Publications by authors named "Nikita P Kryuchkov"

Tunable self-assembly driven by external electric or magnetic fields is of significant interest in modern soft matter physics. While extensively studied in two-dimensional systems, it remains insufficiently explored in three-dimensional systems. In this study, we investigated the formation of vertical strings from an initial monolayer system of particles deposited on a horizontal substrate under the influence of an external magnetic field using experiments, computer simulations, and theoretical frameworks.

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We study microbubbles (MBs) in aqueous electrolyte solutions and show that increasing the salt concentration slows down the kinetics of MB dissolution. We modified the Epstein-Plesset theory and experimented with NaCl aqueous solutions to estimate the MB effective surface charge and to compare it with predictions from the modified Poisson-Boltzmann theory. Our results reveal a mechanism responsible for the change in the dissolution of MBs in aqueous electrolyte solutions, with implications for emerging fields ranging from physics of solutions to soft and biological matter.

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Calculations of pair correlations in fluids usually require resource-intensive simulations or integral equations, while existing simple approximations lack accuracy. Here, we show that the pair correlation function for monolayer fluid-like systems can be decomposed into correlation peaks defined using Voronoi cells. Being properly normalized, these peaks exhibit a universal form, weak temperature dependence, and resemble those of an ideal gas, except for the first peak.

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The rotational dynamics of microparticles in liquids have a wide range of applications, including chemical microreactors, biotechnologies, microfluidic devices, tunable heat and mass transfer, and fundamental understanding of chiral active soft matter which refers to systems composed of particles that exhibit a handedness in their rotation, breaking mirror symmetry at the microscopic level. Here, we report on the study of two effects in colloids in rotating electric fields: (i) the rotation of individual colloidal particles in rotating electric field and related to that (ii) precession of pairs of particles. We show that the mechanism responsible for the rotation of individual particles is related to the time lag between the external field applied to the particle and the particle polarization.

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Astrocytes are glycolytically active cells in the central nervous system playing a crucial role in various brain processes from homeostasis to neurotransmission. Astrocytes possess a complex branched morphology, frequently examined by fluorescent microscopy. However, staining and fixation may impact the properties of astrocytes, thereby affecting the accuracy of the experimental data of astrocytes dynamics and morphology.

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Swarming behavior in systems of self-propelled particles, whether biological or artificial, has received increased attention in recent years. Here, we show that even a small number of particles with anomalous behavior can change dramatically collective dynamics of the swarming system and can impose unusual behavior and transitions between dynamic states. Our results pave the way to practical approaches and concepts of multiagent dynamics in groups of flocking animals: birds, insects, and fish, i.

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The effects of inertia in active matter and motility-induced phase separation (MIPS) have attracted growing interest but still remain poorly studied. We studied MIPS behavior in the Langevin dynamics across a broad range of particle activity and damping rate values with molecular dynamic simulations. Here we show that the MIPS stability region across particle activity values consists of several domains separated by discontinuous or sharp changes in susceptibility of mean kinetic energy.

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Self-diffusion in fluids has been thoroughly studied numerically, but even for simple liquids just a few scaling relationships are known. Relations between diffusion, excitation spectra, and character of the interparticle interactions remain poorly understood. Here, we show that diffusion mobility of particles in simple fluids increases linearly on the liquid branch of the liquid-gas binodal, from the triple point almost up to the critical point.

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Coupled oscillators are one of the basic models in nonlinear dynamics. Here, we study numerically and analytically the spectra of two harmonic oscillators with stochastically fluctuating coupling and driving forces reproducing a thermostat. We show that, even at small coupling, vanishing on average, the oscillation spectra exhibit mixing, even though no cross-correlations exists between the oscillators.

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Monolayer and two-dimensional (2D) systems exhibit rich phase behavior, compared with 3D systems, in particular, due to the hexatic phase playing a central role in melting scenarios. The attraction range is known to affect critical gas-liquid behavior (liquid-liquid in protein and colloidal systems), but the effect of attraction on melting in 2D systems remains unstudied systematically. Here, we have revealed how the attraction range affects the phase diagrams and melting scenarios in a 2D system.

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Many-body forces play a prominent role in structure and dynamics of matter, but their role is not well understood in many cases due to experimental challenges. Here, we demonstrate that a novel experimental system based on rotating electric fields can be utilised to deliver unprecedented degree of control over many-body interactions between colloidal silica particles in water. We further show that we can decompose interparticle interactions explicitly into the leading terms and study their specific effects on phase behaviour.

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Melting is one of the most studied phase transitions important for atomic, molecular, colloidal, and protein systems. However, there is currently no microscopic experimentally accessible criteria that can be used to reliably track a system evolution across the transition, while providing insights into melting nucleation and melting front evolution. To address this, we developed a theoretical mean-field framework with the normalised mean-square displacement between particles in neighbouring Voronoi cells serving as the local order parameter, measurable experimentally.

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The effect of particle activity on collective excitations in active fluids of microflyers is studied. With an in silico study, we observed an oscillating breakdown of equipartition (uniform spectral distribution) of kinetic energy in reciprocal space. The phenomenon is related to short-range velocity-velocity correlations that were realized without forming of long-lived mesoscale vortices in the system.

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The conventional (Zwanzig-Mountain) expressions for instantaneous elastic moduli of simple fluids predict their divergence as the limit of hard-sphere (HS) interaction is approached. However, elastic moduli of a true HS fluid are finite. Here we demonstrate that this paradox reveals the soft-to-hard-sphere crossover in fluid excitations and thermodynamics.

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The change in dispersion of high-frequency excitations in fluids, from an oscillating solidlike to a monotonic gaslike one, is shown for the first time to affect thermal behavior of heat capacity and the q-gap width in reciprocal space. With in silico study of liquified noble gases, liquid iron, liquid mercury, and model fluids, we established universal bilinear dependence of heat capacity on q-gap width, whereas the crossover precisely corresponds to the change in the excitation spectra. The results open novel prospects for studies of various fluids, from simple to molecular liquids and melts.

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Newton's third law-the action-reaction symmetry-can be violated for effective interbody forces in open and nonequilibrium systems that are ubiquitous in areas as diverse as complex plasmas, colloidal suspensions, active and living soft matter, and social behavior. While studying monolayer complex plasma (confined charged particles in an ionized gas) with nonreciprocal interactions mediated by plasma flows, in silico we found that an interplay between melting and thermal activation drastically transforms the collective dynamics: the order-disorder transition modifies the system's thermal steady state so that the crystal tends to melt, whereas the fluid tends to freeze, jumping chaotically between the two states. We identified this collective chaotic behavior as strange attractors formed in a monolayer complex plasma and link the strange attractor behavior to the specifics of interparticle interactions.

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A significant number of key properties of condensed matter are determined by the spectra of elementary excitations and, in particular, collective vibrations. However, the behavior and description of collective modes in disordered media (e.g.

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Defects play a crucial role in physics of solids, affecting their mechanical, electromagnetic, and chemical properties. However, influence of thermal defects on wave propagation in exothermic reactions (flame fronts) still remains poorly understood at the molecular level. Here, we show that thermal behavior of the defects exhibits essential features of double-step exothermic reactions with preequilibrium.

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Accurate analysis of pair correlations in condensed matter allows us to establish relations between structures and thermodynamic properties and, thus, is of high importance for a wide range of systems, from solids to colloidal suspensions. Recently, the interpolation method (IM) that describes satisfactorily the shape of pair correlation peaks at short and at long distances has been elaborated theoretically and using molecular dynamics simulations, but it has not been verified experimentally as yet. Here, we test the IM by particle-resolved studies with colloidal suspensions and with complex (dusty) plasmas and demonstrate that, owing to its high accuracy, the IM can be used to experimentally measure parameters that describe interaction between particles in these systems.

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Although the understanding of excitation spectra in fluids is of great importance, it is still unclear how different methods of spectral analysis agree with each other and which of them is suitable in a wide range of parameters. Here, we show that the problem can be solved using a two-oscillator model to analyze total velocity current spectra, while other considered methods, including analysis of the spectral maxima and single mode analysis, yield rough results and become unsuitable at high temperatures and wavenumbers. To prove this, we perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and calculate excitation spectra in Lennard-Jones and inverse-power-law fluids at different temperatures, both in 3D and 2D cases.

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If interacting modes of the same symmetry cross, they repel from each other and become hybridized. This phenomenon is called anticrossing and is well-known for mechanical oscillations, electromagnetic circuits, waveguides, metamaterials, polaritons, and phonons in crystals, but it still remains poorly understood in simple fluids. Here, we show that structural disorder and anharmonicity, governing properties of fluids, lead to the anticrossing of longitudinal and transverse modes, which is accompanied by their hybridization and strong redistribution of excitation spectra.

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We study the phase diagram of a two-dimensional (2D) system of colloidal particles, interacting via an isotropic potential with a short-ranged Yukawa repulsion and a long-ranged dipolar attraction. Such interactions in 2D colloidal suspensions can be induced by rapidly rotating in-plane magnetic (or electric) fields. Using computer simulations and liquid integral equation theory, we calculate the bulk phase diagram, which contains gas, crystalline, liquid, and supercritical fluid phases.

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A simple practical approach to describe transverse (shear) waves in strongly-coupled Yukawa fluids is presented. Theoretical dispersion curves, based on hydrodynamic consideration, are shown to compare favorably with existing numerical results for plasma-related systems in the long-wavelength regime. The existence of a minimum wave number below which shear waves cannot propagate and its magnitude are properly accounted in the approach.

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The reciprocity of effective interparticle forces can be violated in various open and nonequilibrium systems, in particular, in colloidal suspensions and complex (dusty) plasmas. Here, we obtain a criterion under which a nonreciprocal system can be strictly reduced to a pseudo-Hamiltonian system with a detailed dynamic equilibrium. In particular, the criterion is satisfied for catalytically active colloids interacting via nonreciprocal diffusiophoretic forces.

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Tunable interactions between colloidal particles in external conically rotating electric fields are calculated, while the (vertical) axis of the field rotation is normal to the (horizontal) particle motion plane. The comparison of different approaches, including the methods of noninteracting, self-consistent dipoles, and the boundary element method, indicates that the last method is the most suitable for tunable interaction analysis. Thorough analysis, performed for interactions in pairs and clusters of colloidal particles, indicate that two- and three-body interactions make the main contributions in the interaction energy, while the effect of high-order terms is negligible.

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