Objectives: to evaluate the biological and technical complication rates of fixed dental prostheses (FDP) with end abutments or cantilever extensions on teeth (FDP-tt/cFDP-tt) on implants (FDP-ii/cFDP-ii) and tooth-implant-supported (FDP-ti/cFDP-ti) in patients treated for chronic periodontitis.
Material And Methods: from a cohort of 392 patients treated between 1978 and 2002 by graduate students, 199 were re-examined in 2005. Of these, 84 patients had received ceramo-metal FDPs (six groups).
Objectives: To assess the biological and technical complication rates of single crowns on vital teeth (SC-V), endodontically treated teeth without post and core (SC-E), with a cast post and core (SC-PC) and on implants (SC-I).
Material And Methods: From 392 patients with chronic periodontitis treated and documented by graduate students during the period from 1978 to 2002, 199 were reexamined during 2005 for this retrospective cohort study, and 64 of these patients were treated with SCs. Statistical analysis included Kaplan-Meier survival functions and event rates per 100 years of object-time.