In the paper there are presented data of field observations of the spectrum of viruses, contained in the waste waters. The studies were performed on the territory of the city and the territory unfavorable for hepatitis A. In the territory of the big city by RT-PCR in the waste liquid the enterovirus RNA was detected in 45% of samples; astroviruses--90%; noroviruses--80% and 15% of rotaviruses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors propose a new heterogeneous photo sensitizer containing aluminum tetrakis [bis(cholinyl)phenylthio)] phthalocyanine grafted onto silica as an active phase. A poliovirus type 1 LSc2ab and RNA-containing phage MS2 model was used to show that the sensitizer had photo decontaminating activity against viruses and may be used to purify water from viral contamination. The mechanism for removal of viruses from water is two-step and involves the adsorption of the virus on the heterogeneous sensitizer particles and the photodynamic inactivation of the adsorbed virus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper gives data on the use of techniques to detect and register Salmonella in the water objects, by applying a new liquid nutrient medium. Experimental and field studies have shown its advantage over the accumulation media widely used in practical healthcare. It has been ascertained that the nutrient medium not only accumulates biomass, but also provides the restoration of the biological properties of uncultivated Salmonella species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe investigation was concerned with wild gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (E. coli spp., Klebsiella spp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDue to the fact that swimming pools are widely used as sports and fitness objects and that their construction is growing in the public and individual sectors, there is an increasing need for more effective sanitary and microbiological monitoring of the epidemic safety of bathers against not only enteral infections, but also infectious diseases of the skin, mucosae, and nail plates, including onychomycosis. The data available in the literature and the authors' findings indicate that swimming pool attendance might be a reason for the spread of mycosis pathogens and necessitates the development of standards for these indicators and a search for novel promising disinfectants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors have constructed a mathematical model for the cause-and-effect relationship between acute enteric infection (AEI) morbidity and the levels of water bacterial contamination and the properties of microorganisms. New procedures were proposed to calculate a risk for water-borne AEI depending on the sanitary-and hygienic conditions of water use and the degree of water contamination in the direct isolation of the causative agents of pathogenic and opportunistic infections, which allow the calculation and prediction of the occurrence of AEI at the individual and population levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe investigation deals with the topical problem of whether bacterial viability and properties may be restored after the achieved bacteriostatic effect of water disinfection, which reduces the reliability of the control and adequate assessment of its epidemic safety. The objective of the investigation was to study whether bacteria might be reactivated in the estimation of water disinfection with guanidine-containing agents as an alternative to chlorine. Experiments were carried out on the waters from model water reservoirs, by simulating water contamination with residential waste waters and on the natural water from the Moscow River, by reproducing the purification conditions: coagulation, filtration, disinfection with a binary mixture of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride and quaternary ammonium compound.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper outlines materials on how to improve a method for indication of water viral pollution in different water objects of the environment, by applying a MFM filtration module based on tangentially radial-mode water microfiltration and viral concentration on the positively charged membranes, by using the secondary stage of concentration. Experimental and full-scale studies have demonstrated that this method for virus isolation has a high effectiveness and is based on the employment of the materials made in Russia. This determines its rapid introduction into the system for the sanitary-virological monitoring of practical laboratories of various departments, which will favor the higher efficiency of epidemiological surveillance as an integral part of nonspecific prophylactic measures of virus infections of water etiology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSummary. The paper provides comparative characteristics of water quality in the assessment of a risk for intestinal infections in drinking water use. It has shown that of the greatest predictive value is direct detection of potentially pathogenic microorganisms, as well as the integral indicator determined by glucose fermentation, such as glucose-positive coliform bacteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper describes an accelerated procedure for isolating enteric viruses and a scheme for evaluating the viral contamination of pure waters, which involves the concentration of the viruses from the great water volumes by means ofa MFM 0142 membrane module with tangential filtration through an electropositive membrane (MMK) with a pore size of 0.2 microm, followed eluent determination of RNA of viruses by RT-PCR in combination with coliphages or ICC by RT-PCR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper presents materials to provide a scientific rationale for the microbiological parameters enhancing the efficiency of drinking water quality control from the point of view of reliability in the provision of epidemic water consumption safety (coliform bacteria being identified by the glucose index; E. coli). Based on the criterion assessment of the significance of microbial water contamination in relation to morbidity rates, the authors have been developed bacteriological standards--the absence of microorganisms in a 300-ml water sample.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHygienic standardization of soil sarin, soman, and Vx levels established the threshold and subthreshold concentrations of the agents from the general sanitary, translocational, and migratory water and migratory air safety indices. Substantiation of their maximum allowable concentrations (MAC), the limiting safety index is a migratory air index for soman and sarin and a migratory water index for Vx. Soil MACs of sarin, soman, and Vx are 2 x 10(-4), 1 x 10(-4), and 5 x 10(-5) mg/kg, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Ross Akad Med Nauk
August 2006
The article is dedicated to present-day problems of sanitary-virologic monitoring of water with different degree of pollution. The authors assess some indirect indicators of viral contamination of water and present perfected methods of water monitoring such as PCR, OT-PCR, and OT-PCR integrated with tissue culture for detecting viral RNA and DNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantitative relationships were studied between the indicators (common coliform bacteria (CCP), glucose-positive bacteria (GPB), thermoduric bacteria (TDB), coliform bacteria, enterococci, clostridia, coliphages) and the opportunistic (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella) and pathogenetic (Salmonella and intestinal viruses) microorganisms at the stages of effluent purification and decontamination, in processes of self-purification in the water reservoirs and of water preparation at water-supplying stations, as well as in the association with the incidence of acute intestinal infections of bacterial and viral genesis in different climatic zones of the country. Salmonella and the opportunistic bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were found to be highly resistant to detoxifying agents and environmental factors, adaptable, able to reproduce in pure water, to long survive in underground waters, and to accumulate when water is desalinated at the erections. The cases of intestinal infections were found in the population using the portable water of the standard quality in terms of E.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper deals with the studies of the efficiency of four small-sized plants for biological purification of household waste waters (WW), which were conducted by using a complex of sanitary criteria, such as organoleptic, sanitary-and-chemical and sanitary-and-microbiological parameters of water quality of water objects, such as purified WW reservoirs, and presents a comparative assessment of their efficiency. The used methodological scheme is shown to provide an objective evaluation of the sanitary efficiency of the equipment under test with an compulsory set of regulated and additional integral parameters that should be regarded in combination. It is recommended that preference should be given to WW purification technologies that are effective in removing the environmentally hazardous chemical substances used in household chemistry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComprehensive studies of the sanitary standards provided research evidence for the maximum allowable concentrations of iodine in the drinking water by taking into account its daily allowances dose and the formation of transformation by-products due to iodine disinfection, drinking water preservation, and iodine deficiency prevention in the endemic areas. Techniques of water iodination have been devised and tested in the experimental and industrial setting, including those for packaging drinking water, as well as those by using portable water purifiers based on highly effective iodine-selective adsorptive compounds which make it possible to solve the task of administering iodine dosages into the water (with allowances born in mind), under domestic conditions as well.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe drinking water was tested for viruses in the industrial towns of Eastern Siberia. The findings suggest that extremely poor provision with good quality drinking water is seen in the town of Ust-Ilimsk where there were high levels of pathogenic viruses in the water. The high contamination of drinking water with hepatitis A virus and rotavirus is a cause of higher incidence of intestinal viral infections in the areas under study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA complex of hygienic criteria was proposed to assess a Bioclere local unit for sewage treatment. These included: the effects of the organoleptic properties of sewage, better sanitary and chemical parameters, lower levels of inorganic and organic chemicals, surfactants, microbiological parameters, stability of treatment regimens. The Bioclere unit has some advantages over the similar ones and may be useful when an object cannot be connected to the sewage network.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper presents the data of Russian and foreign authors, as well as these author's findings of the significance of coliphages as indicators of viral contamination of drinking water. Coliphages may be used as indicators of viral drinking water contamination and for evaluation of the efficiency of drinking water purification in waterworks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn the territory of town Perm there are some factors of hygienic, climatic and technical nature which yearly influence microbial pollution of drinking water and seasonal incidence of intestinal infections of obscure etiology. It was shown in several years investigations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBound chlorine in doses 0.8-1.2 mg/l does not inactivate viruses in water.
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