Publications by authors named "Nagornyĭ S"

The paper presents the results of clinical, epidemiological, and epizootological analyses of local cases of human dirofilariasis in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which suggest that natural and climatic changes, namely the abnormally hot summer in 2010-2011 and increasing migratory processes among human beings and animals, open up possibilities for forming foci ofdirofilariasis outside habitats of Dirofilaria repens.

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In the Rostov Region, there have been stable foci of dirofilariasis for a long time (since the 1990s). Two helminth species (Dirofilaria repens, D. immitis) parasitize in definitive hosts.

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This paper assesses the trends in the identification of different Dirofilaria species in the Rostov Region and comparatively analyzes the general clinical and biochemical blood indices in dogs with and Without helminthism. Seasonal variations in the invasion and species composition of the parasite have been established. At present, there is a gradual replacement of the species Dirofilaria repens by Dirofilaria immitis in this area.

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The paper presents the results of complex sanitary-and-epidemiological, toxicological-and-hygienic, and medical diagnostic studies of health and the environment, by taking into account the activity of a toxic industrial waste ground. Toxic waste burning on primitive unfiltered apparatuses was shown to lead to the formation of a biogeochemical province that is characterized by pollution of soil, bottom sediment, subsoil well water and snow with heavy metals, the components of toxic waste. Burning of waste and its storage in the open trenches resulted in ambient air pollution with organic solvents, nitric oxide and sulfur oxide had a negative impact on the health of children living at a distance of 3 km from the ground.

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The present paper presents the epidemiological and clinicoimmunological aspects of the outburst of trichinosis in the Krymsky District of the Krasnodar Territory in January 2001. Six hundred and forty-eight persons ate infested wild boar meat, 119 (74.8%) fell ill with moderate and severe trichinosis.

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The southern region is marked by a high incidence of parasitic diseases and a significant contamination of environmental objects with the eggs and cysts of their pathogens. Background examinations revealed the greatest soil contamination with helminthic eggs in the Temryuksky District of the Krasnodar Territory and in the towns of Vladikavkaz and Digora of the Republic of North Ossetia (Alania). The least contamination was found in Rostov-on-Don and the towns of the south-western area of the Krasnodar Territory.

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The present paper presents the biological, epidemiological, clinical, and immunological characteristics of trichinosis in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, which is based on the results of long-term studies and follow-ups and on the 1971-2002 report data from medical and veterinary services and hunt inspectorate agencies. It has established that a total of 675 clinical cases of trichinosis were recorded in Ossetia-Alania in the period under study. The incidence rate of the disease ranged from 0.

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The article deals with peculiarities in diagnosis of diseases caused by environmental hazards. The diagnosis covers population level and includes evaluation of environmental quality. Analysis of health for whole population and for risk groups enables to reveal "indicator" diseases.

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The authors analyze a problem associated with necessity to single ecologically induced disorders out of general mass of diseases. Diagnosis of ecologically induced disorders necessitates use of ecologic and hygienic monitoring systems designed by the authors, examination combined with observation of environmental changes and health state in population, group and organism.

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Lipetsk town area was ranked according to maximal or minimal actual risk for public health (with consideration of medical and ecologic situation if influenced by technogenic hazards. That ranking enables to suggest municipal measures aimed at protection of population of ecologic hazards.

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The study of water soluble proteins of Trichinella spiralis has discovered for the first time some protein fractions having neiraminedase, haemagglutinative and cytotoxic activities. The presence of hyaluronidase was confirmed and its activity both for water soluble and cuticle proteins of the trichinella was examined. The haemagglutinin and cytotoxin of the trichinella have an antigen specificity.

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The paper reports a case of Dirofilaria repens subcutaneous parasitism with the larva migrans phenomenon in the North Causasus area where epidemiological prerequisites are available for spread of dirofilariasis. The clinical picture, surgical intervention, and the diagnosis of the infection are presented. The parasite is defined by the authors as Dirofilaria repens.

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In four enzymes among eight ones examined the differences were revealed in the intensity of staining of certain zones (G-6-P, ES) as well as in electrophoretic mobility of some loci (PGD, RGM) between the capsule forms of trichinellae and Trichinella pseudospiralis. As a result, the validity of isolation of T. pseudospiralis Garkavi, 1972 is confirmed.

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Two epidemiologically unrelated outbreaks of trichinellosis were registered in Rostov Province in the November and December of 1984 with 16 patients in the Salsk District and 20 patients in Rostov-on-Don. The course of the disease was characterized by 6-20% of severe and 31-45% moderate forms, respectively. The source of the infection was pork that had not been controlled for Trichinella spiralis.

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It has been shown that the resistance of muscular larvae of Trichinella spiralis to the effect of low temperatures depends on the conditions of freezing and composition of media possessing cryoprotective properties. It has been established that under optimal conditions (medium of microenvironment, conditions of freezing) during the storage in liquid nitrogen muscular larvae of T. spiralis preserve 50 to 60% of their resistance by the character of mobility and 11 to 15% by their capacity for reproduction.

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Reproductive activity of mature Trichinella spiralis was studied during its cultivation in three nutrient media. Most active hatching of Trichinella larvae was observed in Erl's saline, less active in Eagle's medium and in the lactalbumin hydrolyzate medium. In Erl's medium the hatching of larvae accounted for 80% of their total mass for the first four hours of the experiment and the absolute number of larvae was 2.

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