BMC Womens Health
April 2023
Background: The prevalence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the general population is widely known, however, there are still few studies related to this infection in minority groups, Thus, the objective is to analyze the frequency of human papillomavirus and associated factors in quilombola and gypsy women.
Methods: Cross-sectional research with 145 quilombola and gypsy women from Caxias, Maranhão. Two Pap smear collections were performed and a questionnaire with 46 questions was applied between January, 2020 and March, 2021.
Epidemiol Serv Saude
June 2020
Objective: to describe the evolution of indicators and capacity for health care in the initial phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Northeast region of Brazil.
Methods: this was a descriptive study based on COVID-19 case epidemiological bulletins released by the Ministry of Health up until April 1st, 2020. The incidence rate, lethality and number of cumulative daily cases were calculated.