Publications by authors named "Neidhart S"

Background: The presence of intrathecal total IgG production is a hallmark of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) characteristics in multiple sclerosis (MS). Herein, we systematically analyze how the intensity (instead of mere presence) of intrathecal total IgG production relates to basic CSF parameters in MS.

Methods: We retrospectively assessed clinical routine CSF findings from 390 therapy-naïve relapsing-remitting MS patients diagnosed according to 2017 revised McDonald criteria.

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Background/objectives: We aimed to determine in multiple sclerosis (MS) whether intrathecal immunoglobulin G (IgG) production against measles- (M), rubella- (R), and varicella zoster (Z) viruses, which is called MRZ reaction (MRZR) and considered the most specific soluble biomarker for MS, is associated with demographic and basic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) parameters reflecting inflammation.

Methods: We analyzed the presence of positive MRZR and associations with demographic and clinical routine CSF parameters in 513 patients with MS and 182 non-MS patients.

Results: Comparing MS patients versus non-MS patients, positive MRZR (38.

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  • - A 46-year-old man with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and drug-resistant epilepsy underwent bilateral deep brain stimulation (DBS) to help manage his condition.
  • - After initial DBS activation, he experienced worsened ataxia and dysarthria, which improved when the stimulation was adjusted to reduce stimulation from certain areas.
  • - This case highlights that careful adjustment of DBS parameters can mitigate side effects like dysarthria while still providing effective treatment for epilepsy.
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Objective: Specific human leucocyte antigen (HLA) alleles are not only associated with higher risk to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) and other autoimmune diseases, but also with the severity of various viral and bacterial infections. Here, we analyzed the most specific biomarker for MS, that is, the polyspecific intrathecal IgG antibody production against measles, rubella, and varicella zoster virus (MRZ reaction), for possible HLA associations in MS.

Methods: We assessed MRZ reaction from 184 Swiss patients with MS and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and 89 Swiss non-MS/non-CIS control patients, and performed HLA sequence-based typing, to check for associations of positive MRZ reaction with the most prevalent HLA alleles.

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  • MOGAD is a rare autoimmune disease that can resemble multiple sclerosis (MS), making diagnosis challenging due to variable antibody assay results and low-positive titers.
  • The study analyzed CSF parameters from 30 MOGAD patients and 189 MS patients to identify differences that could aid in distinguishing between the two conditions.
  • Results showed that MOGAD patients often had a higher white cell count and specific CSF characteristics compared to MS patients, with significant indicators like a Q ratio greater than 10×10 and the absence of CSF-restricted OCB suggesting a diagnosis of MOGAD.
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Background: Neurosarcodosis is one of the most frequent differential diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS) and requires central nervous system (CNS) biopsy to establish definite diagnosis according to the latest consensus diagnostic criteria. We here analyzed diagnostic values of basic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) parameters to distinguish neurosarcoidosis from MS without CNS biopsy.

Methods: We retrospectively assessed clinical, radiological and laboratory data of 27 patients with neurosarcoidosis treated at our center and compared following CSF parameters with those of 138 patients with relapsing-remitting MS: CSF white cell count (WCC), CSF/serum albumin quotient (Q), intrathecal production of immunoglobulins including oligoclonal bands (OCB), MRZ reaction, defined as a polyspecific intrathecal production of IgG reactive against ≥2 of 3 the viruses measles (M), rubella (R), and zoster (Z) virus, and CSF lactate levels.

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This paper describes a self-regulating system that combines wrinkle-patterned hydrogels with plasmonic nanoparticle (NP) lattices. In the feedback loop, the wrinkle patterns flatten in response to moisture, which then allows light to reach the NP lattice on the bottom layer. Upon light absorption, the NP lattice produces a photothermal effect that dries the hydrogel, and the system then returns to the initial wrinkled configuration.

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As methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization and infection in humans are a global challenge. In Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania (Germany) 1,517 patients who underwent surgical interventions were systematically screened for MRSA and MSSA colonization on the day of hospital admission and discharge. Demographic data, risk factors and colonization status of the (i) nose, (ii) throat, (iii) groin, and (iv) thorax or site of surgical intervention were determined.

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Three methods for the recovery of purified pectins from directly dried mango peel were developed, using selective precipitation of mango pectin in propan-2-ol (IPA) of adequate volume concentrations for purification. Yields, composition, macromolecular and gelling properties of the resultant pectins were compared. Effluent analyses proved postextractive removal of fruit exudate arabinogalactans.

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The growth of gold thiolate nanoparticles can be affected by the solvent and the R group on the ligand. In this work, the difference between methanol and benzene solvents as well as the effect of alkyl (methyl) and aromatic (phenyl) thiols on the reaction energies and barrier heights is investigated theoretically. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations using the BP86 functional and a triple ζ polarized basis set show that the overall reaction favors methylthiol over phenylthiol with reaction energies of -0.

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Carotenoid, flavonoid, and vitamin C concentrations were determined in fresh orange segments and a puree-like homogenate derived thereof, as well as freshly squeezed, flash-pasteurized, and pasteurized juices. Lutein and β-cryptoxanthin were slightly degraded during dejuicing, whereas β-carotene levels were retained. Vitamin C levels remained unaffected, whereas flavonoid levels decreased 8-fold upon juice extraction, most likely due to the removal of flavonoid-rich albedo and juice vesicles.

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The aim of this study was to assess patterns and correlates of family variables in 31 adolescents treated for their first episode of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (early-onset schizophrenia [EOS]). Expressed emotion, perceived criticism, and rearing style were assessed. Potential correlates were patient psychopathology, premorbid adjustment, illness duration, quality of life (QoL), sociodemographic variables, patient and caregiver "illness concept," and caregiver personality traits and support.

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An HPAEC-PAD method was developed and validated to quantitate seven neutral sugars and two uronic acids of hydrolyzed pectic polysaccharides without postcolumn pH adjustment. Due to a short gradient phase minimizing the ion concentrations after equilibrating the CarboPac PA20 column with sodium acetate and hydroxide, subsequent isocratic separation of the neutral sugars was characterized by almost baseline resolution of rhamnose and arabinose (1.45 ± 0.

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Regarding their relevance for the fungal resistance of mangoes in long supply chains, the alk(en)ylresorcinols (AR) were quantitated in peel and mesocarp throughout storage (27 days, 14 °C, ethylene absorption). The 12 'Chok Anan' and 11 'Nam Dokmai #4' lots picked between 83 and 115 days after full bloom (DAFB) had different harvest maturity indices. The development of dry matter and fruit growth indicated physiological maturity ∼100 DAFB.

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Polyphenols, chlorophylls, and carotenoids were characterized by HPLC-DAD-MS(n) in the pericarp of unripe to over-ripe 'Hong Huey' and 'Chacapat' litchi fruit at harvest and during subsequent storage (5 °C, 90% RH, 21 days). (-)-Epicatechin and A-type procyanidins always predominated quantitatively. Besides these ortho-diphenolic compounds, minor novel litchi flavonoids included monohydroxylated structures.

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Pectins, recovered from the peels of four mango ( Mangifera indica L.) cultivars by mimicking industrial techniques, were evaluated in terms of yield, composition, macromolecular properties, and technofunctional quality. Freeze-dried peels of mature-green fruits, after major mesocarp softening, and at full ripeness were extracted using hot acid.

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A specific indicator of freshness, allowing routine distinction between freshly squeezed orange juices (FSOJs) and FSOJ-like products, was to be identified. Using the Actijoule unit of a tubular heater at a flow rate of 60 L/h, FSOJs from Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv.

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As an alternative to thermal pasteurization, pulsed electric fields (PEF) were applied to apple juices on laboratory and pilot plant scale, investigating the effects on juice quality. PEF application still falls under the EU Novel Food Regulation. Consequently, extensive investigation of quality parameters is a prerequisite to prove substantial equivalence of juices resulting from the novel process and conventional production, respectively.

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Accumulation of beta-carotene and trans-cis isomerization of ripening mango mesocarp were investigated as to concomitant ultrastructural changes. Proceeding postharvest ripening was shown by relevant starch degradation, tissue softening, and a rising sugar/acid ratio, resulting in a linear decrease (R (2) = 0.89) of a ripening index (RPI(KS)) with increasing ripening time.

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Accumulation of beta-carotene during postharvest ripening of nine Thai mango cultivars was assessed after verifying extraction and high-performance liquid chromatographic quantification of the beta-carotene stereoisomers for this sample matrix. No relevant trans-cis isomerization was induced by the analytical procedure. The vitamin A potential of mangoes was evaluated at different ripening stages unequivocally defined by a ripening index (RPIWB).

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A rapid and convenient method for the precise quantification of epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine isopeptide in lyophilized proteolytic digests of cross-linked plant protein samples was developed. The isopeptide was baseline-separated from three other isomers containing lysyl and glutamyl residues by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography after exhaustive proteolytic digestion of the samples cross-linked by a microbial transglutaminase (MTG). Highly selective detection was performed by electrospray mass spectrometry in MS/MS mode.

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Because data from the literature suggest a lack of innervation of the placenta, we have investigated placenta, umbilical cord, and uterus to identify the molecules that play a role in regulating innervation in these organs. Neuropilin-1 and Plexin-A1 are cell surface proteins that form a receptor complex for Semaphorin 3A (Sema 3A), a secreted molecule mediating repelling signals for axonal growth cones. We have analyzed the expression of Neuropilin-1, Plexin-A1, and Semaphorin 3A in the above-mentioned tissues on the hypothesis that these molecules could regulate innervation in these organs during gestation.

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In parallel with the rising popularity of exotic fruits in Europe, allergy against mango is of increasing importance. Because mangoes are also consumed as processed products such as chutneys or beverages, the influences of different process conditions on their allergenicity were investigated. Mango purees and nectars were manufactured at small pilot-plant scale, and the allergenic potencies of the resulting intermediate and final products were determined by means of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), immunoblotting and inhibitive enzyme allergosorbent tests (EAST-inhibition), using a pool serum of 9 individuals with manifest mango allergy.

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A rapid method for quantitative determination of beta-carotene, including cis-isomers, in dried mango has been developed. Applicability of available methods to dried products was limited because of formation of artifacts caused by extraction and preparation. The analytical procedure was based on the extraction of carotenoids from dried mango mesocarp using a mixture of methanol and acetone/hexane, allowing the separation of disturbing fibers.

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