Background: Trauma coordinators (TCs) play a key role in managing patients with complex injuries, coordinating care across multiple specialties. This study aimed to investigate the current role functions of TCs in the UK, compare them to findings from 2015, and explore differences between TCs in Major Trauma Centres (MTCs) and Trauma Units (TUs).
Methods: A UK-wide cross-sectional survey was conducted using an online questionnaire.
Study Question: Can the priorities for future research in infertility be identified?
Summary Answer: The top 10 research priorities for the four areas of male infertility, female and unexplained infertility, medically assisted reproduction, and ethics, access, and organization of care for people with fertility problems were identified.
What Is Known Already: Many fundamental questions regarding the prevention, management, and consequences of infertility remain unanswered. This is a barrier to improving the care received by those people with fertility problems.