Publications by authors named "Nishihira H"

The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of long-term cryopreserved umbilical cord blood (CB) units for hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). The recovery of the number of total nucleated cell (TNC), hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs; CD34+ cells, colony-forming units-granulocyte/macrophages [CFU-GMs]), and the percentage of viable cells, CD34+ CD38- cells, and CD34+ CXCR4+ cells of CB units cryopreserved for 10 years for HCT were examined. Eighteen CB units cryopreserved for 10 years (as the study group) and for 1 month (as the control group), respectively, were analyzed.

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Background: A nationwide mass screening for neuroblastoma (NBL) in 6-month-old infants (MS6M) was performed in Japan from 1985 to 2003. Favorable biological features were identified for most of the detected tumors; consequently, we began an observation program for selected screened patients in 1993. Here, we report the clinicopathological findings and present status of patients enrolled in our observation program, with the goal of evaluating its usefulness.

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Background: The Kanagawa Cord Blood Bank (KCBB) reports the treatment of 12 patients who received umbilical cord blood transplantation (CBT) from unrelated donors as their second hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

Methods: Provided by the KCBB, between February 1997 and September 2000, 12 patients had unrelated CBT as a second HSCT. Six patients were male and six female; nine patients were in malignant, and three were in non-malignant conditions.

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As a source for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), cord blood transplantation from unrelated donors (UCBT) is now considered as an acceptable alternative to patients who need unrelated HSCT. To confirm the findings that mismatched UCBT is feasible, we discussed here the results for 477 patients with hematologic malignancies and non-malignancies who were subjected to UCBT coordinated by the Japanese Cord Blood Bank Network (JCBBN). From February 1997 to October 2001, 411 patients with malignancies and 66 with non-malignancies had UCBT through the cord blood bank in the JCBBN; 311 patients had HLA 0-1 mismatched UCBT; 165, had a 2-4 HLA mismatch.

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Cryopreserved umbilical cord blood (CB) from unrelated donors can restore haematopoiesis after myeloablative therapy in patients with haematological malignancy. We investigated the clinical outcomes of CB transplantation (CBT) with special emphasis on graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis. Patients with haematological malignancies (n = 216) received intensive chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy, followed by transplantation of cryopreserved CB cells from unrelated donors.

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The results for 49 patients with hematologic and non malignancies who were subjected to a cord blood transplantation from HLA-mismatched unrelated donors (UCBT) are presented here. This retrospective study included 22 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 12 with acute myelogenous leukemia, one each with chronic myelogenous leukemia, refractory anemia with myelodysplastic syndrome, and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, three with Wistott-Aldrich syndrome, three with adrenoleukodystrophy, two with Hunter's syndrome, one each with Hurler's syndrome, purine nucleotide phosphorylase deficiency, pure red cell aplasia, and severe aplastic anemia. In malignant diseases, the Kaplan-Meier estimates for three-year overall survival (OAS) and event-free survival (EFS) were 51.

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Purpose: Hepatoblastoma is the most common malignant liver tumor in childhood. Multicenter studies elucidate the optimal pre- or postoperative chemotherapeutic regimens. This report reviews the results of the Japanese Study Group for Pediatric Liver Tumor Protocol-1 (JPLT-1) and compares its outcomes with published reports of other studies.

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Here we report a case with precursor natural killer (NK) cell leukemia successfully treated with an unrelated cord blood transplantation. A 7-month-old Japanese boy was diagnosed to have NK cell leukemia based on the existence of abnormal cells in the bone marrow with the phenotype of CD3(-) /CD4(+) /CD7(-) /CD8(-) /CD16(-) /CD33(+) /CD34(-) /CD56(+) /HLA-DR(+) /NKB1(+) / CD94(+). The leukemic cells showed few azurophilic granules in the cytoplasm and weak cytotoxic activity.

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Factors influencing the outcome for 39 children with haematological malignancy who were subjected to a cord blood transplantation (CBT) from genotypically HLA-mismatched unrelated donors were analysed. This retrospective study included 21 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, 15 with acute myelogenous leukaemia and one each with chronic myelogenous leukaemia, refractory anaemia with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML). Those subjected to CBT during the first or second complete remission (CR) and MDS without blasts were assigned to the standard-risk (SR) group (n = 16).

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We performed retrospective DNA typing of class I (A, B, Cw) and class II (DRB1, DQB1, DPB1) HLA alleles in 27 unrelated cord blood transplantation (CBT) cases donated from a single cord blood bank (Kanagawa Cord Blood Bank). The influence of HLA genotype matching on clinical outcome was evaluated. From Cox's model, we found that incompatibility of two or more HLA alleles between the donor and recipient of an unrelated CBT was suggested to be a risk factor for a worse event-free survival (EFS) (p = 0.

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Purpose: To describe various favorable courses of neuroblastoma (NBL) detected by mass screening and to present our observation program as a temporary treatment option, to be used until a final decision is made regarding the mass screening program for 6-month-old infants.

Patients And Methods: Between October 1993 and November 1999, 26 of 51 patients with NBL detected by mass screening were enrolled in our observation program. The criteria for observation included urinary vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) levels less than 50 microg/mg creatinine, smaller tumor size (< 5.

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The first cord blood transplantation (CBT) was performed in a 5-year-old boy with acute myelogenous leukemia from his HLA-identical sibling donor in 1994. Since then there have been 17 related and 131 unrelated CBTs in Japan. Overall survival and disease-free survival (DFS) were over 70% in sibling donor CBT.

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Spontaneous regression and maturation of neuroblastoma (NB) are well documented and occur frequently in infants, including those detected by mass screening. To seek histologic clues for regression/maturation in mass-screened NB, clinicopathologic features of 12 tumors that were resected after 2 to 18 months of untreated observation were reviewed. Unobserved screened and age-matched unscreened patients were also studied.

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We describe harvest techniques for cord blood after delivery of the placenta. The umbilical vein is punctured or catheterized, and then placental/cord blood is aspirated with syringes contained anticoagulants. Other method of collection, which has been undertaken in the Cord Blood Bank of the New York Blood Center, is to drain blood into a collection-bag by gravity.

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Purpose: To elucidate the efficacy of intensive induction and consolidation chemotherapy regimens (Study Group of Japan for Advanced Neuroblastoma [JANB] 85) for patients with advanced neuroblastoma aged 1 year or older.

Patient And Methods: One hundred fifty-seven patients with newly diagnosed advanced neuroblastoma were entered into this study between January 1985 and December 1990. Eligible patients were 12 months old or older with stage III or IV disease.

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The serum G-CSF levels of eight patients with severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) were found to be significantly higher than those of 22 patients with chronic benign neutropenia (CBN). The relative number of cells expressing the G-CSF receptor in light density bone marrow cells (LDBMC) was lower in patients with SCN than in patients with CBN or in normal subjects. When recombinant human G-CSF was incubated with LDBMC, G-CSF levels were decreased by LDBMC from normal subjects and CBN patients, but not by those from SCN patients.

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Pelvic neuroblastoma is relatively rare and most are a presacral mass. We present a case of asymptomatic neuroblastoma arising from the dome of the bladder wall, detected by a mass screening program. Only 1 case of neuroblastoma originating from the bladder has been previously reported.

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Umbilical cord-blood (CB) has been used as a source of hematopoietic stem cells in pediatric patients with sibling donors. As a result of the success with CB transplantation from sibling donors, pilot programs for the banking of unrelated donor CB were initiated in the organization of Kanagawa Cord Blood Bank, Japan in 1995. As of December 1997, unrelated donor CB was used to reconstitute hematopoiesis in seven patients aged 0.

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Pancreatoblastoma is a rare pancreatic neoplasm that generally occurs in children and demonstrates unique histopathologic features, including squamoid corpuscles. We encountered five cases of pancreatoblastoma and unexpectedly found the presence of optically clear nuclei (OCN) only in tumor cells of squamoid corpuscles. Recent studies showed that OCN seen in some types of neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues were rich in biotin and revealed false-positive immunostaining by the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex method.

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A joint national survey on cord blood transplantation (CBT) was conducted in Japan and 18 sibling CBTs were reported. Diseases of the patients were leukemia (ten), neuroblastoma (one), bone marrow failure (four) and inborn errors of metabolism (three). A volume of 50-141 ml of cord blood containing 27-197 x 10(7) nucleated cells was collected from sibling infants soon after delivery.

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P53 protein expression in malignant cells of five patients with Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and from two patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) was examined with anti p53 protein monoclonal antibodies PAb1801, PAb240 and p53-D07 using an immunocytochemical technique. Four of the seven patients were positive. The distribution of positive staining within the cell was predominantly in the nucleus.

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We report the case of a patient with fatal obstructive lung disease after an HLA-haploidentical sibling cord blood transplant (CBT), with severe acute GVHD. A 2-year-old girl developed expiratory air trapping gradually with acute and chronic GVHD after CBT for the treatment of ALL. Anti-CMV and immunosuppressive therapy were ineffective, and the patient died of progressive respiratory acidosis.

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Background: It has been shown that children aged more than 12 months with stage 3 and 4 neuroblastoma with N-myc amplification do worse than those without amplification. Development of an innovative chemotherapeutic protocol for patients in such an extremely poor-risk group was the purpose of this study.

Procedure: Since March 1991 a new protocol for the treatment of advanced neuroblastoma was started.

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