Publications by authors named "Navit S"

Aim: This case report aims to describe a rare congenital lesion of the incisive papilla with a high labial frenulum attachment, clinically mimicking congenital epulis but histopathologically diagnosed as an oral leiomyomatous hamartoma.

Background: Oral leiomyomatous hamartoma is a very rare congenital lesion, mainly appearing on the median anterior maxilla/incisive papilla and tongue.

Case Description: This clinical paper is about a rare lesion in a 6-year-old female child whose parents reported to the department with the complaint of slow-growing soft tissue overgrowth between the front teeth of the upper jaw, present since birth.

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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of commercially available pediatric dentifrices containing different compositions against and activity.

Materials And Methods: Four different commercially available brands of pediatric dentifrices, designated as sample I-fluoride, sample II-herbal, sample III-xylitol with nanosilver particles, and sample IV-xylitol with fluoride, along with two control groups (a positive control-ciprofloxacin and a negative control-distilled water), were tested for their antibacterial activity by measuring the zone of inhibition, followed by MIC against two dental bacterial pathogens, strain and strain, at five different twofold dilutions of 100, 50, 25%, 12.5, and 6.

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Introduction: The present study was done to determine the size of the sella turcica in different skeletal type subjects and to evaluate if any significant difference exists between them, which could be the basis for early diagnosis.

Materials And Methods: A total of 60 lateral cephalograms of patients above 15 years of age were selected and distributed according to skeletal malocclusion into class I ( = 20), class II ( = 20), and 20 class III ( = 20). Syndromic patients (physically/mentally/both) or patients with major illnesses were not included.

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Aim And Objective: To compare the accuracy of radiovisiography (RVG), Root ZX mini Apex locator, and Endo radar's inbuilt Apex Locator during working length determination determination in primary teeth with the actual/direct canal length.

Materials And Methods: 58 primary teeth indicated for extraction in children of age group 4-12 years were selected. RVG, Root ZX mini Apex Locator, and Endo radar's Apex Locator were used to determine the working length intraorally.

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Purpose: Assessment of children's behavior in the dental setting and its correlation with thumb print and lip print.

Materials And Methods: The behavior pattern, lip print pattern, and thumb print pattern of 518 children aged 5-12 years were recorded in their first dental visit. The behavior pattern, lip print pattern, and thumb print pattern were determined using Frankl's Behavior Rating Scale, Tsuchihashi's classification, and Cummin's classification, respectively.

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Aim: To evaluate and compare the pain perception, anxiety level, and acceptance of Er,Cr:YSGG laser (2780 nm) with a conventional rotary method during cavity preparation in children.

Materials And Methods: In a randomized controlled trial, using split-mouth design thirty 6- to 12-year-old children with 60 carious molars were examined. In one quadrant, cavity was prepared conventionally by airotor while, in the other quadrant, Er,Cr:YSGG laser was used.

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Aim: To assess the effects of different bleaching procedures on the mineral component and surface topography of the enamel using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX).

Materials And Methods: Forty samples of approximately 3 × 3 mm size from the coronal portion of 20 extracted human anterior teeth were obtained. The samples were divided into two control groups and three experimental groups.

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Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia clefting syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the triad of ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia and facial clefting of lip or palate or both along with some systemic manifestations. Although each defect that comprises the syndrome has been known to occur as a separate entity, the congregation of all three anomalies in a single individual appears to be an extremely rare occurrence, with incidence being approximately 1.5/100 million population.

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Aim: This study aimed to compare the effect of different flavored kinds of milk on salivary pH value in 6 to 14 years old children.

Materials And Methods: The impact of these different kinds of flavored milk on the salivary pH is evaluated between two groups of children, caries-active group ( = 35) constituted children who had decayed missing filled tooth (DMFT) ≥2, and the caries-free group ( = 35) constituted children who had DMFT = 0. Four different flavors of milk are taken for the study, and plain sweetened milk is chosen as the control baseline.

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Aims And Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is by far the most common sleep-related breathing disorder, affecting 2-4% of the adult population. The present study aims to compare the descriptive morphology of the cervical column in subjects with normal craniofacial morphology with those having condylar hypoplasia with OSA and to evaluate a positive correlation between the cervical columns, the cranial base angle, and the posture of the head and neck in subjects of condylar hypoplasia.

Materials And Methods: The present study comprised of lateral cephalogram of 40 subjects divided into two equal groups-control groups ( = 20) and OSA with condylar hypoplasia ( = 20).

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Introduction: Dentoalveolar trauma is a very common and avulsion is the most frequent injury. Treatment of choice following avulsion is immediate reimplantation. However, in cases where this might not be possible the prognosis of reimplanted teeth can be improved by the selection of an appropriate storage media.

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Introduction: Preservation of primary tooth with non-vital pulp has been a major problem for pediatric dentist. In such cases, the preferred treatment modality is pulpectomy. The objective of pulpectomy is complete removal of necrotic and irreversibly infected pulp of an affected tooth but, in spite of chemomechanical preparation and copious irrigation of canal, there are chances of failure of pulp therapy due to the entrapped micro organisms in the canal space owing to the tortuous and complex nature of the root canal system and change in their morphology with root resorption.

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Background: Dental anxiety is a widespread phenomenon and a concern for paediatric dentistry. The inability of children to deal with threatening dental stimuli often manifests as behaviour management problems. Nowadays, the use of non-aversive behaviour management techniques is more advocated, which are more acceptable to parents, patients and practitioners.

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Background: Fluoridation of drinking water, despite being regarded as one of the top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century, has remained a much debated concept. Various studies on animals and aborted human fetuses have confirmed that excessive fluoride intake during infancy and early childhood, causes a number of irreversible structural and functional changes in the CNS leading to memory, learning and intellectual deficits.

Aim: To compare the IQ levels of school children of two different locations, having different fluoride levels in water, and to establish a relationship between fluoride levels, prevalence of fluorosis and its effect on IQ levels.

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Background: It has been acknowledged that genetics play a significant role in determination of dermatoglyphic patterns. Since caries is a multifactorial disease with the influence of genetic pattern, this study was undertaken to assess dermatoglyphic patterns and correlate them with early childhood caries.

Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the association and correlation of dermatoglyphic patterns with early childhood caries.

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Background: Debonding of brackets commonly occurs during orthodontic treatment. Due to increase in costs replacement of a damaged bracket is not liked by the dentist. This study is done to assess the shear bond strength of recycled brackets using different methods.

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Background: Intelligence is the property of mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, plan, solve the problem, think, comprehend ideas, use languages and to learn. Intellectual level of a person influence the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one's environment. This abstract thinking helps the child to maintain his/her oral hygiene in a better way.

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Dental caries is the single most common chronic childhood disease. In rampant caries, there is early pulp involvement and gross destruction of the maxillary anterior teeth as well as posterior teeth. This leads to decreased masticatory efficiency, difficulty in speech, compromised esthetics, development of abnormal tongue habits and subsequent malocclusion and psychological problems.

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