Publications by authors named "Nomoto M"

A pair of monozygotic twins concordant for juvenile Parkinsonism are described. These twin sisters have lived together until 18 years old. Twin A noted tremor in the right hand and right-sided stiffness and slowness at the age 20.

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Nerve terminals of unknown origin at the previously denervated neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) of the feline intrinsic laryngeal muscles were investigated. Until 3 weeks after the transection of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN), no axons were observed in the Büngner's bands and the NMJ, accompanied by a marked decrease of autonomic nerves around the blood vessels. At 5-6 weeks nerve varicosities labeled by 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OHDA) were observed in the Büngner's bands together with an increase of autonomic nerves around the blood vessels.

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Morphological changes and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity in the neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) of the normal and denervated posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (PCA muscle) of the cat were studied. Two days after denervation, the nerve terminals at the NMJ had almost disappeared. Six weeks after denervation, intensity of AchE activity at the former junctional site (FJS) was unchanged histochemically.

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Two cases of HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM) complicated with Sjögren's syndrome (SjS), T-lymphocyte alveolitis and arthropathy were reported. Case 1 was a 55-year-old woman. Since 40 years of age she had been suffering from repetitive pulmonary infection.

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Four adult marmosets were treated with increasing doses of 1-methyl-4-(2'-methylphenyl)-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (2'-methyl-MPTP) in the range 0.23-4.3 mg/kg i.

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Postural myoclonus associated with long-term administration of neuroleptics was demonstrated in schizophrenic patients. Sixty patients who had been taking neuroleptics for more than 3 months were investigated for myoclonus and the relationships between postural myoclonus and age, duration of illness, duration of medication, current daily dose, cumulative dose, occurrence of abnormal finger movement, parkinsonism, and tardive dyskinesia were evaluated. Twenty-three patients (38%) showed postural myoclonus when holding the hands forward with the elbow joints flexed at about 90%.

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The CYP2A1 and CYP2A2 genes code for hepatic steroid hydroxylases and differ in their development regulation and expression in male and female rats. In order to explore the mechanism of regulation of these two genes, both genes were isolated and sequenced, their upstream regions compared, and their promoters transcribed in a cell-free system derived from liver. The CYP2A1 gene was completely sequenced and spanned 12,835 bp.

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In order to elucidate the pathological and epidemiological features of malignant lymphoma (ML), particularly of adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (ATLL) in the Kagoshima district, age-adjusted and age-specific incidence rates of malignant lymphomas were estimated on 3239 histologically confirmed cases between the years 1963 and 1987. There was a marked increase in the incidence rate from 1976 (4.9) to 1982 (8.

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Acute treatment of common marmosets with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) caused an initial profound akinesia and other motor deficits. However, over the following months akinesia gradually disappeared although the animals remained clumsy and poorly coordinated. At 10 days following MPTP treatment there was a profound decrease in the dopamine, HVA and DOPAC content of the caudate nucleus, putamen and nucleus accumbens.

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Administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to common marmosets induced motor deficits, associated with a marked decrease in the uptake of [3H]dopamine into synaptosomes in the putamen and a reduction in the content of dopamine in both caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens. Histological analysis showed a marked loss of dopamine-containing cells in the zona compacta of the substantia nigra and less loss in the ventral tegmental area. Treatment of animals with the selective monoamine oxidase (MAO) B inhibitor, MDL 72145 (0.

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The selective dopamine D-2 receptor agonist N-0437 produced a rapid and dose-dependent reversal of motor deficits lasting 90-120 min following i.p. or oral administration of the racemate to MPTP-treated common marmosets.

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By light and electron microscopic examinations, histologic changes in the liver of mice with graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR) were analyzed. To induce GVHR, C57BL/6 (B6) spleen cells were injected into (B6Xbm1)F1, (B6Xbm12)F1, and (bm1Xbm12)F1 mice. In (B6Xbm12)F1 recipient mice, bile duct changes resembling chronic non-suppurative destructive cholangitis (CNSDC) and a formation of epithelioid granulomas were observed during the course of GVHR.

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Acetylcholine receptors (AchRs) at the neuromuscular junctions of the cat posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (PCA muscle) were demonstrated by using erabutoxin b (Eb) which has a curare-like action. Eb is one of the short-chain neurotoxins which is obtained from Laticauda-semifasciata. At the light microscopic level, the localization of the neuromuscular junctions was detected on the muscle fiber by rhodamine-labeled Eb (TMR-Eb) under a fluorescein microscopy.

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Administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to common marmosets initially impaired motor function, but a partial recovery occurred over the following weeks. At both 10 days and 4-6 weeks following MPTP treatment, [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) uptake into synaptosomal preparations of putamen was markedly decreased. At 10 days and 4-6 weeks following MPTP treatment DA, homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels in the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens were substantially reduced.

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The purpose of this study is to identify the origin of the nerve terminals of unknown origin observed at the previously denervated neuromuscular junctions in the cat intrinsic laryngeal muscles. The results were as follows: 1. Until 3 weeks after the transection of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, no nerve terminals were found at the neuromuscular junctions of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles except for the cricothyroid muscle, and no nerve fibres were detected in the Schwann tubes formed by Schwann cells and perineural cells.

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Morphological changes of the neuromuscular junctions induced by denervation and reinnervation have been investigated electronmicroscopically using cat intrinsic laryngeal muscles. Two experiments were performed: 1. simple transection of the unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve at the level of the second tracheal ring; 2.

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Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland is a rare tumor. Histological and ultrastructural features of a primary squamous cell carcinoma arising in the right parotid gland is presented. Light microscopically the tumor consisted of poorly differentiated squamous cell nests.

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Administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to common marmosets induced persistent motor deficits. Administration of the D1 agonist SKF 38393 (2.5-20 mg/kg, i.

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To induce graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR), C57B1/6 (B6) spleen cells were injected into (B6 x bm1)F1, (B6 x bm12)F1, and (bm1 x bm12)F1 mice. Since the strains bm1 and bm12 are mutant at the H-2Kb and I-Ab regions of major histocompatibility complex (MHC), respectively, we can assess MHC class I- or class II-different GVHR. As reported earlier, immunological perturbations assessed by the number of immunoglobulin-producing cells and immune complex deposition in renal glomeruli were demonstrated in MHC class II-different GVHR.

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Common marmosets were treated daily with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP, 7-9 mg/kg i.p.) for 25 days, and then kept out of drug for three months before biochemical measurements in various brain areas.

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The therapeutic effect and the prognosis of transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) and one-shot chemotherapy were studied in 90 cases of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). A therapeutic effect, which was assessed by the serum concentration of alpha-fetoprotein, angiography, computed tomography and ultrasonography, was seen in 33 (83%) out of 40 cases treated with TAE, and in 16 (32%) out of 50 cases treated with one-shot chemotherapy. In the cases that received TAE, the cumulative percentage survival rates at 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months were 75%, 48% and 20%, respectively.

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The serum concentration and degree of fucosylation (fucosylation index) of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) were determined in serum samples from 258 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 114 patients with benign liver diseases. When the serum AFP concentration was below 1000 ng/ml, it could not be used as a measure to distinguish between HCC and benign liver diseases. However, the fucosylation index of AFP proved useful for such a purpose.

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