Publications by authors named "Njokanma F"

Introduction: high blood pressure (HBP), once considered rare in adolescents is now a growing health problem. Usually asymptomatic in adolescents, if uncontrolled, can track into adulthood leading to various end-organ complications. In 2017, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a new Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for screening and management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents to update the 2004 Fourth report.

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Introduction: Adolescent high blood pressure (HBP) can lead to several end-organ complications if it continues into adulthood. The 2017 AAP Guideline has lower blood pressure cut-off points and consequently leads to the identification of more people with high blood pressure. This study evaluated the impact of the 2017 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Guideline on the prevalence of high blood pressure among adolescents when compared to the 2004 Fourth Report.

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Background: Hypothyroidism in children with nephrotic syndrome (NS) is often attributed to prolonged loss of thyroxine binding globulin and thyroid hormones alongside protein in the urine. It has been historically associated with steroid-resistant NS alone. However, recent evidence supports the fact that subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) does occur even in children with steroid responsive NS.

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Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is the least studied complication of nephrotic syndrome (NS). Risk factors which predispose children with NS to developing PAD include hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and prolonged use of steroids. The development of PAD significantly increases the morbidity and mortality associated with NS as such children are prone to sudden cardiac death.

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The Clinical Summary and Reasoning Format (CSRF) was designed by the Faculties of Paediatrics of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria and the West African College of Physicians. The form is recommended for routine use in clinical practice as well as for training and examination purposes. The form has sections for documenting information derived from interacting with an index patient and sections for documenting sequential deductions on the way to various levels of diagnosis.

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Background: The 6-minute walk test (6MWT), a simple, reliable, and valid test that uses the distance walked in 6 minute walk distance (6MWD) to quantify functional capacity, is widely used in the management of chronic disorders. However, the absence of reference standards from sub-Saharan African, including Nigerian, school-aged children limits its utility in this age group.

Objectives: To develop normative values and equations for the 6MWD of school-aged Nigerian children.

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Patients' records are often bulky and unwieldy, necessitating the creation of summaries. A structured summary format adds the advantage of improved organization and easier retrieval of information. However, typical clinical summary formats do not document intermediate deductions linking symptomatology to diagnosis and to that extent fall short of tracking the cognition process of the clinician.

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Patients' records are often bulky and unwieldy, necessitating the creation of summaries. A structured summary format adds the advantage of improved organization and easier retrieval of information. However, typical clinical summary formats do not document intermediate deductions linking symptomatology to diagnosis and to that extent fall short of tracking the cognition process of the clinician.

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Background: Correction of vitamin D deficiency through administration of either vitamin D or D has been shown to reduce chronic bone pains and frequency of acute bone pains, increase bone density as well as improve growth stature in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA). Findings vary on the effectiveness of the two forms of the vitamin. The current study was carried out to compare the effectiveness of a 6-week treatment course of vitamin D and D in the correction of hypovitaminosis D (vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency) as well as evaluate treatment response to derangement of serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in children with SCA in steady state.

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The Faculty of Paediatrics of the West African College of Physicians has been using the long case as a major clinical examination for Membership candidates since the early 1980s. Many training institutions also retain the long case examination. Over the years, the Faculty made far-reaching changes in this method of examination geared towards the improvement of its performance indices of reliability, validity and fairness.

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Aim: This study aimed to explore the presence of psychotic like experience (PLE) symptoms and evaluate for the possible socio-demographic, family, school and mental health variables associated with clinically significant PLE symptoms in Nigeria school adolescent.

Methods: A total of 9441 adolescents from 47 secondary schools in Lagos Nigeria completed questionnaire detailing sociodemographic, family and school related variables. Mental health was assessed with the Mini International Diagnostic Interview for children and adolescents (MINI-KID).

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Background: The prevalence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children with severe malaria in sub-Saharan African may have been underestimated. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of AKI in children with severe malaria and its association with adverse hospital outcomes.

Methods: At presentation, we measured complete blood count, serum bilirubin, and serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine in children with severe malaria.

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Introduction: Reference values of oxygen saturation (SpO2) to guide care of low birth weight neonates have been obtained mainly from Caucasians. Data from African newborns are lacking. To determine the pre- and post-ductal SpO2values of low birth weight neonates within the first 72 h of life, compare SpO2values of moderate-late preterm and term low birth weight neonates and determine how mode of delivery affected SpO2in the first 24 h of life.

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Background: Studies from other parts of the world have documented knowledge gaps in parents of children with congenital heart disease (CHD). The authors are not aware of any study in the Nigerian population assessing the effect of socioeconomic class on the perceptions of caregivers of children with CHD.

Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of socioeconomic class on the perceptions of caregivers of children with CHD.

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Eosinophilic meningitis is rare, commonly caused by invasion of the central nervous system by helminthes. The present case is that of a 10-year-old boy who presented with history of generalized pruritus not associated with skin eruptions, followed by pain and weakness of the extremities and loss of consciousness. Patient did not receive BCG vaccination.

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Background: Small-for-gestational age (SGA) newborns constitute a special group of neonates who may have suffered varying degrees of intrauterine insults and deprivation. Variations in birth weight, length and Ponderal Index (PI) depend on the type and degree of intrauterine insults the babies were exposed to. The objective of the study was to determine the current prevalence of term SGA births in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital and the current pattern of Ponderal Indices among term SGA in a population of Nigerian babies.

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Background: Asphyxia is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality in the developing countries. All organs including the myocardium are vulnerable to ischemic injury in asphyxia. The aim of the current study was to assess myocardial injury in asphyxiated full-term neonates using their serum cardiac troponin T levels.

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This study looked at the combined effects of maternal age, fetal sex and parity in a specialist hospital setting and compared it with already published figures obtained from public health-care data in Nigeria. The results show a relationship exists with bivariate analysis between these variables and birth weight, but with multivariate analysis the relationship proves to be spurious. Socio-economic status and maternal health were felt to be the most important considerations within the specialist hospital setting, as patients who attend are more likely to be of high socio-economic status and therefore on a higher income and better educated.

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Background: The safety of the technique of uterine exteriorization at caesarean section though popular among obstetricians, remains controversial.

Objective: To evaluate the influence of exteriorization of uterus during uterine repair on caesarean morbidity.

Methods: A randomized comparative study of 136 women undergoing primary caesarean delivery at Havana Specialist Hospital Lagos Nigeria.

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We reviewed our experience with vaginal misoprostol induction of labour in 339 consecutive women with a live fetus and intact fetal membrane using 100 mcg 12-hourly until labour was established. The labours were monitored using the WHO partograph protocol. Two hundred and sixty-five women had a successful induction while 74 had an emergency caesarean section because of cephalopelvic disproportion (63.

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Postpartum haemorrhage is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality and occasionally severe enough to warrant hysterectomy to prevent maternal death. Hysterectomy often is fraught with danger and regular audit is necessary to assist in the reduction of these dangers. A 20-year audit of all emergency peripartum hysterectomies, performed at Havana Specialist hospital Lagos, Nigeria, is reported.

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The pattern of morbidity and mortality of 103 neonates weighing less than 2500 g referred to a Nigerian University Teaching Hospital over a period of 30 months (March 1989-August 1991) was studied. Fifty seven (55.3%) weighted less than 1500 g, 80 (77.

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