Am J Health Syst Pharm
September 2019
Purpose: Results of a study to elucidate perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs about prescribed medications held by hospitalized patients who are homeless are reported.
Methods: A qualitative descriptive study involving semistructured interviews was conducted to gather information and characterize hospitalized homeless patients' views and attitudes regarding medication use, with a focus on medication nonadherence. Medication nonadherence has been shown to be a factor contributing to higher rates of emergency department visits, increased hospital lengths of stay, and increased healthcare costs in homeless populations.
Objective: To evaluate the clinical and cost implications generated by a newly integrated ED pharmacist in a Canadian urban, university-affiliated tertiary care hospital.
Methods: A pharmacist documented all interventions that took place over a 5-week period. Interventions were assessed by a review panel for clinical significance and probability of harm had the intervention not occurred.