Publications by authors named "NICULESCU M"

This research aims to identify the prevalence of failure for Birmingham Hip Prosthesis (BHR) in total hip arthroplasty and to analyze its reasons from biomaterials and biofunctional perspectives. We present our current analysis and tests on a series of different BHR-retrieved prostheses after premature failure. Relevant clinical data, such as X-ray investigations and intraoperative images for clinical case studies, were analyzed to better understand all factors involved in BHR prosthesis failure.

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: The goal of this study was to assess the impact of supplementation with a combination of nutrients on metabolic-dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD)-related liver parameters, and other parameters related to metabolic syndrome in adults with obesity. These measurements included anthropometric and lipid profiling, and FibroScan technology (controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) and transient elastography (TE) values). A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot clinical trial was conducted over a three-month treatment period.

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The Gamma Nail represents one of the most popular and efficient implants for treating proximal femoral fractures. Our paper reports a case of a failed Gamma Nail which was used for the surgical treatment of a 69-year-old woman with a right femoral trochanteric fracture due to a car accident. After the surgical intervention, 6 months later, the patient presented to the hospital reporting pain and limited mobility of the right hip.

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The change in policy that allowed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients to redeem their benefits online during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic highlighted the potential role of nutrition education programs in facilitating the purchase of healthy, economical food online. The objective of this exploratory qualitative study was to understand the education provided by nutrition educators on online grocery shopping and educators' perspectives on education needs and ways that healthy purchases can be encouraged online. Interviews revealed topics that can be included in in-person education on online shopping, insights for online nutrition education, and promotion strategies for encouraging healthy purchases by low-income shoppers online.

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Background: Biological invasions pose an increasing risk to nature, social security and the economy, being ranked amongst the top five threats to biodiversity. Managing alien and invasive species is a priority for the European Union, as outlined in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Alien plant species are acknowledged to impact the economy and biodiversity; thus, analysing the distribution of such species provides valuable inputs for the management and decision-making processes.

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This study presents the first set of data on the removal of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine H2 receptor antagonists (HRAs) and their transformation products in two Romanian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), as well as the impact of these organic pollutants on freshwater receiving effluents. The research investigated eight target pharmaceuticals and three metabolites using a newly developed and validated Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. The combined determination had a range of quantification limits varying from 0.

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Azole compounds are utilized to combat fungal infections in plants to protect them and also used for treating mycosis in humans. The LC-MS/MS method is a technique that combines liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry for analysis of twelve azole compounds from wastewater (influent, effluent) and sewage sludge. The compounds were isolated from waste water using automatic extraction in the solid phase.

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This study aimed to evaluate the biostimulant effects of three protein-based gels, GHC 1-B (20% gelatin (GPU-B) obtained by thermal hydrolysis from residual untanned leather and 80% collagen hydrolysates (HCE-B) obtained by alkaline-enzymatic hydrolysis from residual bovine-tanned leather), GHC 2-B (40% keratin hydrolysate (HKU-B) obtained by alkaline-enzymatic hydrolysis from sheep wool + 40% HCE-B + 20% GPU-B), and GHC 3-B (20% GPU-B + 80% hydrolyzed collagen (HPU-B) obtained by thermal and enzymatic hydrolysis from residual untanned leather). A germination study was carried out on pepper and tomato seeds at concentrations of 1%, 3%, and 10%. As a result of the study, it was found that all three protein-based gels showed a stimulatory effect on the tomato seeds at a 1% concentration, where the Gi (germination index) was ˂100%.

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This study aims to establish the effect of biostimulatory protein gels on the quality of tomato. One of the most consumed vegetables, tomato ( Mill.) is a rich source of healthy constituents.

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Organophosphate ester flame retardants (OPFRs) are ubiquitous organic pollutants in the environment and present an important preoccupation due to their potential toxicity to humans and biota. They can be found in various sources, including consumer products, building materials, transportation industry, electronic devices, textiles and clothing, and recycling and waste management. This paper presents the first survey of its kind in Romania, investigating the composition, distribution, possible sources, and environmental risks of OPFRs in five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and the rivers receiving their effluents.

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Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a poorly studied phenotype of alcohol use disorder. Understanding the relationship between allelic interactions and AWS-related impulsivity and aggression could have significant implications. This study aimed to investigate the main and interacting effects of ZNF804A and mTOR on impulsivity and aggression during alcohol withdrawal.

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Background: Previous studies suggest that alcohol dependence is associated with increased risk of depression. The occurrence of depressive symptoms is related to polymorphisms in various genetic regions. This study aimed to investigate the interaction of RETN gene polymorphisms (rs1477341, rs3745368) with alcohol dependence on depressive symptoms in adult male during acute alcohol withdrawal.

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In the field of orthopedics, competitive progress is growing faster because new technologies used to facilitate the work of physicians are continuously developing. Based on the issues generated in the pandemic era in this field, a research study was developed to identify the intention of orthopedic doctors to integrate new medical technologies. The survey was based on a questionnaire that was used for data collection.

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Objective: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) can seriously impair an individual's physical and mental health. However, unlike the majority of those suffering from substance addiction, individuals with IGD may recover without any professional intervention. Understanding the brain mechanisms of natural recovery from IGD may provide new insight into how to prevent addiction and implement more targeted interventions.

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Leather and wool waste represent a high concern due to the low level of valorization and circular economy demands for upcycling of biomass resources. Both biomasses can be easily processed as protein hydrolysates and used as functional additives due to the amphiphilic and tunable properties of collagen and keratin proteins. The chemical, physical, and structural investigations of collagen and keratin hydrolysate properties showed that the chelating abilities due to carboxylic groups can be exploited for gypsum retardant additives.

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Knee osteoarthritis is treated based on total knee arthroplasty (TKA) interventions. The most frequent failure cause identified in surgical practice is due to wear and oxidation processes of the prothesis' tibial insert. This component is usually manufactured from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE).

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Objective: Produce sold as plastic-wrapped packs of two to four individual items (i.e., produce micro-packs) that are low cost and placed at checkout may appeal to shoppers with budget constraints and provide a second chance to purchase items available elsewhere in the store.

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Osteochondral lesions (OCLs) that are frequently encountered in skeletally immature and adult patients are more common than once thought, and their incidence rate is rising. These lesions can appear in many synovial joints of the body, such as the shoulder, elbow, hip, and ankle, occurring most often in the knee. The term osteochondral lesion includes a vast spectrum of pathologies such as osteochondritis dissecans, osteochondral defects, osteochondral fractures, and osteonecrosis of the subchondral bone.

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Background: The specific mechanism of action of each anesthetic drug on the immune system is still incompletely known. It is important to know how the various anesthetics used in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) act on the inflammatory response because the choice of the anesthetic agent can influence the patient's immune system.

Aim: Evaluation of the effect of anesthetic drugs used for total intravenous anesthesia (Propofol and Midazolam) on the inflammatory response after minimally invasive gynecological surgery.

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Objective: Alcohol dependence can increase the level of anxiety. A growing body of research has identified a link between anxiety symptoms of problem drinkers and their genetic or environment factors, respectively. However, to date few studies have directly examined gene-environment (G × E) interaction on their anxiety symptoms during the acute alcohol withdrawal.

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Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is the most common substance use disorder, which may relate to increased impulsivity. A more detailed understanding of the potential moderating factor on association between AUD and impulsivity is likely to have far-reaching effects. This study aims to examine whether the interaction between a genetic variant ZNF804A rs1344706 and alcohol use is related to impulsivity in Chinese Han adult males diagnosed with AUD.

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Rationale: We define behavioral sensitization as an augmented response to subsequent dosing after chronic intermittent administration of a drug. However, the biphasic effects of ethanol (EtOH), first stimulatory followed by depressive, make animal models of behavioral sensitization rare.

Objectives: This study aimed to determine a dose of EtOH that did not depress wheel-running (WR) in CD1 mice and then to develop a model of EtOH-induced behavioral sensitization.

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Telomeres, the protective caps of chromosomes, shorten with age, as telomerase, the enzyme responsible for the compensation of telomere erosion, is inactive in the majority of cells. Telomere shortening and subsequent cell senescence lead to tissue aging and age‑related diseases. Neurodegenerative disorders, characterized by the progressive loss of neurons among other hallmarks of aged tissue, and poor cognitive function, have been associated with a short telomere length.

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The aim of this paper was to select keratin hydrolysate with bioactive properties by using the enzymatic hydrolysis of wool. Different proteolytic enzymes such as Protamex, Esperase, and Valkerase were used to break keratin molecules in light of bioactive additive preparation. The enzymatic keratin hydrolysates were assessed in terms of the physico-chemical characteristics related to the content of dry substance, total nitrogen, keratin, ash, cysteic sulphur, and cysteine.

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