Publications by authors named "Notardonato I"

Indoor air quality is negatively affected by the emission of different combustion sources releasing airborne particles and related particle-bound toxic compounds (e.g., heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).

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Air pollution and the increasing production of greenhouse gases has prompted greater use of renewable energy sources; the EU has set a target that the use of green energy should be at 32 percent by 2030. With this in mind, in the last 10 years, the demand for pellets in Italy has more than doubled, making Italy the second largest consumer in Europe. The quality of the pellets burned in stoves is crucial to indoor and outdoor pollution.

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The emission of chemicals into the environment has increased in a not negligible way as a result of the phenomenon of globalization and industrialization, potentially also affecting areas always considered as "uncontaminated". In this paper, five "uncontaminated" areas were analyzed in terms of the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals (HMs), comparing them with an "environmental blank". Chemical analyses were carried out using standardized protocols.

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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, and plasticizer residues are continuously released into the environment. The use of living organisms, such as Apis mellifera L. and honey, is advantageous as bioindicator of the environmental health status, instead of traditional monitoring methods, showing the ability to record spatial and temporal pollutant variations.

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The active regulation of extracellular pH is critical for the virulence of fungal pathogens. is the causal agent of green-blue mold on stored pome fruits and during its infection process acidifies the host tissues by secreting organic acids. is also the main producer of patulin (PAT), a mycotoxin found in pome fruit-based products and that represents a serious health hazard for its potential carcinogenicity.

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Phthalic acid esters (PAEs) are classified as endocrine disruptors, but it remains unclear if they can enter the marine food-web and result in severe health effects for organisms. Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) can be chronically exposed to PAEs by ingesting plastic debris, but no information is available about PAEs levels in blood, and how these concentrations are related to diet during different life stages. This paper investigated, for the first time, six PAEs in blood of 18 wild-caught Mediterranean loggerhead turtles throughout solid-phase extraction coupled with gas chromatography-ion trap/mass spectrometry.

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Formaldehyde, the simplest molecule of the aldehyde group, is a gaseous compound at room temperature and pressure, is colorless, and has a strong, pungent odor. It is soluble in water, ethanol, and diethyl ether and is used in solution or polymerized form. Its maximum daily dosage established by the EPA is 0.

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This paper would like to show all the data related to an intensive field campaign focused on the characterization of the Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) composition profile in almost 60 honey samples collected in Central Italy. The analytical data here reported are the base for a study aimed to identify the pollution sources in a region. 22 PAHs were analyzed by means of ultrasound-vortex-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction (DLLME) procedure followed by a triple quadrupole gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC-MS).

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The quality of honey is assessed through the determination of some commodity parameters: a certain importance is to be attributed to the absence of contaminating residues, in particular of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). This paper deeply investigates the presence of 22 PAHs in 57 honey samples collected in Central Italy and identifies the possible source apportionment and fingerprint identification by DLLME-GC-MS analysis and a chemometric approach. Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis have allowed to identify the main PAHs responsible of the contamination, benzo[a]anthracene and phenanthrene, characteristics pollutants of areas constantly exposed.

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The presence of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in marine environments is an important issue. These chemicals are able to affect marine organisms, particularly marine turtles, and to act as endocrine disrupters. In this paper, for the first time, a simple and reproducible analytical method based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled with gas chromatography-ion trap/mass spectrometry (GC-IT/MS) was developed for the extraction of phthalates from the blood of marine turtles.

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This paper shows a characterization of the organic and inorganic fraction of river waters (Tiber and Marta) and ores/soil samples collected in the Northern Latium region of Italy for evaluating the anthropogenic/natural source contribution to the environmental pollution of this area. For organic compounds, organochloride volatile compounds in Tiber and Marta rivers were analyzed by two different clean-up methods (i.e.

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In this paper, an analytical protocol was developed for the simultaneous determination of phthalates (di-methyl phthalate DMP, di-ethyl phthalate DEP, di-isobutyl phthalate DiBP, di--butyl phthalate DBP, bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate DEHP, di--octyl phthalate DNOP) and bisphenol A (BPA). The extraction technique used was the ultrasound vortex assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (UVA-DLLME). The method involves analyte extraction using 75 µL of benzene and subsequent analysis by gas chromatography combined with ion trap mass spectrometry (GC-IT/MS).

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Over the years, anthropogenic sources have increasingly affected food quality. One of the most sensitive and nutritional matrices affected by chemical contamination is honey, due to the use of acaricides. Recently, the attention has moved to the presence of phthalates (PAEs) and bisphenol A (BP-A), molecules present in plastic materials used both in the production phase and in the conservation of honey.

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Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter, a perennial weed of the Mediterranean area, was reported to be source of active substances. Here, by means of both ingestion and contact assays, the biological activity of three different extracts (n-hexane, methanol, and distilled water) of D.

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Baby foods are either a soft, liquid paste or an easily chewed food since babies lack developed muscles and teeth to chew effectively. Babies typically move to consuming baby food once nursing or formula is not sufficient for the child's appetite. Some commercial baby foods have been criticized for their contents.

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This paper is focused on the determination of phthalates (PAEs), compounds "plausibly" endocrine disruptors, in baby food products by means of a method based on ultrasound-vortex-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with GC-IT/MS (UVALLME-GC-IT/MS). Particularly, the whole procedure allows the determination of six phthalates such as DMP, DEP, DBP, iBcEP, BBP and DEHP. After dissolution of 0.

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A new, simple, rapid and fully validated method based on gas chromatography coupled with Electron capture and ion trap mass spectrometry detectors (GC-ECD and GC-IT/MS) is presented for quantitative analysis of acrylamide contaminant in conventional cereal-based foods and potato chips. Before analysis acrylamide was efficiently derivatized with trifluoroacetic anhydride, the effects of temperature, reaction time and catalyst on the acylation reaction were evaluated. Chromatographic analysis was performed on SE-54 capillary column; good retention and peak response of the acrylamide derivative achieved under the optimal conditions.

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An analytical method based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) with Amberlite XAD-2 adsorbent used as stationary phase for determining phthalate esters (PAEs) in hydroalcoholic food beverages by GC-FID (and peak confirmation by GC-IT/MS) has been set up. The XAD-2 resin shows excellent properties for determining PAEs in solutions at very large alcoholic range (10-40% v/v): 500mL of hydroalcoholic solution spiked with a PAE mixture solution (20pgμL(-1) of each PAE) and containing 25gL(-1) of NaCl are passed onto a cartridge containing 500mg XAD-2 adsorbent and re-extracted for GC analysis. The effects of NaCl concentration (0, 12, 25 and 50gL(-1)) and different solvents (CS2, toluene, acetone, n-hexane, ethyl acetate) are extensively studied as well the PAE recoveries both in hydroalcoholic aqueous solutions (ranging between 94% and 103% with a Relative Standard Deviation, RSD, below 8.

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This paper proposes a new method for quantitative analysis of acrylamide in cereal-based foods and potato chips. The method uses reaction with trifluoroacetic anhydride, and analyses the resulting derivative by use of gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). The effects of derivatization conditions, including temperature, reaction time, and catalyst, on the acylation reaction were evaluated.

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GC column selectivity can be continuously adapted to suit analytical needs using a flow-tuneable tandem system. Its application for the separation of complex mixtures requires a deep understanding of the theory in this area. Although a number of researchers have developed specific models, a general and exhaustive theory is still missing.

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An Ultrasound-Vortex-Assisted Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Micro-Extraction (USVADLLME) procedure coupled with Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) or Gas Chromatography-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry (GC-IT/MS) is proposed for rapid analysis of six phthalate esters in hydroalcoholic beverages (alcohol by volume, alc vol(-1), ≤40%). Under optimal conditions, the enrichment factor of the six analytes ranges from 220- to 300-fold and the recovery from 85% to 100.5%.

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This paper shows an analytical methodology based on solid-phase extraction by XAD-2 adsorbent and gas chromatography (GC) coupled with nitrogen-phosphorus (NPD) and ion-trap mass spectrometry detectors (ITMS) in negative chemical ionization (NCI) mode analyses for investigating organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) at trace levels (in nanograms per cubic meter) in the atmosphere: in particular, we set up a procedure for analyzing 38 OPs. For the analytical methodology linearity responses have been obtained in GC-NPD (r > 0.9982) and GC-NCI/ITMS (r > 0.

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A solid-phase extraction (SPE) method was developed for extraction and analysis of six phthalate esters in wine samples using Carbograph 1 sorbent. The SPE procedure allowed efficient recovery of the investigated phthalates ranging between 78% and 105% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) ≤6.5 for an ethanolic phthalic acid ester (PAE) standard solution and between 73-71% and 96-99% with a RSD ≤8.

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This paper investigates the performance of some adsorbents, Carbopack B, Tenax-GC, and XAD-2, in a SPE and GC analytical method for sampling and determining some persistent organic pollutants such as benzene, toluene, o-, m-, and p-xylenes, naphthalene, anthracene, fluorene, fluoranthene, benzo(i,k)fluorene, pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endosulfan, and PCB congeners (nos. 1, 15, 44, 77, and 209). Adsorbents evaluated in this study are Carbopack B, Tenax-GC, and XAD-2.

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