippage during DNA replication. This model suggests that STR mutation rates should scale linearly with a father's age, as progenitor cells continually divide after puberty. In contrast, it suggests that STR mutation rates should not scale with a mother's age at her child's conception, since oocytes spend a mother's reproductive years arrested in meiosis II and undergo a fixed number of cell divisions that are independent of the age at ovulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPaediatric palliative care is pivotal for addressing the complex needs of children with incurable diseases and their families. While home-based care offers a familiar and supportive environment, delivering comprehensive services in this context is challenging. The existing literature on home-based palliative care lacks detailed guidance for its organization and implementation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhether synthetic genomes can power life has attracted broad interest in the synthetic biology field. Here, we report de novo synthesis of the largest eukaryotic chromosome thus far, synIV, a 1,454,621-bp yeast chromosome resulting from extensive genome streamlining and modification. We developed megachunk assembly combined with a hierarchical integration strategy, which significantly increased the accuracy and flexibility of synthetic chromosome construction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDNA targeting Class 2 CRISPR-Cas effector nucleases, including the well-studied Cas9 proteins, evolved protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) and guide RNA interactions that sequentially license their binding and cleavage activities at protospacer target sites. Both interactions are nucleic acid sequence specific but function constitutively; thus, they provide intrinsic spatial control over DNA targeting activities but naturally lack temporal control. Here we show that engineered Cas9 fusion proteins which bind to nascent RNAs near a protospacer can facilitate spatiotemporal coupling between transcription and DNA targeting at that protospacer: Transcription-associated Cas9 Targeting (TraCT).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Sociodemographic and health characteristics of patients undergoing gender-affirming surgery (GAS) are currently unknown. Understanding these patient characteristics is vital to optimizing patient-centered care for transgender patients.
Objective: To determine sociodemographic characteristics for the transgender population undergoing GAS.
The discovery of regulatory domains has been limited to the investigation of transcription factors and homologous protein sequences. In this issue of , motivated by an oncogenic protein fusion, Tak et al. direct the regulatory potential of a nontraditional effector domain to novel genomic loci with fusions to programmable DNA-binding domains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCysHis zinc finger (ZF) domains engineered to bind specific target sequences in the genome provide an effective strategy for programmable regulation of gene expression, with many potential therapeutic applications. However, the structurally intricate engagement of ZF domains with DNA has made their design challenging. Here we describe the screening of 49 billion protein-DNA interactions and the development of a deep-learning model, ZFDesign, that solves ZF design for any genomic target.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGender-affirming care for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals is a multidisciplinary endeavor that requires organized efforts of many specialized practitioners. TGD individuals experience many health care barriers, including the scarcity of multidisciplinary teams formed to coordinate and deliver complex care in an efficient and affirming way. The Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health was founded in 2017 with the mission of decreasing health disparities and improving the health of the TGD community.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: A shared care model was implemented in 2006 in Queensland to facilitate paediatric oncology, haematology and palliative care patients receiving care as close to home as possible. Following initial diagnosis, care planning and treatment at the tertiary children's hospital, appropriate local care was coordinated by Regional Case Managers (RCMs) established at each of 10 Shared Care Units (SCUs). This enabled safe and quality regional care supported by a statewide network providing clinical governance and education.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAstronauts returning from long-duration spaceflights experience visual-vestibular conflicts that causes motion sickness, perceptions that the environment is moving when it is not, and problems with walking and other functional tasks. To evaluate whether astronauts will have similar decrements after they land on Mars following exposure to weightlessness, participants were held by a device that offloads their weight, first entirely (0 G), and then partially (0.38 G) or not at all (1 G).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate the functional outcome and complications of unstable acromioclavicular (AC) joint separations repaired with a single coracoclavicular tunnel utilizing an arthroscopic-assisted curved button technique. Methods Thirty-five patients with a minimum of 12 months follow-up underwent arthroscopic-assisted AC joint reconstruction with suspensory button and 2 mm suture tape fixation using 3 mm tunnels. Functional outcome scores were analyzed preoperatively and at final follow-up with all complications noted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To synthesize existing qualitative research exploring the experiences of parents caring for children with cancer during the end-of-life phase, and the factors that influence parental decision-making when choosing the location of end-of-life care and death for their child.
Results: This review included 15 studies of 460 parents of 333 children and adolescents who died from progressive cancer. Where reported, the majority (58%) of children died at home or in a hospital (39%), with only a small fraction dying in a hospice.
Studies of de novo mutation (DNM) have typically excluded some of the most repetitive and complex regions of the genome because these regions cannot be unambiguously mapped with short-read sequencing data. To better understand the genome-wide pattern of DNM, we generated long-read sequence data from an autism parent-child quad with an affected female where no pathogenic variant had been discovered in short-read Illumina sequence data. We deeply sequenced all four individuals by using three sequencing platforms (Illumina, Oxford Nanopore, and Pacific Biosciences) and three complementary technologies (Strand-seq, optical mapping, and 10X Genomics).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe widely used Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) nuclease derives its DNA targeting specificity from protein-DNA contacts with protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequences, in addition to base-pairing interactions between its guide RNA and target DNA. Previous reports have established that the PAM specificity of SpCas9 can be altered via positive selection procedures for directed evolution or other protein engineering strategies. Here we exploit in vivo directed evolution systems that incorporate simultaneous positive and negative selection to evolve SpCas9 variants with commensurate or improved activity on NAG PAMs relative to wild type and reduced activity on NGG PAMs, particularly YGG PAMs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMultiple arthroscopic double-row repair techniques have been developed to treat full-thickness rotator cuff tears. However, healing rates and functional outcomes vary among these repair methods. A suture tape and medial double-pulley (STDP) technique that incorporated 2-mm suture tape for a knotless double-row with a broad double-mattress suture medially was developed as an alternative method to other double-row repair techniques.
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