Publications by authors named "Novozhilova N"

M18 administration has been proven to provide positive effects on periodontal health; however, there is still no consensus on the optimum duration of probiotic administration. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of three months of probiotic supplementation on bleeding on probing, signs of gingival inflammation, and dental biofilm. Sixty-two eligible individuals with gingivitis were enrolled in this placebo-controlled, double-blind trial and randomly allocated to the M18 or control groups.

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Soft drinks may have a deleterious effect on dental health due to a high titratable acidity and a low pH that could be sufficient to induce tooth demineralization. The use of oral care products immediately after acidic challenge may diminish the erosive potential of soft drinks. We assessed the effect of oral care foams and a spray on salivary pH changes after exposure to Coca-Cola in young adults.

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We assessed the effect of different compositions and concentrations of two etidronate-containing irrigants on the antibacterial activity of sodium hypochlorite (SH) against and in vitro. Pure cultures of and were isolated from root canal samples. The disc diffusion method was used to compare the antibacterial effect of pure SH and SH mixed with 9%, 15%, and 18% etidronate of two manufactures (dual rinse (DR); IsraDent (ID)) and EDTA.

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We aimed to assess the effect of oral probiotic containing the M18 strain on gingival inflammation, bleeding on probing, and oral biofilm. Sixty-one consenting participants aged between 18 and 25 with gingivitis were recruited in this double-blind, parallel-group study and randomly divided into the probiotic group ( = 31) and the placebo group ( = 30). Fifty-seven participants completed the entire study protocol, 27 in the probiotic group and 30 in the placebo group.

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The use of chelating agents (CAs) in the endodontic irrigation protocol is required to dissolve the inorganic components of the smear layer. We aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of dental professionals regarding the use of CAs during root canal treatment. A cross-sectional anonymous online survey was conducted among specialized endodontists and general dentists who routinely perform endodontic treatment and work in government-funded or private clinics in Moscow.

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This cross-sectional survey assessed the knowledge of and the attitude towards probiotics of dental students and academics at Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia. Our questionnaire consisted of 15 questions divided into 3 sections: respondents' sociodemographic data, knowledge on probiotics, and attitude towards probiotics. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test, Fisher's exact test, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.

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Gingivitis is a widespread disease commonly associated with dentin hypersensitivity, that, in turn, may complicate routine dental care, leading to plaque accumulation. We aimed to assess the antigingivitis, desensitizing, and antiplaque effects of a fluoride-containing (TWF) alkaline toothpaste and a fluoride-free (TW) alkaline toothpaste. Eighty-four consenting patients aged 20-25 years with diagnosed gingivitis and dentin hypersensitivity (DH) were recruited in this double-blind, parallel-group study and randomly divided into two groups (each = 42).

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We aimed to assess the influence of professional dental prophylaxis on the translucency and color stability of a novel simplified shade nanohybrid composite material. Sixty composite disks (5 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick) of light ( = 30) and dark ( = 30) shades were prepared. The specimens were randomly divided into the following three groups ( = 10) according to the prophylaxis procedure used: ultrasonic scaling, air-powder polishing with sodium bicarbonate, and controls.

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Aims: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of toothpastes containing hydroxyapatite (nHAP), Zn-Mg-hydroxyapatite (nZnMgHAP), and fluorapatite (nFAP) nanocrystals on dentin hypersensitivity (DH) associated with noncarious cervical lesions.

Materials And Methods: Thirty consenting volunteers aged 35-45 years with DH were enrolled in a double-blind, parallel study, randomly assigned to the nHAP group ( = 10), the nZnMgHAP group ( = 10), or the nFAP group ( = 10), and instructed to use the toothpaste twice daily for one month. The primary outcome was Schiff scores at baseline and after 2 and 4 weeks.

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  • The study examined the effects of K12 strain probiotics on salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), salivation rates, and oral biofilm in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 31 participants.
  • Results showed no significant changes in salivary IgA levels or salivation rates between the probiotic and placebo groups after 4 weeks.
  • However, the probiotic group demonstrated a noticeable reduction in plaque accumulation over the study period.
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We aimed to assess the effects of ultrasonic scaling and air-powder polishing on the roughness of enamel, three nanocomposites (Premise, Herculite Ultra, Harmonize), and composite/enamel and composite/cementum interfaces. Class V cavities were restored in 99 extracted third molars with one of the three nanocomposites and treated with ultrasonic scaler or air-powder polishing device (calcium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate powders). The roughness (Ra) of the investigated surfaces was measured with contact profilometer before and after treatment.

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Background: Currently various studies are conducted to improve the effect of existing and developing new remineralizing agents. One of the trends in remineralizing therapy is the development of toothpaste allowing brushite crystals formation in the demineralized lesions of hard tooth tissues.

Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of toothpaste, forming a brushite, on the functional acid resistance of enamel and the speed of its remineralization.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of final surface treatment and dental composite type on the roughness of the composite surface, composite/enamel interface, and composite/cementum interface, as well as on the polishing time. Class V cavities prepared in extracted teeth ( = 126) were restored using one of the three nanohybrid composites with different filler sizes. The specimens were randomly assigned to three different finishing and polishing sequences.

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  • The study evaluated the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, and 1.5% chlorhexidine with xanthan gel against bacteria located in dentin tubules.
  • Fifty-two bovine dentin samples were infected, treated with various medications for two weeks, and analyzed using advanced microscopy and bacterial counting methods to assess infection levels.
  • Results indicated that both chlorhexidine treatments significantly reduced bacterial counts, with ultrasonic irrigation further enhancing the effectiveness, except in the case of the combination with xanthan gel.
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Unlabelled: The present study aimed to assess the influence of centrifugation and inoculation time on the number, distribution, and viability of intratubular bacteria and surface monospecies E. faecalis biofilm.

Materials And Methods: Forty-four semicylindrical specimens cut from primary (n = 22) and permanent (n = 22) bovine teeth were randomly assigned to the experimental groups.

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Aims: Xerostomia syndrome is a significant medical and social problem. It is manifested by objective and subjective symptoms of a "dry mouth" and a decrease in sialometry. The aim of the study was to determine the dental status of students of different nationalities, to identify xerostomia induced on a background of stress, and to assess the effectiveness of the use of moisturizing foams in alleviating xerostomia.

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Aim: To assess the efficacy of additional oral hygiene products in patients with gingival recession.

Material And Methods: 30 patients aged from 18 to 35 years with gingival recession participated in the study. The patients were distributed into 2 groups 15 patients in each depending on the use of brushes.

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Objectives: To compare the accuracy of cone-beam CT and for the detection of artificially created large and small vertical root fractures in extracted teeth restored with post-core.

Methods: Individual metal cast post-cores were fixed in the root canals of 50 extracted single-rooted human teeth. In 30 teeth fractures were created by tapping posts with a hammer.

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Aim: To compare the in vivo accuracy of CBCT for the detection of fracture lines versus the diagnosis of vertical root fractures (VRFs) according to characteristic patterns of associated bone resorption.

Methodology: Eighty-eight patients with symptoms typical of VRFs in root filled teeth, who underwent a CBCT examination and later had the teeth extracted, were divided into two groups: the fracture group (n = 65) and the control group (n = 23). Five blinded observers assessed the CBCT images in two sessions.

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The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of penetration of Escherichia coli bacteria into the dentinal tubules of the samples and determine the antimicrobial efficacy after 5 and 20 min exposition of 3% HO (groups I and II) and 1 and 5 min exposition of 3% NaOCl (groups III and IV) for surface disinfection of bovine teeth. The samples were subjected to inoculation with E. coli suspension.

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Recent studies have demonstrated that the assessment of postural performance may be a potentially reliable and objective marker of the psychomotor retardation (PMR) in the major depressive disorder (MDD). One of the important facets of MDD-related PMR is reflected in disrupted central mechanisms of psychomotor control, heavily influenced by compelling maladaptive depressive rumination. In view of this we designed a research paradigm that included sequential execution of simple single-posture task followed by more challenging divided attention posture tasks, involving concurring motor and ideomotor workloads.

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To survive in its sand fly vector, the trypanosomatid protozoan parasite first attaches to the midgut to avoid excretion, but eventually it must detach for transmission by the next bite. In strain Friedlin, this is controlled by modifications of the stage-specific adhesin lipophosphoglycan (LPG). During differentiation to infective metacyclics, d-arabinopyranose (d-Ara) caps the LPG side-chain galactose residues, blocking interaction with the midgut lectin PpGalec, thereby leading to parasite detachment and transmission.

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Unlabelled: The aim of the study was to assess the influence of external root anatomy, time of irrigation and the rate of mechanical enlargement of root canals on root fracture resistance. Thirty six bovine teeth were decoronated and divided into 2 groups: with round and oval forms of axial root slices. The root canals were mechanically enlarged according to standard protocol and prepared for post placement.

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The review sought to describe the main risk factors for vertical root fracture predisposition in teeth after root canal treatment: altered mechanical characteristics of dentine due to loss of moisture and use of aggressive irrigation agents, insufficient amount of remaining dentine tissue after mechanical preparation of root canals, damage to the remaining tooth structure due to the effects of posts of different materials. According to the reviewed studies it is difficult to reveal the main factor predisposing to vertical root fractures. It is likely that in each case there is an interaction of several factors.

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The temperature dependences of heat capacities of carbosilane dendrimers of the sixth generation with ethyleneoxide terminal groups, denoted as G6[(OCH2CH2)1OCH3]256 and G6[(OCH2CH2)3OCH3]256, were measured in the temperature range from T = (6 to 520) K by precision adiabatic calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In the above temperature range the physical transformations, such as glass transition and high-temperature relaxation transition, were detected. The standard thermodynamic characteristics of the revealed transformations were determined and analyzed.

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