Publications by authors named "Nicole M Reusser"

Despite the sheer number of pediatric tonsillectomies performed in the United States annually, there is no clear consensus as to which surgical technique is superior. One way to compare surgical techniques is to study the morbidity associated with each. We report postoperative hemorrhage rates, one of the frequently encountered major adverse events, as part of a retrospective chart review across four different surgical techniques.

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Cutaneous metastases manifesting as zosteriform eruptions are uncommon. To our knowledge, we report the second case of zosteriform cutaneous metastasis arising from a rectal carcinoma in a 58-year-old man who presented with a painless popular eruption in the T12 dermatomal distribution nine months after his primary diagnosis of rectal carcinoma was made. Furthermore, we discuss a review of the literature regarding zosteriform cutaneous metastases and the possible pathogenesis of these lesions.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease worldwide and can result in pre-malignancies or overt malignancies of the skin and mucosal surfaces. HPV-related illnesses are an important personal and public health problem causing physical, mental, sexual and financial detriments. Moreover, this set of malignancies severely affects the immunosuppressed population, particularly HIV-positive patients and organ-transplant recipients.

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Objective: To provide detailed information about recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) reinnervation outcomes in children using objective measures.

Methods: The records of three pediatric patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis that underwent RLN reinnervation were retrospectively reviewed. Fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer, noise-to-harmonic ratio (NHR), and voice phonation (sustained /s/, /z/, /a/) were measured preoperatively and post-operatively at 13, 9, and 33 months (each time period corresponding to one of the three patients).

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Purpose: Bisphosphonates have been shown to inhibit and deplete macrophages. The effects of bisphosphonates on other cell types in the tumor microenvironment have been insufficiently studied. Here, we sought to determine the effects of bisphosphonates on ovarian cancer angiogenesis and growth via their effect on the microenvironment, including macrophage, endothelial and tumor cell populations.

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Papillary thyroid carcinoma, the most common subtype of thyroid malignancy, rarely presents with cutaneous metastatic spread. Despite metastatic cutaneous lesions presenting as slow and indolent growing nodules of the head and neck, such lesions most frequently appear in the setting of diffuse and dramatic metastatic disease and a bleak prognosis. Given the rarity of these metastatic lesions, the diagnosis may be delayed, and often the initial diagnosis is incorrect.

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Prior exposure to social disruption (SDR) stress exacerbates Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) infection, a model of multiple sclerosis. Here we examined the impact of SDR on T cell responses to TMEV infection in SJL mice. SDR impaired viral clearance and exacerbated acute disease.

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