Objective: to analyze the factors associated with gait speed in elderly subjects undergoing physical and mental fitness tests to obtain a driver's license.
Method: a cross-sectional quantitative study conducted in transit agencies. The probabilistic sample included 421 elderly (≥ 60 years old).
Objective: to analyse the link between the non-frailty condition and the results of driving license for elderly people to drive motor vehicles.
Method: cross-sectional study with data collection in the sample period from August 2015 to March 2016. Study performed with 347 elderlies (≥60 years).
Aim: to analyze the association between physical frailty and the results of fitness capacity exams for driving vehicles among elder Brazilians.
Methods: this is a cross sectional study, performed in traffic medicine clinics of the city of Curitiba (Brazil). The data was collected through the physical frailty tests, the use of a structured questionnaire, and searches on the records of the Brazilian National Register of Qualified Drivers.
Objective: to investigate the association between physical frailty and quality of life in elderly users of primary health care in the capital of the state of Paraná.
Method: a cross-sectional, quantitative study with 203 elders. Data collected included: physical activity questionnaires, weight loss, fatigue/exhaustion, quality of life, performance of gait speed tests, and handgrip strength.
Objective: To investigate the association between handgrip strength (HS) and physical activity in physical frailty elderly.
Method: Cross-sectional quantitative study with a sample of 203 elderly calculated based on the population estimated proportion. Tests were applied to detect cognitive impairment and assessment of physical frailty.
Objective: to investigate the association between gait speed and the cognitive score of elderly patients enrolled in a Basic Health Unit.
Method: a quantitative cross-sectional study with 203 elderly, a sample calculated based on the estimated population proportion. Data were collected using a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, gait speed test (GS) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE).
Objective: to investigate pre-frailty and the factors associated with this condition, taking into account the measurements of the older adults' gait speed.
Method: participants were selected by means of inclusion/exclusion criteria and a cognitive tracking test. The sample was calculated based on the estimation of populational proportion and made up of 195 older adults who were using a Primary Health-Care Center in Curitiba in the state of Paraná.