Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi
September 2012
Objective: To validate the previous anatomic study result about angle nerve of facial nerve through 3-dimensional (3-D) visualization technique, so as to provide theory basis for clinic treatment of nerve loss.
Method: The full-thickness soft tissue at internal side of inner canthus was harvested from adult cadaveric head. The skin was 3 cm in length and 1 cm in width, with 2 parallel cut lines as location markers.
Objective: To discuss the midface aging mechanism through anatomic study of malar fat pad.
Methods: 10 fresh adult cadaveric heads (20 sides) fixed by vascular perfusion of formalin were used for anatomic study with microsurgery technique under microscope. The midfacial ligament and connective tissue between skin and subcutaneous fat were observed carefully in different parts of midface.
Objective: To study the anatomy of angular nerve (AN), so as to provide safe approach for the denervation surgery of corrugator supercilii, depressor supercilii and procerus.
Methods: 10 fresh cadaver (20 sides)were perfused and fixed with formalin. Dissection was performed in the 10 x operating microscope.