The mainstream adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices for health and lifestyle tracking has revolutionized health monitoring systems. Sixth-generation (6G) cellular networks enable IoT healthcare services to reduce the pressures on already resource-constrained facilities, leveraging enhanced ultra-reliable low-latency communication (eURLLC) to make sure critical health data are transmitted with minimal delay. Any delay or information loss can result in serious consequences, making spectrum availability a crucial bottleneck.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMalignant glioma is the uncontrollable growth of cells in the spinal cord and brain that look similar to the normal glial cells. The most essential part of the nervous system is glial cells, which support the brain's functioning prominently. However, with the evolution of glioma, tumours form that invade healthy tissues in the brain, leading to neurological impairment, seizures, hormonal dysregulation, and venous thromboembolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction Macular edema causes decreased vision in diseases like diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, retinal vein occlusions and post-cataract surgery cystoid macular edema. Steroids in the depot form of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) increase the duration of action, but due to a number of complications, especially raising intraocular pressure (IOP), anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) injections are now considered the mainstay of treatment. The suprachoroidal space provides an alternate route for steroid delivery, limiting the drug to the posterior segment, hence preventing the adverse effects on the anterior segment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSegmentation process is very popular in Speech recognition, word count, speaker indexing and speaker diarization process. This paper describes the speaker segmentation system which detects the speaker change point in an audio recording of multi speakers with the help of feature extraction and proposed distance metric algorithms. In this new approach, pre-processing of audio stream includes noise reduction, speech compression by using discrete wavelet transform (Daubechies wavelet 'db40' at level 2) and framing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe primary concern is the large amounts of emitted organic dyes through wastewater from numerous sectors. One of the most hazardous dyes commonly used in the industrial sector is methyl violet. It has been known to cause skin, gastric, and respiratory disorders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvery year, about 1.19 million people are killed in traffic accidents; hence, the United Nations has a goal of halving the number of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030. In line with this objective, technological innovations in telecommunication, particularly brought about by the rise of 5G networks, have contributed to the development of modern Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems for communication.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe digital era has expanded social exposure with easy internet access for mobile users, allowing for global communication. Now, people can get to know what is going on around the globe with just a click; however, this has also resulted in the issue of fake news. Fake news is content that pretends to be true but is actually false and is disseminated to defraud.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn clinical research, it is crucial to segment the magnetic resonance (MR) brain image for studying the internal tissues of the brain. To address this challenge in a sustainable manner, a novel approach has been proposed leveraging the power of unsupervised clustering while integrating conditional spatial properties of the image into intuitionistic clustering technique for segmenting MRI images of brain scans. In the proposed technique, an Intuitionistic-based clustering approach incorporates a nuanced understanding of uncertainty inherent in the image data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Biol Macromol
March 2024
Until now, many efficient catalysts have been reported that are used for the reduction of nitroarenes. However, a catalyst reusability is a challenge that is often faced in practical environment. In this report, we designed a hydrogel composite (CMC-LDH), which act as support and making it possible to address this challenge.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) are expected to bring about a revolutionary transformation in vehicular networks, thus paving the way for a future characterized by connected and automated vehicles (CAV). An RIS is a planar structure comprising many passive elements that can dynamically manipulate electromagnetic waves to enhance wireless communication by reflecting, refracting, and focusing signals in a programmable manner. RIS exhibits substantial potential for improving vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication through various means, including coverage enhancement, interference mitigation, improving signal strength, and providing additional layers of privacy and security.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagnetic molecularly imprinted polymers (MMIPs) contain the predesigned specialized recognition capability that can be chosen to build credible functional materials, that are easy to handle and have a good degree of specificity. Hence, the given piece of work is intended to design a novel electrochemical sensor incorporating magnetite-based molecularly imprinted polymers. The building materials consisted of a cross-linker (EGDMA), reaction-initiator (AIBN), monomer (methylene succinic acid-MSA), and template molecule (Sunset Yellow-SY dye).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCatalytic oxidation is considered a highly effective method for the elimination of volatile organic compounds. Oxygen vacancy defect engineering in a catalyst is considered an effective approach for high-performance catalysts. Herein, a series of doped MnCeO catalysts (x = 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Software selection in large-scale software development continues to be ad hoc and ill-structured. Previous proposals for software component selection tend to be technology-specific and/or do not consider business or ecosystem concerns.
Objective: Our main aim is to develop an industrially relevant technology-agnostic method that can support practitioners in making informed decisions when selecting software components for use in tools or in products based on a holistic perspective of the overall environment.
Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) and mobile edge computing (MEC) have recently attracted significant attention in academia and industry. Without consuming any external energy, IRS can extend wireless coverage by smartly reconfiguring the phase shift of a signal towards the receiver with the help of passive elements. On the other hand, MEC has the ability to reduce latency by providing extensive computational facilities to users.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of the present work is for assessing ergonomics-based IoT (Internet of Things) related healthcare issues with the use of a popular multi-criteria decision-making technique named the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a technique that combines alternative performance across numerous contradicting, qualitative, and/or quantitative criteria, resulting in a solution requiring a consensus. The AHP is a flexible strategy for organizing and simplifying complex MCDM concerns by disassembling a compound decision problem into an ordered array of relational decision components (evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and substitutions).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFType-1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a challenging disorder which essentially involves regulation of the glucose levels to avoid hyperglycemia as well as hypoglycemia. For this purpose, this research paper proposes and develops control algorithms using an intelligent predictive control model, which is based on a UVA/Padova metabolic simulator. The primary objective of the designed control laws is to provide an automatic blood glucose control in insulin-dependent patients so as to improve their life quality and to reduce the need of an extremely demanding self-management plan.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Coll Physicians Surg Pak
August 2022
Broad complex tachycardia is a common presentation in the cardiology emergency room but is not always due to ventricular tachycardia, especially in a young patient who has other important medical illnesses and with no underlying cardiac illness. We present a case of a 40-year male who was admitted with complaints of palpitation associated with rapidly progressive weakness of lower limbs progressing to quadriparesis in about 10 hours. His clinical presentation was due to hyperkalemia and weakness due to Addison's disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe healthcare Internet of Things (H-IoT) is an interconnection of devices capable of sensing and transmitting information that conveys the status of an individual's health. The continuous monitoring of an individual's health for disease diagnosis and early detection is an important application of H-IoT. Ambient assisted living (AAL) entails monitoring a patient's health to ensure their well-being.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe existence of heavy metals in ecological systems poses great threats to living organisms due to their toxicant and bio-accumulating properties. Mercury is a known toxicant with notable malignant impacts. It has long been known to cause toxic threats to the health of living organisms since the break out of Minamata disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int
December 2022
The problem of disposing and managing solid waste materials has become one of the major environmental, economic, and social issues. Utilization of solid wastes in the production of building materials not only solves the problem of their disposal but also helps in the conversion of wastes into useful and cost-effective products. In the present study, solid waste materials of organic and inorganic nature were applied in the production of sustainable cementitious composites (CC) and studied the effect of incorporated wastes on physical and mechanical properties of the resultant CC.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEmploying dyes in different industrial sectors has produced a serious threat to the environment and living organisms of water bodies and land. For the decontamination of such toxic dyes, efforts have been made to develop an efficient, feasible, and low maintenance processes. In this context, chitosan-zinc selenide (CS-ZnSe) nanoparticles were prepared through chemical reduction method as the efficient photocatalysts for the decontamination of toxic dyes through photocatalysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdvances in 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) have to cater to the diverse and varying needs of different stakeholders, devices, sensors, applications, networks, and access technologies that come together for a dedicated IoT network for a synergistic purpose. Therefore, there is a need for a solution that can assimilate the various requirements and policies to dynamically and intelligently orchestrate them in the dedicated IoT network. Thus we identify and describe a representative industry-relevant use case for such a smart and adaptive environment through interviews with experts from a leading telecommunication vendor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagnetic Molecularly imprinted polymers (MMIPs) have been recently recognized as an exceptional tool for monitoring and decontamination of environmental and biological samples of diverse nature. Based on the potential applications as sorbents and biomimetic sensors, herein, a core-shell magnetic-molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP) was developed as a selective material for separation and sensing of sunset yellow (SY) dye in an aqueous environment and real samples. The MMIP was synthesized via precipitation polymerization using SY as a template, MAA as a functional monomer (chosen based on simulation studies), EGDMA as a cross-linking agent, and AIBN as an initiator.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCadmium (Cd) is a major environmental contaminant due to its widespread industrial use. Cd contamination of soil and water is rather classical but has emerged as a recent problem. Cd toxicity causes a range of damages to plants ranging from germination to yield suppression.
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