Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
December 2016
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Mucograft (MG; a porcine-derived purified collagen membrane) to increase the thickness and height of the buccal soft tissue when placed at the time of implant placement in patients with thin or deficient keratinized tissue (KT). The primary endpoint of the study was the change in thickness and height of the buccal KT. Secondary endpoints included stability of the midbuccal soft tissue level; clinician rating of color, texture, and contour of treatment site; probing pocket depths (PPDs); assessment of satisfaction outcome; and patient assessment of pain/discomfort.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To analyze crestal bone loss changes that may affect the gingival height around an implant and bone loss in interproximal areas. When implants are placed adjacent to one another, interimplant bone loss around 1 implant may combine with the implant bone loss around the adjacent implant to affect the crestal bone loss interproximally.
Materials And Methods: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate histologically and histomorphometrically the effect that this implant design with a horizontally displaced implant-abutment junction has on the height of the crest of bone, between adjacent implants separated by 2 different distances: 4 mm and 3 mm.
The technique of immediate implant placement after extraction has been conceived for preserving residual bone support and soft tissue morphology. Today, this procedure is still unpredictable and presents inconveniences for both the patient and the dentist. Therefore, the healing process around a dental implant placed into an extraction socket needs to be deeply investigated to increase the predictability of this surgical approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of this study was to assess vital bone formation at 4 to 5 months and 7 to 9 months following sinus augmentation with anorganic bovine bone matrix (ABBM) with and without recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF). Twenty-four subjects received bilateral sinus elevation surgery with ABBM on one side and ABBM and rhPDGF on the contralateral side. Twelve patients had core sampling at 4 to 5 months and 12 patients at 7 to 9 months postoperatively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of inter-implant distance on interproximal bone utilizing platform switching. Analysis of interproximal bone usually depends on traditional two-dimensional radiographic assessment. Although there has been increased reliability of current techniques, there has been an inability to track bone level changes over time and in three dimensions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis literature and clinical review identifies and evaluates the various techniques for removing failed, fractured, or peri-implantitis-affected nonmobile implants. The article also discusses the limitations and complications that may arise with the various techniques during removal procedures. Based on specific clinical factors such as anatomical conditions, implant design, condition of implant connection, bone quality, and remaining amount of bone integrated to the implant body, a decision tree is proposed to help clinicians determine the most appropriate minimally invasive technique.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Implants restored according to a platform-switching concept (implant abutment interface with a reduced diameter relative to the implant platform diameter) present less crestal bone loss than implants restored with a standard protocol. When implants are placed adjacent to one another, this bone loss may combine through overlapping, thereby causing loss of the interproximal height of bone and papilla. The present study compares the effects of two interimplant distances (2 and 3 mm) on bone maintenance when bone-level implants with platform-switching are used.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Oral Maxillofac Implants
June 2009
Purpose: To demonstrate the predictability of flapless surgery using navigation surgery.
Materials And Methods: Computer-generated preoperative implant planning was compared to actual placement by CT (computerized tomography) scanning of patients before and after surgery. Once pre- and postoperative coordinates of virtual implants were obtained, linear distances and angles were calculated.
Background: The introduction of implants into the field of dentistry has revolutionized the way we evaluate edentulous ridges. In an attempt to evaluate the deficient edentulous ridge, numerous classification systems have been proposed. Each of these classification systems implements a different approach for evaluating and planning treatment for the ridge deficiency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Periodontics Restorative Dent
August 2008
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is the latest addition to the variety of alveolar ridge augmentation procedures used to increase the volume of bone prior to implant placement. Thirty DO procedures were performed in 30 patients using 17 intraosseous and 13 extraosseous devices to augment deficient alveolar ridges. Fifty-five implants placed in the distracted bone were followed for a period of 34 to 60 months after loading.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Periodontics Restorative Dent
June 2008
This blinded, randomized, controlled pilot investigation is the first to histomorphometrically compare vital bone formation following bilateral sinus grafting with a biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) (Straumann Bone Ceramic) to an anorganic bovine bone matrix (ABBM) (Bio-Oss) 6 to 8 months following graft placement. Twelve patients were selected. Following elevation of the lateral sinus walls, one material was placed in the right sinus and the other material was placed in the left sinus, as determined by randomization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRidge expansion techniques have been acknowledged to offer several advantages in the correction of ridge deformities. The expanded defect heals in a similar manner to an extraction socket. In selected cases patients can wear their dentures after surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPract Proced Aesthet Dent
March 2008
Endosseous dental implants have traditionally been placed using a two-stage surgical procedure with a 6- to 12-month healing period following tooth extraction. In order to decrease healing time, protocols were introduced that included immediate implant placement and provisionalization following tooth extraction. Although survival rates for this technique are high, postoperative gingival shrinkage and bone resorption in the aesthetic zone are potential limitations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCompend Contin Educ Dent
November 2007
The provisional phase of treatment can be the most challenging aspect of implant dentistry. The techniques available today include removable, tooth-supported, and implant-retained provisional restorations. The selection of the type of provisional prosthesis should be based on esthetic demands, functional requirements, duration, and ease of fabrication.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The use of impression copings to make the final impression results in a master cast in which the soft tissue configuration around the implant platform is circular. Therefore, any soft tissue sculpting developed clinically by the provisional restoration is squandered.
Purpose: The purpose of this report was to present a method for the precise transfer of the peri-implant soft-tissue developed by a customized provisional restoration to an emergence profile cast.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
October 2007
The present study reports on the results of the use of a screw-retained narrow-diameter implant (NDI) system as an option for implant placement in areas of limited bone volume. This retrospective report followed 48 NDIs in 27 patients for 1 to 5 years postloading. No implant failures were reported, yielding a 100% survival rate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo obtain optimal and predictable aesthetics, deficiencies caused by soft and particularly hard tissue loss can be managed by various methods, such as orthodontic tooth eruption, socket preservation, and guided bone regeneration. However, in complex cases, these methods are often insufficient. Here, the authors introduce advanced concepts in aesthetic implant dentistry, such as "Aesthetic Site Foundation", "Aesthetic Guided Bone Regeneration" and "Implant Rectangle" that will guide the clinician in the quest to optimal aesthetic outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPract Proced Aesthet Dent
April 2007
Oral rehabilitation using two to four implants to support mandibular overdentures has been shown to have success rates of approximately 96% with implants placed in a one- or two-stage procedure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate 10 consecutive cases of immediately loaded, narrow-diameter implants (NDIs) as support for overdentures in severely atrophic mandibles, and report on implant/prosthetic survival rates and patient satisfaction. Overall implant and prosthetic survival rates were 94.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Clinicians are often confronted with changes in the anatomy of the local site following tooth extraction. Successful management of the extraction socket can be challenging, particularly in the aesthetic zone. Proper management is necessary to ensure that the implant used to support a prosthesis will remain stable.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Periodontics Restorative Dent
December 2006
The present blinded, randomized, controlled investigation histomorphometrically evaluated the vital bone formed following bilateral grafting with two different materials--Puros, a mineralized cancellous bone allograft (MCBA), and Bio-Oss, an anorganic bovine bone matrix (ABBM)--at 26 to 32 weeks following graft placement. Thirteen patients were selected who required bilateral sinus augmentation. Following elevation of the lateral sinus walls, one material was placed in the right sinus and the other in the left sinus, as determined by randomized choice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeural damage leads to a transient or persistent alteration, depending on the severity or type of injury sustained. During the last decade, many investigators reported on paresthesia related to dental implants. In this case report, the patient had presented repeatedly with swelling and suppuration, showing typical signs of peri-implantitis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Oral Maxillofac Implants
November 2005
Purpose: Knowledge of the blood supply to the sinus is of importance in sinus augmentation, both as it pertains to vascularization of the sinus graft and as its location relates to the position of the required lateral osteotomy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of the endosseous branches of the maxillary artery in the area of the proposed lateral window.
Materials And Methods: Fifty computerized tomographic (CT) scans from 625 available patients undergoing sinus augmentation surgery at the New York University Department of Implant Dentistry were chosen at random for evaluation.
Purpose: This study compares implant survival and patterns of implant failure in periodontally compromised and periodontally healthy patients.
Materials And Methods: In a private periodontal practice, over a 13-year period, implants were placed in both periodontally compromised and periodontally healthy patients. Implants were classified in 5 different groups according to surface texture.
Screw loosening is considered to be a common problem with both screw-retained and cemented implant restorations. A wider abutment platform, as well as using a torque driver to tighten specifically designed screws may help prevent this loosening. However, there has been no clinical study evaluating either of these.
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