Objective: Aim: The aim is to study the main factors of youth's Internet dependence formation.
Patients And Methods: Materials and Methods: We conducted psychodiagnostic examination of students in the National Academy of Internal Affairs. The research involved 154 students: full-time students aged 18-25 (n = 78) and part-time students aged 26-35 (n = 76).
Objective: Aim: To investigate the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) based on the CrossFit system on the level of students' functional state and physical development.
Patients And Methods: Materials and Methods: The research involved 36 male students who were engaged in HIIT during their studies. Indicators of students' functional state and physical development after 1 and 3 years of HIIT were studied.
Objective: Aim: To study the peculiarities of the mental health of children with special educational needs after 1.5 years of full-scale war in Ukraine.
Patients And Methods: Materials and Methods: The mental health of children with special educational needs (SEN) as well as the peculiarities of the impact of hostilities on their emotional and volitional sphere was assessed through the anonymous survey of their parents using the questionnaire developed by the authors (25 questions).
Objective: Aim: To investigate cadets' motivational priorities for physical exercises and sports in the process of their training and the dynamics of their health indicators.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The research was conducted at the National Academy of Internal Affairs in 2018-2022. The research of motivational priorities involved 372 male cadets from the 1st to the 4th instructional years aged 17 to 22.
Objective: The aim: To research the morphofunctional status of instructors of higher educational institutions of di"erent age groups in the process of their pedagogical activities.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The research was conducted in the period from 2019 to 2021. The research involved 126 instructor offcers (men) of different age groups: under 30 years of age - 21 people, 31-35 years of age - 27 people, 36-40 years of age - 32 people, 41-45 years of age - 27 people, over 45 years of age - 19 people.
Objective: The aim: To check the e!ectiveness of the methodology for the formation of students' health culture in the process of their physical education and health recreation activities.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The following methods were used to achieve the aim: analysis, synthesis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. 368 students took part in the ascertaining experiment, 93 students were involved in the formative experiment (52 - experimental group, 41 - control group).