This article focuses on the scores of incarcerated male felons on the MMPI clinical subscales 4 and 9 because they are the most frequently elevated for this type of population. Over time, while scores on Scale 4 remained consistent, those on Scale 9 declined significantly. That inmates might become depressed, as a result of the foibles of incarceration, is discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe association between various MMPI codetypes and DSM-III schizophrenics, depressives, and bipolars (manic or depressed) (N = 169) was examined. Most codetypes predictive of bipolar-depressed also predicted major depression, yet these codetypes were not characteristic of bipolar-manic. Furthermore, "affective" codetypes often overlapped with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAttempted to replicate and update the characteristics of a sample of hospitalized psychiatric patients who produced "floating" MMPI profiles (N = 69). While the demographic data were somewhat different, the historical information, types of psychopathology and symptoms observed, and response to treatment were markedly similar. If diagnosed using DSM-III, approximately 30% of the patients would be classified as borderline character disorder, while another 20% would be classified as major depressive disorder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Psychol
November 1983
Asked normal Ss (N = 120) as well as patients (N = 150) diagnosed as manic, major depressive disorder and schizophrenic to give their opinions with regard to Ellis' 11 irrational beliefs. The schizophrenia group and major depressive group were noted to endorse at least 3 and 4 of the irrational beliefs, respectively, a striking contrast to both the normal and manic groups, who did not endorse any of these ideas. Thus, the data with regard to two of the three psychotic groups are consistent with rational-emotive theory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAssessed the utility of empirically derived MMPI criteria for the diagnosis of schizophrenia with a sample of hospitalized adolescent patients (N = 89). The criterion diagnosis was established through the use of a standardized structured interview and a diagnostic system for schizophrenia based on the use of discriminant function analysis. Results were quite disappointing because only 23% of the sample obtained an MMPI profile that fit the above criteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAttempted to assess the extent to which clinical psychology internship programs offer professional education in ethical standards. While almost 80% of the programs offer such training, less than half of these provide a formal, systematic, and comprehensive learning experience. Many of the programs only provide a limited exposure to ethical standards that occurs on an informal basis as issues emerge in supervision.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn effort was made to formalize the critical clinical, demographic and historical features of schizophrenia through the development of a reliable assessment questionnaire. The criterion diagnosis was established via traditional hospital procedures and was substantiated by psychometric measures. Raters with comparable diagnostic experience were familiarized with each of the clinical, demographic and historical features before evaluating the presence or absence in a sample of both psychiatric in-patients and out-patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAssessed the generalizability of empirically derived MMPI criteria for the diagnosis of schizophrenia with an older sample of hospitalized patients (N = 65). The criterion diagnosis was established through the use of a standarized structured interview and a diagnostic system for schizophrenia based on the use of discriminant function analysis. Results were quite disappointing because only 22% of the sample obtained an MMPI profile that fit the above criteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe prognostic validity of the Rorschach Rating Scale was assessed with schizophrenic patients. Through the use of a standardized structured interview and a diagnostic system for schizophrenia based on the use of discriminant function analysis with nonpathognomonic symptom combinations, a reliable and valid system was used to establish the criterion diagnosis. Outcome criteria used included a variety of measures of schizophrenic thought disorder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pers Assess
December 1978
An attempt was made to assess the discriminative validity of the WIST with a sample of psychiatric inpatients. Through the use of a standardized structured interview and a diagnostic system for schizophrenia based on the use of discriminant function analysis with nonpathognomic symptom combinations, a reliable and valid system was used to establish the criterion diagnosis. Approximately 63% of patients reliably diagnosed as schizophrenic were detected via the WIST while only 14% of nonschizophrenic patients scored in the schizophrenic range on the WIST.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn attempt was made to find a combination of MMPI scale relationships which were highly discriminating of schizophrenia. Through the use of a standardized structured interview and a diagnostic system for schizophrenia based on the use of discriminant function analysis with nonpathognomonic symptom combinations, a reliable and valid system was used to establish the criterion diagnosis. Approximately 72% of patients reliably diagnosed as schizophrenics were detected on the MMPI via a set of standard criteria (T score on Sc greater than or equal to 80 less than or equal to 100; total raw score on Sc consisted of no more than 35% K items; T score on F greater than or equal to 75 less than or equal to 95; T score on Pt less than or equal to Sc).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNewmark, Conger, and Faschingbauer (1976) found a significant difference between mean ratings of MMPI and FAM (Faschingbauer's Abbreviated MMPI) based interpretations. Since this may have been specific to lack of rater experience, the present study attempted a replication using long-term psychotherapists as raters. The only significant difference was for 20 male psychiatric inpatients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Psychol
July 1977
An attempt was made to compare admission MMPI profiles of a matched sample of psychiatric inpatients over a 15- to 20-year period. For both males and females, significant decreases in MMPI indices of psychopathology occurred. Possible reasons for this decrease are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis investigation assessed the relation of understanding and similarity of spouses to marital satisfaction by use of the MMPI. The satisfactorily married couples predicted significantly more of their spouses' responses than did the unsatisfactorily married couples. This significantly greater accuracy of prediction was not enhanced by the significantly greater similarity exhibited by the satisfactorily married couples.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe interpretive accuracy of the standard MMPI and three abbreviated forms was assessed and compared with a sample of psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatric teams evaluated the accuracy of the interpretation of one abbreviated form and the standard form for their patients. Only the MMPI-168 obtained comparable ratings to the standard form.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe diagnostic efficacy of the MMPI-168 and standard MMPI was compared with a sample of psychiatric inpatients. Using traditional psychiatric measures and projective testing as a basis for the criterion diagnoses, no significant differences were found between the two MMPI forms. Rationale for the methodology employed was discussed.
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