Publications by authors named "Niebuhr M"

Objective: To compare operative and oncological outcomes, as well as the risk of postoperative complications in patients who underwent transperitoneal robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN) for renal tumours located either posteriorly or anterolaterally.

Methods: Retrospective, consecutive study including 451 patients who underwent transperitoneal RAPN for non-metastatic, localised renal tumours from May 2016 to April 2023. Operative data included duration of the procedure, warm ischaemia time, and blood loss; oncological data included surgical margins and recurrence; and 90-day postoperative complications were classified according to the Clavien-Dindo classification.

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Background: There is a lack of evidence concerning recurrent patterns and treatment of repeat recurrences for surgically treated renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Thus, the objective was to describe patterns of recurrences and subsequent treatments in patients with recurrent RCC.

Patients And Methods: We identified 525 patients who received surgical treatment for RCC at our institution in 2010-2015.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates the outcomes of robot-assisted laparoscopic Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty (RALP) for treating ureteropelvic junction obstruction using the DaVinci Si surgical system, focusing on surgical and functional results.
  • A total of 194 patients were analyzed, revealing that 33% faced postoperative complications, while the 1-year success rates varied from 78% to 92% based on the underlying condition for surgery.
  • The findings conclude that RALP is a safe procedure with minimal major complications and an overall acceptable success rate for treating the condition.
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Background & Aim: More elderly patients are diagnosed with kidney tumors where partial nephrectomy is technically possible. We investigated whether patients ≥ 75 years old had an increased risk of complications following robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN) compared to younger patients.

Methods: Retrospective, consecutive study including patients who underwent RAPN between May 2016 - April 2023.

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In this work, we investigate the relaxation processes of 2-thiouracil after UV photoexcitation to the S state through the use of ultrafast, single-colour, pump-probe UV/UV spectroscopy. We place focus on investigating the appearance and subsequent decay signals of ionized fragments. We complement this with VUV-induced dissociative photoionisation studies collected at a synchrotron, allowing us to better understand and assign the ionisation channels involved in the appearance of the fragments.

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Autoimmune diseases develop over years - starting from a subclinical phenotype to clinically manifest autoimmune disease. The factors that drive this transition are ill-defined. To predict the turning point towards clinical disease and to intervene in the progress of autoimmune-mediated dysfunction, the establishment of new biomarkers is needed.

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Mutated and unmutated IgE and IgG play different and partly opposing roles in allergy development, but the mechanisms controlling their relative production are incompletely understood. Here, we analyzed the IgE-response in murine food allergy. Deep sequencing of the complementary-determining region (CDR) repertoires indicated that an ongoing unmutated extrafollicular IgE response coexists with a germinal center response, even after long-lasting allergen challenges.

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Autoreactive T cells in autoantibody-mediated autoimmune diseases can be divided into two major subsets: (i) follicular T helper cells (Tfh) that provide T cell help in germinal centers (GC) and (ii) effector T (Teff) cells that immigrate into peripheral tissue sites such as the skin and mediate local inflammation. To study the sequence of events leading to the loss of tolerance in autoantibody-mediated autoimmune diseases it is required to investigate both T cell subsets simultaneously. This approach is hampered mainly because the appearance of skin inflammation in mouse models is a random process, which makes it difficult to define the location of inflammation at the right time point.

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During adaptive immune responses, germinal centers (GC) appear as transient microstructures, in which antigen-specific B and T cells interact with each other. Because only the antigen-activated B and T cells, such as Plasmablasts or follicular T helper (Tfh) cells, are present in GC, the in depth-analysis of GC is of great interest. To identify the cells that reside within GC, the majority of studies use the expression of specific surface molecules for analysis by flow cytometry.

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The conversion of photon energy into other energetic forms in molecules is accompanied by charge moving on ultrafast timescales. We directly observe the charge motion at a specific site in an electronically excited molecule using time-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (TR-XPS). We extend the concept of static chemical shift from conventional XPS by the excited-state chemical shift (ESCS), which is connected to the charge in the framework of a potential model.

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In this paper, we report X-ray absorption and core-level electron spectra of the nucleobase derivative 2-thiouracil at the sulfur L- and L-edges. We used soft X-rays from the free-electron laser FLASH2 for the excitation of isolated molecules and dispersed the outgoing electrons with a magnetic bottle spectrometer. We identified photoelectrons from the 2p core orbital, accompanied by an electron correlation satellite, as well as resonant and non-resonant Coster-Kronig and Auger-Meitner emission at the L- and L-edges, respectively.

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Follicular T helper cells (Tfh) are a specialized subset of CD4 effector T cells that are crucial for germinal center (GC) reactions and for selecting B cells to undergo affinity maturation. Despite this central role for humoral immunity, only few data exist about their clonal distribution when multiple lymphoid organs are exposed to the same antigen (Ag) as it is the case in autoimmunity. Here, we used an autoantibody-mediated disease model of the skin and injected one auto-Ag into the two footpads of the same mouse and analyzed the T cell receptor (TCR)β sequences of Tfh located in GCs of both contralateral draining lymph nodes.

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The ultrafast photo-induced ring opening of the oxirane derivative trans-stilbene oxide has been studied through the use of ultrafast UV/UV pump-probe spectroscopy by using photo-ion detection. Single- and multiphoton probe paths and final states were identified through comparisons between UV power studies and synchrotron-based vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) single-photon ionization studies. Three major time-dependent features of the parent ion (sub-450 fs decay, (1.

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Simultaneous observation of nuclear and electronic motion is crucial for a complete understanding of molecular dynamics in excited electronic states. It is challenging for a single experiment to independently follow both electronic and nuclear dynamics at the same time. Here we show that ultrafast electron diffraction can be used to simultaneously record both electronic and nuclear dynamics in isolated pyridine molecules, naturally disentangling the two components.

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Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is an autoimmune skin disease characterized by subepidermal blisters. The pathogenesis is mediated by deposits of autoantibodies directed against type VII collagen in the skin, but the sequence of events regulating the localization of skin blisters is not fully understood. In this study, using the immunization-induced mouse model of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, we demonstrate that epidermal disruption induces not only an infiltration of CD4 T cells but also a T helper type 1 phenotype as it has been described for delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions.

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The development of ultrafast gas electron diffraction with nonrelativistic electrons has enabled the determination of molecular structures with atomic spatial resolution. It has, however, been challenging to break the picosecond temporal resolution barrier and achieve the goal that has long been envisioned-making space- and-time resolved molecular movies of chemical reaction in the gas-phase. Recently, an ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) apparatus using mega-electron-volt (MeV) electrons was developed at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory for imaging ultrafast structural dynamics of molecules in the gas phase.

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A growing number of diseases are being linked to protein misfolding and amyloid formation. Recently, p53 was also shown to associate into amyloid aggregates, raising the question of whether cancer development is associated with protein aggregation as well. However, a lack of suitable tools has hampered the evaluation of their clinical relevance.

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Autoimmune diseases affect a large fraction of the population in Western countries. To elucidate the underlying causes, autoantibody transfer-induced mouse models have been established that greatly contributed to the understanding of the pathophysiology of these diseases. However, the role of a potentially co-occurring murine xenogeneic immune response to commonly utilized rabbit anti-mouse IgG remains poorly understood.

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Passive coherent combination of several discrete low power laser diodes is a promising way to overcome the issue of degrading beam quality when scaling single emitters to > 10 W output power. Such systems would be an efficient alternative to current high power sources, yet they suffer from fatal coherence loss when operated well above threshold. We present a new way to obtain detailed coherence information for laser diode arrays using a spatial light modulator to help identify the underlying decoherence processes.

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Unlabelled: Invasion of urinary organs due to advanced colorectal cancer can comprise a surgical challenge in achieving negative resection margins. The aim of the study was to asses the outcome of patients with colorectal cancer invading the lower urinary organs.

Material And Methods: This is a cohort study that retrospectively evaluated the surgical and pathological findings after the resection of colorectal cancer with adjacent urological organs due to advanced colorectal cancer.

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Background: It has frequently been speculated that pruritus and skin lesions develop after topical exposure to aeroallergens in sensitized patients with atopic dermatitis (AD).

Objective: We sought to study cutaneous reactions to grass pollen in adult patients with AD with accompanying clear IgE sensitization to grass allergen in an environmental challenge chamber using a monocenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study design.

Methods: Subjects were challenged on 2 consecutive days with either 4000 pollen grains/m(3) of Dactylis glomerata pollen or clean air.

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An external volume Bragg grating (VBG) is used for transverse and longitudinal mode stabilization of a broad area diode laser (BAL) with an on-chip transverse Bragg resonance (TBR) grating. The internal TBR grating defines a transverse low-loss mode at a specific propagation angle inside the BAL. Selection of the TBR mode was realized via the angular geometry of an external resonator assembly consisting of the TBR BAL and a feedback element.

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