Background: Endoscopic enucleation of the prostate (EEP) has gained acceptance as an equitable alternative to transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Our primary aim is to compare peri-operative outcomes of EEP using thulium fiber laser (TFL) against high-power holmium laser (HPHL) in hands of experienced surgeons for large prostates (≥80 ml in volume). Secondary outcomes were assess complications within 1 year of follow up.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To evaluate complications and urinary incontinence (UI) after endoscopic enucleation of the prostate (EEP) stratified by prostate volume (PV).
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia who underwent EEP with different energy sources in 14 centers (January 2019-January 2023).
Inclusion Criteria: prostate volume ≥ 80 ml.
Aim: To analyze long-term own experience of NPE treatment in view of evolution of surgical sanitation of pleural cavity.
Material And Methods: The analysis included 5115 patients with NPE for the last 39 years (1977-2015). Morbidity, features of microflora of purulent exudate, changes in the structure of surgical methods were assessed.
Aim: To improve treatment of patients with cicatricial tracheal stenosis using different methods of recanalization and circular resection.
Material And Methods: Analysis involved 57 patients with cicatricial tracheal stenosis including 2 post-traumatic cases, 27 post-intubation cases, 25 cases after tracheostomy and 3 restenoses after previous circular resection. There were 5 cases of tracheal stenosis combined with tracheoesophageal fistula, 1 patient with chest nodular goiter, 8 cases of unclosed tracheostomy and 3 patients with long-existing laryngotracheal fissure.
In staghorn and multiple nephrolithiasis, method of choice for removing kidney stones is percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL). However, it may be accompanied by the leaving off of stones or fragments in pyelocaliceal system. The study was aimed to the evaluation of possibilities of the standard PCNL in terms of complete removal of staghorn and multiple kidney stones.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransdermal drug delivery systems are topically administered medicaments in the form of patches that deliver drugs for systemic effects at a predetermined and controlled rate. It works very simply in which drug is applied inside the patch and it is worn on skin for long period of time. Polymer matrix, drug, permeation enhancers are the main components of transdermal drug delivery systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTurk J Urol
September 2013
Objective: Adaptation of the Clavien-Dindo classification for assessing the severity of complications following the endoscopic treatment of nephrolithiasis and evaluation of its versatility and objectivity.
Material And Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 1027 patients who presented stones located in upper urinary tract (597 males, 58.1% and 430 females, 41.
Retrospective analysis of 1027 percutaneous radioendoscopic surgeries for upper urinary tract stones was performed. Postoperative acute pyelonephritis was the most common complication (11.2%), the frequency of which was significantly dependent on the presence of source of infection in the urinary tract, and the frequency of intra- and postoperative complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKhirurgiia (Mosk)
December 2010
The diagnostic scale of acute appendicitis was combined using literature review and retrospective analysis of patients' data. Clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and ultrasound investigation were comprehensively analyzed. Thus, all patients could be divided in three groups: 1st group (1-3 points according to the used scale) had low possibility of the acute appendicitis; 2nd group (4-7 points) united patients, requiring further diagnostic challenges and dynamic follow-up; 3rd group (8 points and more) had patients, who should have been operated on.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrasonic Doppler measurement of the blood flow in the portal vein and hepatic artery was conducted to evaluate the function and functional reserve of the liver in 146 patients with various forms of cholangitis combined with biliary cirrhosis and hepatic insufficiency. The functional reserve of the liver was judged by comparison of the basic blood flow on a fasting stomach with the blood flow after a functional histamine load. Five types of responses of the portal vein blood flow to the functional load according to the degree of disturbed hepatic function were revealed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe blood flow in the portal vein and hepatic artery was studied by means of ultrasonic Doppler flow measurement to investigate organic and regional hemodynamics of the liver in purulent cholangitis. The blood flow in the portal vein was found to be significantly diminished in patients with acute cholangitis and hepatic failure. Hepatic microcirculation was studied on a experimental model of obstructive jaundice and obstructive purulent cholangitis in rats by polarographic measurement of hydrogen clearance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPercutaneous punctures and drainage of pancreatic cysts under USE control were conducted in 12 patients. It was found that the method is relatively simple, less injurious, and makes it possible in infected cysts to perform rapid cleansing and drainage of the purulent cavity without the hazard of the development of complications and to achieve in some cases complete sclerosis of the cystic cavity if it is not connected with the ductal system.
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