Publications by authors named "Nicolas Budyn"

State-of-the-art ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation (NDE) uses an array to rapidly generate multiple, information-rich views at each test position on a safety-critical component. However, the information for detecting potential defects is dispersed across views, and a typical inspection may involve thousands of test positions. Interpretation requires painstaking analysis by a skilled operator.

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The multiview total focusing method (TFM) enables a region of interest within a specimen to be imaged using different ray paths and wave-mode combinations. For defects larger than the ultrasonic wavelength, different portions of the same defect may manifest in a number of views. For a crack, the tip diffraction response may be evident in certain views and the specular reflection in others.

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Delay-and-sum algorithms are imaging techniques in nondestructive testing, which form images by summing backpropagated signals. Under this approach, a small number of high-intensity signals, such as those from boundary reflections, may create artifacts that degrade the image and hinder defect detection. This article introduces a probabilistic model of the summation, which explains the origin of this effect and proposes to replace the summation in the imaging algorithm by the more statistically robust geometric median.

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The multi-view total focusing method (TFM) is an imaging algorithm for ultrasonic full matrix array data that exploits internal reflections and mode conversions in the inspected object to create multiple images, the views. Modelling the defect response in multi-view TFM is an essential first step in developing new detection and characterisation methods which exploit the information present in these views. This paper describes a ray-based forward model for small two-dimensional defects and compares its results against finite-element simulations and experimental data for the inspection of a side-drilled hole, a notch and a crack.

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An efficient procedure for experimental-based quantification of statistical distributions of both the random and microstructural speckle noise within an ultrasonic image is presented. This is of particular interest in the multiview total focusing method, which enables many images (views) of the same region to be obtained by utilizing alternative ray paths and mode conversions. For example, in an immersion configuration, 21 separate views of the same region of a sample can be formed by exploiting direct and skip paths.

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