Publications by authors named "Nicole D Graham"

Aim: The aim of this paper is to provide insights into conducting an implementation needs assessment using a case example in a less-research-intensive setting.

Design And Methods: In the case example, an implementation needs assessment was conducted, including (1) an environmental scan of the organization's website and preliminary discussions with key informants to learn about the implementation context, and (2) a formal analysis of the evidence-practice gap (use of sedation interruptions) deploying a chart audit methodology using legal electronic reports.

Results: Our needs assessment was conducted over 5 months and demonstrated how environmental scans reveal valuable information that can inform the evidence-practice gap analysis.

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Introduction And Aims: This study examined critical care nurses', physicians', and allied health professionals' perceptions of factors that support, inhibit, or limit the use of sedation interruption (SI) to improve the use of this integral component of care for mechanically ventilated patients.

Method: We conducted a theory-based, descriptive qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with critical care registered nurses, respiratory therapists, a pharmacist, and a physician in a hospital in Ontario, Canada. The interview guide and analysis were informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework and transcripts were analyzed using content analysis.

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Objective: The objectives of the review were to (i) assess the methodological quality of all accessible and published guidelines and care bundles that offer a recommendation related to sedation interruptions, using the AGREE-II instrument, to (ii) determine what is the recommended best practice for sedation interruptions from the available guidelines, and then to have (iii) a closer inspection of the overall credibility and applicability of the recommendations using the AGREE-REX instrument. This review will benefit the outcomes of critically ill patients and the multidisciplinary team responsible for the care of mechanically ventilated adults with continuous medication infusions by providing a synthesis of the recommended action(s), actor(s), contextual information, target(s), and timing related to sedation interruptions from current best practice.

Review Method Used: We conducted a systematic review.

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