According to examination, with the help of emission spectrum analysis method, of 24 cadets-athletes of different specialization it was determined that during physical exercise in summer and in winter loss of ferrum and copper with excrements exceeded the intake if these microelements with food. The next day rise of impaction of microelements and decrease of excretion. But despite the positive balance of ferrum and copper, spend of these microelements during physical exercise wasn't compensated for the day of rest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To comparatively evaluate the efficiency of preventive treatment with various iron preparations on copper, manganese, and iron metabolic features in adult athletes.
Subjects And Methods: Forty adult highly qualified sambo wrestlers were examined and divided into 4 groups of 10 persons in each. Group 1 athletes took iron-containing Sorbifer Durules in combination with ascorbic acid; Group 2 received Ferro Gradumet Vitamin C; Group 3 had Hemofer and ascorbic acid; Group 4 took ascorbic acid tablets.
Senior pupils (boys) and students (boys and girls) who go in for sports (skies), were tested to define the copper content on plasma and erythrocytes blood. At was determined, that the content of copper in blood depends mostly on season, but not on physical activity. The maximum content was detected in autumn and spring and minimal--winter and summer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExamination of trained (43 skiers) and untrained senior schoolchildren (31 senior schoolchildren), low-order students-skiers (n = 110) and untrained (n = 17) students, high-order students-skiers (n = 39) and students not going in for sports (n = 60) established that in schoolchildren and students of both groups, the content of manganese in the blood plasma and corpuscles in the trained and untrained schoolchildren and students largely depended on the pattern of muscle activity rather than a season. In young skiers and high-order athletes, the level of manganese in both blood fractions was much higher almost at all stages of a follow-up, especially in the periods of increased training and race loads than that in the untrained persons of their age. In all the groups of senior schoolchildren and students, the dietary intake of manganese was season-independent and less than the recommended values, in schoolchildren in particular.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExamination of trained (43 skiers) and untrained senior schoolchildren (31 young males); low-order students-skiers (110 girls) and untrained students (17 girls); high-order students-skiers (n=39) and students not going in for sports (n=60) established that in school children and female students of both groups, the cellular and humoral immunogical changes were mainly seasonal: in spring versus autumn, a considerable reduction in the concentration of immunoglobulins (Ig) G, M, and A and circulating immune complexes (CIC) was attended by a significant B-immunity system increase. In the high-order skiers, the time course of changes in immunological responsiveness depended on both a season and a muscle activity regime. In autumn with the start of intensive training loads, the vast majority of immune defense parameters (9/12) were significantly higher in the trained skiers than in the untrained.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe studies of 39 high-grade unarmed self-defense sportsmen established that enrichment of diets with a complex of vitamins and trace elements in combination with adaptogens in the summer period of training was followed by an increase in the concentration of iron in the plasma and blood corpuscles and in the count of red blood cells, the supply of vitamin C, and the level of efficiency. With a significantly improved iron metabolism, the parameters of immunological responsiveness substantially increased. At the same time the greatest increase in the proportion of performance and natural, cellular, and humoral immunity was observed in the sportsmen taking micronutrients with eleutherococcus, and ginseng in particular, as compared with those using a vitamin-micronutrient complex with dibasol.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExaminations of 29 female students of a study medical group have ascertained that daily addition of vitamins (ascorutin, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, and folic acid) to a diet resulted in a slight enhancement in trace element metabolism and hence in an increase in the intestinal and renal excretion of iron, copper, and manganese. Two-week dietary supplement of vitamins in combination with trace elements (iron, copper, and manganese) caused a considerable retention of iron and manganese concurrently with a higher excretion of copper from the body. At the same time, the higher rate of hemopoiesis and the elevated plasma levels of iron and formed blood elements, and the rise in non-specific responsiveness and physical fitness were more noticeable as compared to their normal values.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuestionnaire survey of 127 female medical students from a study group indicated that the dietary levels of proteins, particularly animal ones, as well as fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (C, B1, B2, and B6), and trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and manganese) was much lower in spring than in autumn and they did not correspond to the recommended physiological requirements for these nutrients. Examining the immunological responsiveness in the female students revealed seasonal variations of some cellular and humoral immunological parameters. The reduction in the level of T lymphocytes of serum immunoglobulins (mainly immunoglobulins G) and in the number of circulating immune complexes in spring as compared with autumn was associated with the significant increase of the relative and absolute counts of B lymphocytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe studies of 39 highly skilled sambo wrestlers and 60 medical students from a study group ascertained that the dietary levels of iron in the students going in for sports was close to the physiological requirements in winter; it was twice less than the normal values. The daily balance of iron was negative. The trend of blood iron levels was pronouncedly seasonal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe content of iron in foods consumed by schoolchildren in winter was found to be much lower than the recommended one. In summer dietary iron consumption proved to be twice less than that in winter and 3 times less than the physiological allowance for this age. The indices of cellular and humoral immunity during a school year changed in diametrically opposite direction: increases in the count of T and B lymphocytes in winter and, especially, spring months were attended by a concurrent and significant reduction in the content of immunoglobulins G, M, and A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExamining 17 untrained female students and 110 trained ones indicated that moderate exercises as aerobic ones did not exert a great impact on most parameters of cellular and humoral immunity. Exclusions were higher absolute counts of B lymphocytes in the trained students than those in the untrained ones at the end of an academic year (in spring). Despite their activity, all the female students were found to have seasonal variations in some immunological parameters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExaminations of 22 young unarmed self-defence sportsmen and 18 untrained schoolchildren indicated that the indices of nonspecific immunity defence--serum complement and lysozyme--depended on a season rather than on a motor activity regimen. Changes in the concentrations of hemoglobin and plasma iron were also obviously seasonal. These indices were the least in spring and winter as compared to autumn and winter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn investigating of 60 healthy female students with use of a questionnaire method, it was found out what amount of basic nutrients, such as: proteins (especially those of animal origin), animal fats, hydrocarbons, vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6) mineral elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus) in students nourishment was lower in the spring than in the fall. Both in the spring and in the fall this amount was not appropriate for recommended physiological nourishment standards. On investigating of immunological reactivity of these students season's fluctuations for some indexes of cellular and humoral immunity were found.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn the day of 30-km cross-country running, the content of iron, copper, and manganese in the diets of highly skilled adult athletes was found to be in the lower normal physiological range for those who do not go in for sports. During intensive exercise the intestinal and renal excretion of these substances was much greater than their dietary intake. The balance of all three substances was negative.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn the basis of the analysis of the literature data and results of own examinations the following conclusion is made: even practically healthy people can have deficiency of trace elements, and the change of trace elements proportion in a ration can influence essentially homeostasis of trace elements with subsequent damage to body functions. The basic cause of deficiency of trace elements in the body is unbalanced relation of various food components intensifying or inhibiting assimilation of trace elements, inadequate consumption of trace elements and their losses during vital activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe balance studies among the high-qualified adult sportsmen during the winter period of practices had shown that of the day of a 30-km cross the contents of iron, copper and manganese in the food ration fell to the lowest level of the physiological standard of people not going into sports due to sufficient physical load the process of microcomponents' secretion through bowels and kidneys was outstripping their replenishment from food. The balance of all three microcomponents was negative. During the following three days after the cross due to disbalanced food ration caused by the content of microcomponents the losses of iron and copper were not compensated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvestigation has indicated that the main cause of blood iron deficiency is insufficient dietary intake of iron, vitamins, and proteins. The comprehensive examination of all iron metabolism-associated indices may identify iron deficiency, hematological parameteres being much more preferred. Iron drugs in combination with other trace elements, vitamins, and amino acids should be prescribed in this abnormality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMeasurements of minerals and vitamins in forge workers throughout the year revealed that in autumn and winter blood levels of iron, hemoglobin, the activity of peroxidase and ceruloplasmin, dietary levels of iron, copper and manganese were higher than in spring and summer. Iron and copper metabolism was closely related to total protein in the serum and vitamin provision. Muscular performance of the forge workers was found reduced in spring and summer and was correlated with iron and copper metabolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe intake of vitamins C, P or vitamin complex (ascorutine, thiamine, riboflavine, pyridoxine, cyan cobalamin, folic acid) influenced direct and indirect indexes of iron, copper, and manganese metabolism increasing excretion of these biotics through intestinal tract and kidneys of sportsmen skiers. Addition of vitamin complex with trace elements and macroelements to the ration improved iron and copper balance in the body and functional status of athletes better than vitamins alone.
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