Publications by authors named "Nili Tabak"

Purpose: Attitudes towards reporting child abuse and neglect play a significant role in determining the tendency to report abuse and neglect. In addition, Cognitive Response Theory (Shen, 2020) suggests that individuals actively process messages by producing pro and/or counter arguments referred to as "Gain - loss thoughts". However, literature positioning the variable, attitudes towards reporting, as a mediator, as well as its importance, are limited.

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Nurses in psychiatric and forensic departments encounter unique difficulties and ethical dilemmas regarding the contrast between providing care and maintaining safety. Are psychiatric nurses incarceration wardens or agents of nursing care?

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The decision-making process regarding termination of pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease is a stressful experience for future parents. Janis and Mann’s conflict decision-making model describes seven ideal stages that comprise vigilant information-gathering as an expression of the qualitative decision-making process. In our study, we attempted to determine whether parents who face the decision regarding termination of pregnancy undertake a qualitative decision-making process.

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Purpose: The study aimed to (1) examine health behaviors and perceived health among nurses; (2) analyze the effect of nurses' personal and work characteristics on these variables; and (3) explore the relationship between health behaviors and nurses' health perception.

Design And Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among nurses working in health care organizations (HCOs) across Israel. An email with the online questionnaire was sent to nurses working in 19 HCOs across Israel during September-December 2018.

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Objective: To explore factors that influence parents' decisions regarding the termination of pregnancy after the detection of fetal congenital heart disease (CHD).

Design: A prospective descriptive study.

Setting: The Institute of Pediatric Cardiology in the Schneider Children's Medical Center.

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Background: Nurses engaging in research are held to research ethics standards.

Research Aim: Examine experiences, behaviors, and perceptions of nurses in Israel regarding research ethics and explore possible related factors.

Research Design: An original investigator-designed self-administered questionnaire measured five variables: (a) ethics in research, (b) encountered research misconduct during the course of one's studies, (c) the inclination to fabricate data, (d) the inclination to select or omit data, and (e) knowledge of research misconduct in the workplace.

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Purpose: This innovative pilot study was designed to provide research-based evidence on the variables to consider informing a child of his/her cancer diagnosis, so as to minimize the negative psychosocial effects of the cancer experience on survivors. The hypotheses of the study were that "good information" about cancer, will allow the child a better understanding way to cope with treatment and improve sociopsychological outcomes at adulthood.

Methods: Ninety-one adult childhood cancer (CC) survivors got the questionnaires while waiting to their routine checkup at a grate CC medical center in center Israel.

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Background: Contemporary medicine and nursing use music to stabilize mood, relieve tension and anxiety, and achieve higher treatment efficiency. Preoperative anxiety may be responsible for cognitive and behavioral changes affecting treatment efficiency.

Purpose: To evaluate the effect of background music on preoperative anxiety in elective surgery patients and on noise levels in the surgery waiting room.

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Study Aim: To examine the incidence of sexual harassment of women staff by male hospital patients, and how experiencing it differs between doctors, nurses and nurse aides.

Methods: 434 women staff in three large Israeli hospitals completed an anonymous self-administered questionnaire on (a) the frequency of sexual harassment by patients, (b) the emotional effect of a described instance of harassment, (c) what action respondents would take if confronted by the same incident.

Results: Sexual harassment by male patients is common, ranges from mild innuendo to threats of rape, and creates great emotional distress.

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The benefits and disadvantages of posttransplant contact between a donor family and the organ recipient are disputed. In this study far more contacters reported benefits rather than disadvantages and noncontacters reported the opposite. The dissatisfaction of noncontacters with no contact was high: no less than 60% wanted some form of contact in the future.

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A great deal of research has considered the dynamics of family violence and the way that family violence is processed and handled in the criminal justice system. Very little nursing research has considered the dynamics of older persons' maltreatment in long-term care. Older people living in a residential setting have the right to respectful care based on professional ethics.

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Using Ajzen and Madden's Theory of Planned Behavior, this study investigates factors which influence nurses' intention to apply clinical practice guidelines in their daily ward work. A convenience sample of 91 nurses in internal medicine wards in three Israeli hospitals answered four questionnaires. Data were processed by Pearson correlation coefficients and multivariate regression.

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Israeli-Arab birthing mothers use epidural anesthesia in labor markedly less than their Israeli-Jewish counterparts. This study modeled the mothers' choice to agree to epidural anesthesia or not, using the Ajzen and Madden Theory of Reasoned Action. A convenience sample of one hundred was drawn from women coming to two hospitals to give birth.

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Aims And Objectives: To investigate the intentions of nurses and nursing students to telling the truth to patients and families, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior which examines intention to perform behaviours.

Background: In recent decades, the perception that patients have a moral and legal right to truthful and reliable information has become dominant. However, the study of telling the truth to non-oncology patients has received scant attention and little is known about the intention of nurses and nursing students to tell the truth.

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This research was designed to assess nurses' perceptions, knowledge, attitudes and intentions in relation to nurse participation in Healthcare Ethics Committees (HECs). A convenience sample of 87 nurses from five Israeli hospitals completed a self-administered questionnaire, whose data were then analyzed by quantitative statistics. The main findings were that large percentages of nurses were totally ignorant of the existence and functioning of the HEC in their workplaces.

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The aim of this study is to use the Azjen & Madden Theory of Planned Behavior to identify the factors influencing the intention or non-intention of community nurses to report adverse incidents. A convenience sample of community nurses completed a questionnaire. The findings fully or partially confirmed the study's three hypotheses.

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Aims And Objectives: To understand how the recipients of cadaver-harvested organs and donor families perceive the role of the transplant team and transplant coordinator in bringing them into contact.

Background: Studies dispute the benefits and disbenefits of contact and their differential weights with the two parties. For the donor family, contact with the recipient after a successful transplant renders positive meaning to the tragedy of the family's loss, but expectations of the recipient can also be disappointed.

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Objective. In recent years, more and more delivery rooms have allowed husbands/partners to be present during a Cesarean section Nonetheless, many still oppose the idea. The study is designed to investigate the attitudes of Israeli gynecologists, anesthetists, operating-room nurses, and midwives on this issue.

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In this study, we examined the perception of actual and ideal ethical climate type among 95 nurses working in the internal medicine wards of one central hospital in the state of Israel. We also examined whether nurses' demographic characteristics influence that perception and if a relationship between perceptions of an actual and an ideal ethical climate type influences nurses' job satisfaction. A questionnaire composed of three subquestionnaires was administered and the responses analyzed using multiple linear regressions, analysis of variance and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

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The purpose of this study was to (a) investigate in the Israeli context how patient violence towards staff (nurses and auxiliaries) affects their mental state and professional performance; and (b) to investigate how the variable, internal/external locus of control, mediates the effects of this violence. Four of the five hypotheses were confirmed: type, severity and frequency of attack was correlated with the level of staffers' psychological distress and change in professional functioning; psychological distress was correlated with a negative change in professional functioning and was higher in attacked staff than in those not attacked; internal locus of control was correlated with lower psychological distress and less negative professional functioning, whereas an external locus of control correlated with higher distress and more negative functioning. A sharper awareness of the effects of violence on staff is vital at all levels of management.

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Posthumous sperm retrieval is still a controversial procedure. The Israel Ministry of Health has recently issued guidelines to regulate the procedure and a recent unusual petition in Israel for posthumous retrieval sheds new and interesting light on the dilemmas involved. This paper examines the petition, both in its own right and by comparing it to the more frequent situation where the surviving partner of a suddenly deceased man petitions for his sperm to be collected for insemination into herself.

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Nurses are increasingly having to face the dilemma of nursing not only the victims of terrorist attacks but also the terrorist attackers. This study investigated the declared practical intentions of Israeli nursing students regarding their care of both victims and attackers and tried to identify which variables predicted the different intentions.A total of 306 students on a BA nursing program responded to the Priorities in Care Questionnaire, which asked for their responses to five vignettes in which the patient featuring in each vignette was either the victim of a terrorist attack, a terrorist, a criminal or a regular patient.

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The debate continues about whether people have a duty to pass on the positive results of their genetic tests to relatives who are at risk from the same disease, and, should they refuse, whether physicians and genetic counselors then have the duty to do so. To date, the role and views of nurses in this debate have not been investigated. In our study, a sample of Israeli nurses, untrained in genetics, were asked for their theoretical opinions and what practical steps they would take in the case of patients' refusal to disclose.

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Background: A significant source of stress in nursing is conflict with physicians. There is evidence in the published literature that different ways of resolving conflicts generate more or less stress for those involved.

Aim: This research examines what tactics nurses adopt to resolve conflicts with doctors and how the different tactics affect their level of stress and job satisfaction.

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The success of mammal cloning in 1997 has brought the issue of human cloning into public discussion. Human cloning has several aspects and potential applications for use in both reproductive and non-reproductive matters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes toward human cloning in Israel.

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