Publications by authors named "Nam Ji Kwon"

Propofol abuse has been reported worldwide, suggesting the need to establish analytical methods for human biological samples to investigate the abuse of propofol. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between dose and hair concentration using a simple and rapid analytical method developed and validated in this study. In the sample preparation, hair samples were washed with distilled water and methanol and extracted in methanol during 16h at room temperature.

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Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) is considered a serious issue related to the abuse of illegal drugs. DUID cases, including deaths, are being continuously reported in Asia, USA, and Europe. This literature review focuses on illegal drug abuse in recent DUID cases reported in Asia, USA, and Europe.

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To ensure public safety against veterinary drug residues in food products from animal sources, maximum residue limits (MRLs) should be established by scientific evidence and a transparent estimation process. The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) developed an Excel workbook-based tool for MRLs evaluation in 2003. In this study, we developed a web-based tool for MRL evaluation, called Korean MRL evaluation tools (KMET).

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Abuse of new psychoactive substances (NPSs) among youths is increasing at an unprecedented rate all over the world. In Asia, abuse of synthetic cannabinoids (SCs), kratom, and poppers has been reported, but up to date information related to abuse of these three NPSs is lacking. This literature review focuses on the recent abuse of these three NPS among Asian youth.

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Risk assessment has been used to prevent health problems associated with eating habits in response to increased interest in a balanced diet. For nutritional risk assessment (NRA), it is important to 1) consider personal nutrition status based on year-round dietary intake, 2) organize core datasets such as food composition, intake, and health based guidance value (HBGV) datasets with public confidence, and 3) assess and predict the effects by using the computerized NRA tool. Our research staff constructed an integrated database system by compiling and organizing core datasets produced sporadically by different organizations and with different formats and developed a nutritional exposure and risk assessment system called Nutri-Risk (NUTRItional RISK assessment platform), which contained the database.

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Methamphetamine (MA) abuse continues in East Asia and shows an increasing trend among youths in South Korea, Japan, and China. Although the negative effects of MA abuse on youth are considered as significant problems, few studies have been conducted on the topic in these countries. This paper focuses on the effects of MA on the human body and current MA abuse among youths in South Korea, Japan, and China.

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In Asian countries, such as China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, ketamine (KT) is one of the most prevalent illicit use drugs. KT is regulated by various drug-related laws in many countries, such as Korea, Taiwan, China, U.S.

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