Background: Recruiting participants for clinical trials poses challenges. Major barriers to participation include psychological factors (eg, fear and mistrust) and logistical constraints (eg, transportation, cost, and scheduling). The strategic design of clinical trial messaging can help overcome these barriers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study experiments with TikTok videos to promote clinical trial participation. More specifically, it examines how short-form video sources (doctors vs. prior volunteers for clinical trials) influence perceived source credibility, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention to participate in clinical trials.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The importance of vaccination in combating the COVID-19 pandemic is widely acknowledged. The aim of this study was (1) to understand how one's vaccine conspiracy beliefs would influence their public health news processing, (2) to examine how specific public health news features (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGuided by the elaboration likelihood model and framing theory, this study explores the potential of short-form video platforms (e.g. TikTok), for targeted clinical trial recruitment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined whether framing, exemplar presence and exemplar race in social media news posts influence rural White men's perceptions, attitudes and behavioral intentions toward clinical trial participation, and if so, how individual trust in doctors moderates the effects of these three factors. An experiment with a 2 within (framing: cognitive versus psychological barriers) × 2 within (exemplar: present versus absent) × 2 between (exemplar race: White versus Black) subjects mixed factorial design was conducted among rural White men (N = 208). Twelve social media news posts about clinical trial participation were created for the experiment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examines how news features (framing and the use of exemplars) can help overcome two common barriers (psychological and cognitive) impeding Black American participation in clinical trials. In an online experiment, Black participants ( = 390) viewed social media news posts varying in framing (focus on psychological vs. cognitive barriers) and use of an exemplar (present vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe current study was designed to examine effective message strategies that can be employed in designing mediated communication messages to improve clinical trial research participation. In the study, a total of 300 participants completed an online experiment in which they responded to five different clinical trial recruitment advertisements whose information sources varied in their credentials and race. Overall, peer-featured ads in which previous clinical trial participants communicated their prior experience in clinical trial participation, compared to expert-featured ads in which medical doctors communicated information about clinical trials, led to higher message and topic relevance, higher message credibility, more favorable attitudes toward clinical trials, and higher intentions to participate in future clinical trials.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWithin the theoretical frameworks of the dual coding theory, this study examined how the implementation of infographics would influence audiences' cognitive responses to science news reporting topics of genetically modified food and bioengineering. A total of 280 participants were randomly assigned to view news articles that report genetically modified food information presented via infographics or text. Findings showed that the participants recalled more information, elaborated more message-relevant thoughts, and had more favorable attitude changes toward the genetically modified foods when science news content is presented in infographics compared with text.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Vis Commun Med
July 2020
This study examined mental health-related content on a popular visual-based social media platform, Instagram. A content analysis was completed by using the search term '#mentalhealth' on public Instagram posts ( = 758). Our data showed that wellness practices related to mental health (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMedia play an important role in communicating scientific and health-related information, in turn, influencing audience risk perception. This study examined how genetically modified (GM) food news' presentation - text-only, addition of photographs, or addition of infographics - can affect risk perception and attitude towards GM foods. Further, individuals' healthy eating involvement and perceived threat to GM foods were considered as individual difference variables influencing the level of perceived relevance to the GM food news.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the topic of from a cross-disciplinary viewpoint. To stimulate further research, we suggest three types of arrogance (individual, comparative, and antagonistic) and six components contributing to them, each logically related to the next. The components progress from imperfect knowledge and abilities to an unrealistic assessment of them, an unwarranted attitude of superiority over other people, and related derisive behavior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne of the significant issues in a smart city is maintaining a healthy environment. To improve the environment, huge amounts of data are gathered, manipulated, analyzed, and utilized, and these data might include noise, uncertainty, or unexpected mistreatment of the data. In some datasets, the class imbalance problem skews the learning performance of the classification algorithms.
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